Are Chiropractic Adjustments Painful?

Houston Chiropractor Comments: Every month, at least 10 – 12 new patients ask me if their chiropractic adjustments will hurt. For most people, it is the fear of the unknown. They have never been to a chiropractor, so they have no idea what to expect. Some have been referred in by a doctor, friend, or co-worker, but even if they are told it is safe, they ask me if it will be painful.
Sometimes I will joke that it will not hurt me at all … and then smile. Patients want reassurance that the treatment will not hurt more than the pain that brought them to our Houston Texas office.
If an adjustment is performed correctly, it should not be painful. Sometimes if there is a serious injury with a lot of swelling and muscle spasms, there might be some soreness noted in the area around the injury.
The actual adjustment removes any restriction in the joint and allows more pain free movement. It also allows any irritation of the nerve to be reduced. These things help to reduce rather than cause pain.
Some patients hear the sound of a chiropractic adjustment and assume that it must cause pain. They think that the sound is two bones grinding together or breaking. In fact, it is just gas in the joint capsule typically. Here is a video explaining the noise that you may hear after an adjustment. Beecher Chiropractic – What is that Chiropractic Noise? (
In summary, typically there is no pain from a properly performed chiropractic adjustment. If you do have any discomfort after an adjustment, it will typically be minimal, such as you might feel after lifting weights or doing yard work. Finally, if you notice any increase in pain after an adjustment put ice on the painful area for 20 minutes and it should go away.
Dr. Ward Beecher practices at Beecher Chiropractic Clinic at 1001 Pineloch, Ste 700 Houston, TX 77062. You can schedule an appointment at or by calling (281) 286-1300. If you have any questions regarding this blog, please comment below!