What are the Dangers of Over treating?

Houston Chiropractor Comments: Treatment of illnesses and injuries is like Goldilocks and the 3 bears, it can be too much, too little or just right. As doctors we try and get people well and alleviate their symptoms with the correct treatment. Thru the years we learn what generally works and what doesn’t. If patients are not responding the way that we think they should we try a different therapy or modify their home care instructions.

Chiropractic TreatmentsAs someone who has been a doctor of chiropractic for 30 years, I have seen different types of therapy, exercises and spinal adjustments be recommended thru the various schools and post graduate education courses. Starting in the early 1990’s with the Mercy Guideline’s, chiropractors have used a variety of different guidelines to help come up with an appropriate treatment plan. Some of these guidelines were good, such as the Official Disability Guidelines (ODG) and some were not as good, such as the Council on Chiropractic Practice’s Clinical Practice Guidelines (CPG). The good guidelines review all of the available research and help us understand when to use different therapies appropriately. This helps to prevent using a therapy because it is convenient, but not appropriate. When I began my practice 30 years ago, it was common to tell patients to take a week off of work and use bed rest. Now this is discouraged. Patients in the past had passive therapies done to them such as ice/heat or electrical stimulation for 8 or more weeks. Now we know that after about 2 weeks the benefits from those therapies are limited and that the patient should begin active therapies such as exercises and stretches. Cases of bulging discs of the cervical or lumbar spine that would take 3-4 months when I first began practicing now consistently resolve in 2 months or less.

Doctor’s should try and get patients well as quickly as possible and then give them the correct tools (stretching and exercises) to stay well. When patients are over treated or treated with inappropriate therapies they run the risk of becoming injured, disabled or developing a dependence on their physician. Patients do not need to depend on a doctor to stay well. A good doctor who is treating the patient with the appropriate care or therapy wants to get the patient well and then give them the correct home care instructions so that they don’t need care forever.

Dr. Ward Beecher practices at Beecher Chiropractic Clinic at 1001 Pineloch, Ste 700 Houston, TX 77062. You can schedule an appointment at www.BeecherChiropractic.com or by calling (281) 286-1300. If you have any questions regarding this blog, please comment below!  

Benefits of a 2nd Opinion

Clear Lake Chiropractor Comments: As a practicing chiropractor for almost 30 years, I have learned a lot about treating patients. I have also learned that I don’t know everything. No doctor does. That is why we continue to read. We continue going to continuing education seminars. We continue to talk to our peers.

When I first started seeing patients while I was in chiropractic school I always asked the staff doctors how they knew the correct diagnosis or why a treatment worked differently on various patients. After I graduated I was blessed to work in a great practice where I could see patients with a variety of complaints that required different treatments. The doctors were able to see things with the patients that I couldn’t. When I started my own chiropractic practice I was able to discuss cases with other doctors or refer the patient for a test or examination to get a different perspective on how to get the patient well.

Now that I am one of the “older” doctors in the area, I get asked the questions. I get to have students come to the office to watch and learn. I get medical and chiropractic doctors sending patients to our office to see if I can figure out a different treatment protocol. I get to do independent medical examinations to determine what treatment is needed or what the impairment is. I get asked to review files to determine what the appropriate care is. I get to give back and help educate the next generation of doctors.

It is always beneficial to get a 2nd opinion when a patient isn’t responding as quickly as they should based on prior case experience. Having a “second set of eyes” examine the patient or review the file helps make sure that nothing is missed or overlooked. It is imperative that doctors realize that they don’t know everything and that we do miss and overlook things. If a patient is not responding in the appropriate time frame, get a 2nd opinion from another doctor. Our patients deserve it.

Dr. Ward Beecher practices at Beecher Chiropractic Clinic at 1001 Pineloch, Ste 700 Houston, TX 77062. You can schedule an appointment at BeecherChiropractic.com or by calling (281) 286-1300. If you have any questions regarding this blog, please comment below!

Danger of OTC Drugs

Do you know the dangers of over-the-counter drugs? Over-the-counter drugs send nearly 200,000 people to the hospital each year. Chiropractic care is a safe alternative to using OTC or opioid drugs for pain relief. Call us today to schedule your chiropractic visit.


dangers of over the counter drugs



Benefits of a Good Night Sleep

numerous benefits to getting good nights sleepClear Lake Chiropractor Comments: People ask why I always suggest proper stretching, a good mattress and the correct pillow to help live a healthy life. There are several reasons why. Mainly, they all help you get a good night sleep. This is different than just getting more sleep. The benefits of a good night sleep are numerous.

The first benefit of getting a good night sleep is that it helps to decrease the inflammatory proteins in your body. This helps minimize your risk of a heart attack while helping to reduce your general “achiness”. Another benefit is that it helps you live longer. There is a big difference between getting 6-8 hours of quality sleep instead of 8+ hours of poor quality rest. Studies have shown that you will live longer with the proper amount of quality rest.

An additional benefit is that it can help lessen irritability. This occurs by helping to control depression and anxiety. This helps lead to emotional stability. It also helps lead to easier weight loss. A proper rest will also improve your memory. This helps with learning new things and utilizing all of your acquired skills.

A final benefit of a good night sleep is that it helps minimize accidents. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reported in 2009 that being tired accounted for the highest number of fatal single-car run-off-the-road crashes due to the driver’s performance, even more than alcohol.

Dr. Ward Beecher practices at Beecher Chiropractic Clinic at 1001 Pineloch, Ste 700 Houston, TX 77062. You can schedule an appointment at BeecherChiropractic.com or by calling (281) 286-1300. If you have any questions regarding this blog, please comment below!


Beneficios del cuidado quiropractico despues de un accidente automovilistico.

El cuidado quiropráctico después del accidente automovilístico puede ayudar con el dolor de cuelloQuiropractico en Clear Lake Chiropractor comenta:  Desafortunadamente 20-50 millones de personas al año sufren lesiones y/o quedan discapacitadas despues de un accidente automovilistico. A la mayoria de estas lesiones se le conocen como lesiones de “tejido suave”. Las lesiones de tejido suave son aquellas que se dan en los musculos,tendones y ligamentos ; a diferencia de aquellas que son en el hueso  y se les conoce como lesiones de tejido duro.

Despues de un accidente dos cosas podrian suceder: primero,el accidente puede que sea lo suficientemente severo y que sea necesario el traslado en ambulancia hacia el hospital para tratar las heridas. Lo segundo que puede suceder es irse a la casa sintiendo incomodidad pero esperando mejorar. Si el dolor persiste despues de 2 o 3 dias,es necesario visitar el medico para que revise la columna y detectar si algo ha ocurrido.

El tipo de doctor que visite determinara el tipo de cuidado a recibir y los resultados a largo plazo que tendra. Si atiende un medico general,el tratamiento a recibir sera basado en medicamentos y si eso no funciona sera referido a terapia fisica. Si atiende un doctor especializado en la columna,tales como un ortopeda o neurocirujano.ellos ordenara una resonancia magnetica y determinar si es necesario hacer una cirujia o recibir inyecciones epidurales en la columna. Es por eso que el doctor mas indicado para estos casos es un quiropractico.  Los quiropracticos ven y tratan lesiones muscoloesqueleticas a diario.

Debido a que hay una gran variedad de dolores o enfermedades en relacion  a la columna y las extremidades (codos,rodilla,muñecas,hombros y tobillo) se les es mas facil detectar lesiones que no son tan obvias para un medico que no ve este tipo de lesiones a diario. Un doctor quiropractico de calidad tiene una variedad de tecnicas y terapias para reducir rapidamente la inflamacion y minimizar la formacion de tejido cicatrizado. El minimizar su necesidad por los medicamentos,facilita el que usted pueda enteder como esta sanando verdaderamente y prevenir el volver a lastimarse por estar posiblemente sobre medicado. Los medicamentos pueden causar adversos efectos secundarios que podrian llevar a otros problemas de salud. Un buen quiropractico tambien le proporcionaria exercicios y estiramientos que puede hacer en casa los cuales le ayudaran a incrementar el rango de movimiento. Estos ejercicios y estiramientos le ayudaran rapidamente a regresar al estado de salud que tenia antes del accidente.

Si en un periodo de 2-4 semanas los dolores e incomodidades persisten ,su quiropractico  debera ordenar una resonancia magnetica y en ese tiempo se decidiria si es necesario referirle a otro doctor con el que puedan trabajar en el mejor plan para lidear con cualquier enfermedad o lesion.

Dr. Ward Beecher ejerce en Beecher Chiropractic Clinic localizada en 1001 Pineloch, Ste 700 Houston, TX 77062. Haga su cita ya con el mejor quiropractico en Houston llamando al (281) 286-1300. Si tiene alguna pregunta escribala en el area  de comentarios.


¿Se Necesita Realmente una Radiografia si se Sufre de Dolor de Espalda?

Radiografía para el dolor de espalda houston quiroprácticoQuiropractico en Clearlake comenta: A la gran mayoria de pacientes se les toma radiografias de su columna. Debido a que las radiografias dañan el tejid, los beneficios deben ser mayores que los riesgos.

Entonces,como utlizamos las radiografias en nuestra oficina?

En primer lugar radiografias de la columna nos pueden revelar las condiciones medicas que requieran ser referidos a otro proveedor de la salud,casos como un tumor en la columna,o una infeccion. Afortunadamente, estas enfermedades son muy,pero muy raras,pero si necesitan ser consideradas con cada paciente,especialmente aquellos que nos presenten ciertos signos que puedan llevar alarmarnos,tales como dolor de espalda por la noche,al descansar,o si hay fiebre. A estas condiciones antes mencionadas podemos agregar tambien algunos traumas severos (una caida,por ejemplo) como las fracturas. En un adultos mayores con osteoporosis,o un paciente que esta tomando esteroides ya por años aun el menor trauma puede ser suficente para causar que se quiebre un hueso,porque el hueso esta muy debil.

Despues de que estas condiciones no tan communes han sido descartadas,sus radiografias pueden proveer informacion importante acerca de au anatomia y de su postura fisica.Por ejemplo,curvaturas de la columnna lumbar,tal como escoliosis son virtualmente indetectables sin radiografias,y sin estas usted no puede recibir un tratamiento para la escoliosis apropiado.Si sabemos que nuestra columna esta desviada,esta informacion puede ayudar para para que ejecutemos el ajuste de manera mas efectiva. Algunas veces la longitud de las piernas es desigual y la persona necesita utilizar ortesis (soporte en el arco) o un tacon que levante y nivele la fundacion para su columna. En promedio uno de diez pacientes tiene una longitud desigual de un centimetro o mas.

En termino de la anatomia de los huesos,las radiografias pueden revelar los planos y los angulos de los discos entre los huesos y determinar  si hay alguna degenaeracion presente o si tiene algun disco con hernia. Si la degeneracion es avanzada,se hara notar la fusion del hueso. Deberia ser obvio que si la anatomia de la columna no permite movimiento o que las articulaciones estan literalemnte fusionadas el movimiento es imposible,por lo tanto los ajustes del quiropractico no sera apropriado.

Radiografias de la columna pueden tambien mostrarnos como una area de la columna mecanicamente compensa el area desviada. En ocasiones el dolor esta presente en areas de compensacion pero no se sabe la causa de la desviacion y por ende el cuidado es menos optimo.Asi como el area lumbar de la columna puede compensar por un problema pelvico,asi mismo puede una postura baja anormal en la columna causar un problema en el cuello. Las radiografia nos muestran como el manejo de un caso puede ser alterado y asi ayudar con las necesidades de cada individuo.

En cualquier caso es importante encontrar el diagnostico mas preciso ,que seria el primer paso en el camino a la recuperacio y el recobrar la vitalidad y calidad de vida.

Dr. Ward Beecher ejerce en Beecher Chiropractic Clinic localizada en 1001 Pineloch, Ste 700 Houston, TX 77062. Haga su cita ya con el mejor quiropractico en Houston llamando al (281) 286-1300. Si tiene alguna pregunta escribala en el area  de comentarios.

Prevalence of Neck Pain

Got Neck Pain?

Does your neck hurt a lot? Does neck pain keep you from activities that you love? It’s always good to know that you’re not alone. In fact, neck pain is the third most common chronic pain condition experienced by adults in the United States. Not only does the pain impact your physical life, but it also impacts you in other ways.

Social Consequences of Neck Pain

When your neck hurts, you may not feel like going out as much. In fact, if you’re having a really bad day, you may not get out of the house at all. This limits the social engagements that you can commit to and enjoy. Over time, your neck pain may keep you more isolated than you prefer to be, and it may keep you from participating in activities that you love.

Neck pain can also make you grumpy and difficult to live with, which can impact all of your relationships. Whether you’re at home or at work, you want to have positive interactions with the people around you. This can be hard when you’re in constant pain.

Psychological Consequences of Neck Pain

Any kind of long-term chronic pain impacts the way you think and feel about yourself and your life. Over time, you may begin to thin of yourself as weak and tired, for instance, rather than as strong and capable. These can wear away at your self-esteem and self-image, causing you to feel badly about yourself and what you can do.

Long-term pain can also contribute to depression and anxiety. If you hurt all the time and it doesn’t get better, you may gradually lose interest in a life you once loved. When you can’t do many of the things you love to do, it’s easy to get discouraged and feel hopeless. And when you never know how badly things are going to hurt, it’s easy to get caught up worrying about when your pain might strike again.

Well-Being Consequences of Neck Pain

When you hurt all the time, you don’t feel great about your life and you can’t do as much. Over time, this wears away at your sense of well-being. Even if you are positive and try to stay engaged in your life, chronic neck pain is discouraging and that takes its toll. Most people find that they aren’t as happy when they hurt a lot.

Treating Neck Pain

One of the most promising ways to treat neck pain is through chiropractic work. Chiropractors all receive at least 7 years of post-graduate training, and much of that time is spent focusing on the neck. Through various techniques, they can treat many kinds of neck pain without medications or surgery.

Even if you feel like you’ve tried everything for your neck pain, chiropractic could help you. Call us for a consultation and we’ll let you know what is going on with your neck and how we can help you to feel better and live better! You may be able to get back to the life you love sooner than you had thought possible.