Natural Muscle Spasm Treatment
Clear Lake City Chiropractor Comments: A common question that I get consistently from patients, old or young, male or female, athletic or a couch potato is what they can do for muscle spasm treatment. For the sake of this article I will call a muscle spasm a forceful, intermittent & involuntary contraction of a muscle. A cramp is a sustained muscle spasm.
A muscle spasm is usually due to a muscle sprain, exercise, a joint irritation, dehydration, metabolic disorders or just overall fatigue. A cramp is due to the same things plus inadequate blood supply, mineral depletion or nerve compression.
Muscle Spasm Treatment
When you feel a muscle spasm or cramp, stop what you are doing. Try and massage and stretch the affected muscle out. If the problem is due to an acute (new) injury or sprain then put ice on it for 20 minutes and then off for 40 minutes. You can repeat this multiple times, but remember that after 20 minutes you will have gotten the maximum therapeutic benefit from the ice. The ice will help reduce the inflammation and irritation of the muscle. If this is a chronic (older) issue then moist heat will be beneficial. Use the heat for the same amount of time as the ice. Make sure that you are properly hydrated by drinking plenty of water. Coffee, tea and sodas are diuretics and tend to lead towards dehydration as does alcohol. If the spasm is due to exercise or an injury then make sure to give the muscles time to heal by minimizing activity. If things get worse, please consult with a physician or chiropractor about sports related rehabilitation or chiropractic rehabilitation.
Certain mineral deficiencies, such as calcium, potassium, magnesium and sodium can also lead to muscle cramps. The U.S. Department of Agriculture has recommendations for every vitamin and mineral in your diet. For potassium, the USDA suggests eating 4,700 milligrams per day. Potassium-rich foods include sweet potatoes, tomatoes, soy, yogurt and tuna. Your calcium intake should equal 1,000 milligrams per day. Good sources of calcium include sardines, soy, leafy green vegetables and dairy. A healthy diet also includes 420 milligrams of magnesium per day. Foods high in magnesium include nuts, squash, bran and lima beans. Other vitamins that can have an effect on your muscle irritability are vitamin D, E, B-1 & B-7. These all can help naturally treat muscle spasms.
Your Clear Lake Houston chiropractic Dr. Ward Beecher practices at Beecher Chiropractic Clinic at 1001 Pineloch, Ste 700 Houston, TX 77062. You can schedule an appointment at or by calling (281) 286-1300. If you have any questions regarding this blog, please comment below!
What Do Insurance Companies Say About Chiropractic?
Houston Chiropractic Comments: If chiropractic care helps patients get better faster and costs the patient and/or insurance company less, shouldn’t EVERY low back pain patient FIRST see a chiropractor before any other type of doctor? That is in fact, what should be done, based on the literature.

A few years ago a report was delivered on the impact on population, health and total health care spending. It was found the addition of chiropractic care for the treatment of neck and low back pain “…will likely increase value-for-dollar in US employer-sponsored health benefit plans.” Authored by an MD and an MD/PhD, and commissioned by the Foundation for Chiropractic Progress, the findings are clear; chiropractic care achieves higher satisfaction and superior outcomes for both neck and low back pain in a manner more cost effective than other commonly utilized approaches.
The study reviews the fact that low back and neck pain are extremely common conditions consuming large amounts of health care dollars. In 2002, 26% of surveyed US adults reported having back pain in the prior 3 months, 14% had neck pain and the lifetime prevalence of back pain was estimated at 85%. LBP accounts for 2% of all physician office visits where only routine examinations, hypertension, and diabetes result in more. Annual national spending is estimated at $85 billion in the US with an inflation-adjusted increase of 65% compared to 1997. The numbers have continued to rise thru 2016 as the population ages. Treatment options are diverse ranging from rest to surgery, including many various types of medications. Chiropractic care, including spinal manipulation and mobilization, is reportedly also widely utilized with almost half of all patients with persisting back pain seeking chiropractic treatment.
In review of the scientific literature, it is noted that 1) chiropractic care is at least as effective as other widely used therapies for low back pain; 2) Chiropractic care, when combined with other modalities such as exercise, appears to be more effective than other treatments for patients with neck pain. Other studies reviewed reported patients who had chiropractic coverage included in their insurance benefits found lower costs, reduced imaging studies, less hospitalizations, and surgical procedures compared to those with no chiropractic coverage. They then utilized a method to compare medical physician care, chiropractic physician care, physiotherapy led exercise and, manipulation plus physiotherapy-led exercise for low back pain care. They found adding chiropractic physician care is associated with better outcomes.
When combined with exercise, chiropractic physician care was also found to be very cost-effective when compared to exercise alone. When comparing the cost effectiveness of chiropractic care with or without exercise even at 5 times the cost of the care they utilized in their analysis, it was still found to be “substantially more cost-effective” compared to the other approaches. It will be interesting given these findings if insurance companies and future treatment guidelines start to MANDATE the use of chiropractic FIRST – it would be in everyone’s best interest!
If you, a family member or a friend require care, we sincerely appreciate the trust and confidence shown by choosing our services and look forward in serving you and your family presently and, in the future.
Dr. Ward Beecher practices at Beecher Chiropractic Clinic at 1001 Pineloch, Ste 700 Houston, TX 77062. You can schedule an appointment at or by calling (281) 286-1300. If you have any questions regarding this blog, please comment below!
Top 5 Chiropractic Myths
Clear Lake Chiropractor Comments: In the 28 years that I have been a chiropractor, I have been consistently surprised by some of the myths about chiropractic and chiropractors that still persist today. Here are the ones that I hear the most.
- Adjustments hurt: When someone is experiencing back pain the last thing they want to experience is worsened pain in the chiropractor’s office. If your chiropractor is performing an adjustment correctly, it should not be painful. Though there might be some brief discomfort, this has to do with your presenting injury and not the adjustment itself. Generally, patients feel relieved and comfortable after an adjustment. Any soreness noted should be similar to what you feel after too much yard work or working out at the gym.
- Once you start you have to keep going: Everyone is afraid of making commitments, especially financial ones, and no one wants to hear that once they see a chiropractor they will have to go for the rest of their lives. The chiropractor will develop a specific treatment plan after identifying what is causing your pain. This plan includes the number of sessions the chiropractor believes you will need to complete the care and improve your symptoms. Some patients will see a chiropractor for conservative maintenance, in the same way you would eat healthy foods or exercise, the choice to continue going is up to you.
- Chiropractic Care is Dangerous: Chiropractic care is inaccurately believed to be more dangerous than standard medical care. Chiropractic care is less invasive than other medical interventions that increase risk for injury. Surgery and medical side effects are more dangerous than any of the non-invasive methods that chiropractors prescribe, like a neck manipulation or spinal adjustment. The American Chiropractic Association has compiled information about risk of death from spine surgery, neck surgery, and taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and aspirin, all of which have a much higher risk of serious side effects and death.
- Chiropractors aren’t REAL doctors: Most people are aware of the delicate nature of necks and spines, and therefore only want to entrust their care to a doctor that is properly accredited. Generally, chiropractors have four years of pre-medical undergraduate education, learning about various scientific fields. Next, they have to complete 10 trimesters or about 4 years of study at an accredited chiropractic college. During these years, students must complete approximately 4,800 hours of study, combining time in the classroom and laboratory and clinical experience. This breadth of education prepares chiropractors to treat the variety of cases they see.
- Cracking your back yourself is the same thing: This falsehood is particularly frustrating considering the above information about the advanced training each chiropractor has to receive to be able to practice. This training enables chiropractors to have an understanding of the sensitive nature of joints and how they function. People also incorrectly assume that it is the same thing when their massage therapist, coach or physical therapist performs it, it isn’t. Just because you hear a noise when you crack your back at home does not mean you have achieved the same results as a carefully orchestrated spinal adjustment in the chiropractor’s office.
68669_2835 flickr photo by DrDawn1 shared under a Creative Commons (BY-SA) license
Dr. Ward Beecher practices at Beecher Chiropractic Clinic at 1001 Pineloch, Ste 700 Houston, TX 77062. You can schedule an appointment at his Houston chiropractic clinic by calling (281) 286-1300. If you have any questions regarding this blog, please comment below!
Dr Beecher’s April 13 Weekly Chiropractic Newsletter
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Week of Monday, April 13th, 2015
Mental Attitude: Anxious People Make Poor Decisions in the Midst of Uncertainty. University of Oxford researchers have found that individuals who are prone to high anxiety have a more difficult time reading the environmental cues that may help them avoid a bad outcome. Participants played a computerized “two-armed bandit-style” game in which they chose between two shapes, one of which, if selected, would deliver a mild to moderate electrical shock. To avoid getting shocked, participants needed to keep track of the shape that most frequently delivered electrical jolts. The researchers noted that highly anxious people had more trouble than their less anxious counterparts adjusting to avoid shocks. Study lead author Dr. Sonia Bishop writes, “Our results show that anxiety may be linked to difficulty in using information about whether the situations we face daily, including relationship dynamics, are stable or not, and deciding how to react.” Nature Neuroscience, March 2015
Health Alert: 20% of Teen Girls Physically or Sexually Abused While Dating. In the past year, it’s estimated that one in five girls and one in ten boys fell victim to either dating-related physical or sexual abuse. The researchers find these numbers to be both high and very troubling and add that these victims also have a higher risk for suicidal behavior, bullying, risky sexual behavior, and substance use. Lead author Dr. Kevin Vagi adds, “Parents and caregivers can help shape the relationship decisions that teens make by talking early about healthy and unhealthy relationships, and the need for respect.” JAMA Pediatrics, March 2015
Diet: Can Eating Nuts Extend Your Life? Three large prospective studies have discovered that a diet high in nuts is linked to greater longevity. Researchers found that those who ate the most nuts were 17-21% less likely to die during the 5-12 years they followed-up with study participants. They add, “We found consistent evidence that high nut/peanut consumption was associated with a reduced risk of total mortality and cardiovascular disease mortality.” JAMA Internal Medicine, March 2015
Exercise: Are High-Intensity Workouts Better for Obese Adults? Research involving 300 abdominally obese adults investigated the effects of short, high-intensity exercise versus long, low-intensity workouts. Both types of workouts resulted in similar weight loss after 24 weeks, but the high-intensity group also experienced a reduction in blood glucose levels in the hours following their workout. The results show a clear benefit for engaging in high-intensity workouts, especially for those who wish to more effectively manage their blood sugar levels. Lead study author Dr. Robert Ross explains, “Higher intensity can be achieved simply by increasing the incline while walking on a treadmill or walking at a brisker pace.” Annals of Internal Medicine, March 2015
Chiropractic: Dizzy? Chiropractic May Help. Dizziness is a common risk factor for falls among the elderly. After reviewing past literature, studies, and clinical trials, the authors of a new report conclude that chiropractic manipulation may have a role in the prevention of falls in elderly who suffer from mechanical pain or dysfunction and non-specific dizziness. Journal of Canadian Chiropractic Association, March 2015
Wellness/Prevention: Size Checks Among Children May Spot Celiac Disease. Researchers from the University of Eastern Finland believe that checking children for growth problems may help indentify those with celiac disease much faster. They found that screening children for five height- and weight-related differences in growth is an effective strategy for spotting those with celiac disease, as girls in the study with the disorder were below-average in height two years before their diagnosis and the boys in the study were below-average in height just one year before diagnosis. The research team writes, “Growth failure remains an early and common feature in patients with celiac disease and an up-to-date growth reference and well-established growth-monitoring program could facilitate the early diagnosis of celiac disease.” JAMA Pediatrics, March 2015
Quote: “It’s so freeing, it’s beautiful in a way, to have a great failure, there’s nowhere to go but up.” ~ David Lynch
This Weekly Health News Update is compliments of Dr. Ward Beecher and Beecher Chiropractic Clinic. If you have any questions or comments, please contact us at 281-286-1300 or .
Dr Beecher’s March 23 Weekly Chiropractic Newsletter
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Week of Monday, March 23rd, 2015
Mental Attitude: Schizophrenia May Be More Than One Disease. New research suggests that schizophrenia may really be an umbrella term for a number of genetically different diseases as opposed to one unique illness. In this recent study, scientists uncovered 42 groups of genes that appear to influence schizophrenia risk. They believe that identifying these gene networks and how they correlate with symptoms will make it possible to develop localized treatments for the specific paths implicated in an individual’s schizophrenia. American Journal of Psychiatry, January 2014
Health Alert: Good News for Blood Donors. Maintaining optimal iron levels in blood donors is important, especially when 25-35 percent of regular donors develop an iron deficiency that can lead to fatigue and anemia. In a study of blood donors, researchers discovered that individuals who received a low-dose iron supplement returned to their pre-donation iron levels between 7 and 18 weeks earlier than those who did not receive a supplement. Surprisingly, two-thirds of those who did not receive iron supplements failed to regain their pre-donation iron levels by week 24. National Institutes of Health, February 2015
Diet: Vegetarian Diets Boost Weight Loss. According to a new meta-analysis, a vegetarian diet causes weight loss, even without exercise or calorie counting. Researchers found that individuals who switched to a vegetarian diet lost an average of about 10 pounds (~4.5 kg) over 44 weeks. People who were heavier to begin with lost more weight, and men and older participants reported the greatest weight loss. The authors of the study hope that healthcare providers will prescribe this dietary approach to patients who need help managing their weight and health. Study author Dr. Susan Levin adds, “If you’re overweight, losing just 5 to 10 percent of your body weight can slash the risk of both type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease.” Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetic, January 2015
Exercise: “Walking Seminars” Could Replace Sitting in Class. What began as a physical activity challenge for a computer science faculty has become a study in how education and fitness can be combined to improve both physical well-being and classroom discussions. University lecturer Dr. Olle Balter started a “walking seminar” in response to a competition in which staff recorded how many hours they and their students spent sitting vs. being active. The majority of students surveyed said that they felt better after the walking workshops than after typical, sedentary seminars. None of the students felt worse and most believed that communication was better during the walking seminar. KTH The Royal Institute of Technology, January 2015
Chiropractic: Claudication Responds to Conservative Care. Neurogenic claudication is the medical term used to describe the symptom of pain induced by walking, and it is caused by damage to the neurological system as a result of spinal stenosis. A small study assessing the effectiveness of a six-week, nonsurgical program to address neurogenic claudication revealed improved short-term outcomes among patients who received multimodal care that included soft tissue and neural mobilization, chiropractic spinal manipulation, lumbar flexion-distraction, muscle stretching, home-based exercises, and instruction on self-management strategies. Further research is needed to determine the long-term effectiveness of this combination of nonsurgical treatment options for neurogenic claudication patients. Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics, January 2015
Wellness/Prevention: Prevent Urinary Tract Infections Among Children. To assist parents in preventing urinary tract infections in their children, the National Kidney and Urologic Disease Information Clearinghouse recommends the following: encourage kids to use the bathroom regularly, offer more fluids if children are not urinating frequently, teach proper wiping technique after using the bathroom, and dress them in cotton underwear and loose fitting clothes.
National Kidney and Urologic Disease Information Clearing House, January 2015
Quote: “Live in the present, remember the past, and fear not the future, for it doesn’t exist and never shall. There is only now.” ~ Christopher Paolini
This Weekly Health News Update is compliments of Dr. Ward Beecher and Beecher Chiropractic Clinic. If you have any questions or comments, please contact us at 281-286-1300 or .
Dr Beecher’s March 16 Weekly Chiropractic Newsletter
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Week of Monday, March 16th, 2015
Mental Attitude: Does Alzheimer’s Disease Affect Diabetics Differently? In an eighteen-month study, researchers explored whether or not Alzheimer’s disease affected patients with diabetes differently than non-diabetics. While they did not detect much difference in cognitive decline between the groups, functional decline was more pronounced in patients with both diabetes and Alzheimer’s disease. Clinical Therapeutics, February 2015
Health Alert: Lyme Disease More Widespread Than Believed. According to a new report, prolonged illness in Americans with Lyme disease is more prevalent, serious, and costly than previously thought. Investigators found Lyme disease patients are nearly five times more likely to have post-treatment Lyme disease syndrome-related symptoms such as fatigue, nerve pain, joint pain, and memory and thinking problems. They also found that Lyme disease costs up to $1.3 billion dollars per year to treat. Researcher Dr. Emily Adrion explains, “Regardless of what you call it, our data show that many people who have been diagnosed with Lyme disease are in fact going back to the doctor complaining of persistent symptoms, getting multiple tests and being retreated… it is clear that we need effective, cost-effective, and compassionate management of these patients to improve their outcomes, even if we don’t know what to call the disease.” PLOS ONE, February 2015
Diet: Corn Oil Lowers Cholesterol. A new study claims that corn oil significantly lowers cholesterol more than extra virgin olive oil. In the study, participants consumed four tablespoons of corn oil or extra virgin olive oil in addition to their normal diet. The results revealed that total cholesterol decreased by 8.2% in the group that consumed corn oil and just 1.8% for extra virgin olive oil group. Corn oil lowered bad cholesterol (LDL) by 10.9% while extra virgin olive oil only lowered LDL by 3.5%. Lead researcher Dr. Kevin C. Maki adds, “These findings add to those from prior research supporting corn oil’s positive heart health benefits, and align with recommendations to replace saturated fats with unsaturated fats, such as those found in corn oil.” Journal of Clinical Lipidology, February 2015
Exercise: Exercise During Dialysis Improves Energy in Chronic Kidney Disease Patients. Fatigue is a common complaint by chronic kidney disease (CKD) patients on dialysis. A small study involving 66 CKD patients found that those who participated in a physical and mental exercise program twice a week for two months experienced significant decreases in fatigue when compared with those who did not participate in such a program. The authors of the study conclude, “With respect to the findings of the study, this method of treatment is recommended due to being cost efficient, easy, applicable, and flexible for alleviating the effect of fatigue on the personal, psychological, and social aspects of life quality in patients on hemodialysis.” Nephro-Urology Monthly, July 2014
Chiropractic: Resolution of Motor Tics & ADHD. A recent case study involved a 10-year-old boy with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) who also suffered from involuntary motor tics. A thorough examination revealed cervical dysfunction dating back to at least when the boy was four months old. Chiropractic care focused on adjustments of the first cervical vertebra and mechanical traction. Following the first treatment, the patient exhibited improvements in both behavior and focus and no longer required pharmaceutical management for his ADHD symptoms after two months of care. After ten months of care, the boy experienced a complete resolution of his motor tics. Journal of Upper Cervical Chiropractic Research, November 2014
Wellness/Prevention: Prevent Breast Cancer. In a cumulative examination of research done on environmental factors associated with breast cancer, experts recommend the following actions to minimize an individual’s risk: engage in moderate to vigorous physical activity, avoid a high-fat diet, reduce alcohol intake, and be cognizant when taking estrogen and synthetic progestagen hormonal therapy. Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, January 2015
Quote: “Don’t write so that you can be understood, write so that you can’t be misunderstood.” ~ William Howard Taft
Dr Beecher’s January 19 Weekly Chiropractic Newsletter
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Week of Monday, January 19th, 2015
Mental Attitude: Prenatal Exposure to Alcohol and Tobacco Increases ADHD Risk. Children whose mothers drink or smoke during pregnancy are roughly 50-250% more likely to be diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) than children who receive no alcohol or tobacco exposure while in utero. More specifically, if a mother drinks alcohol during pregnancy, her child’s risk for ADHD is 1.55 times greater than if she doesn’t drink. If she smokes, her child will have a 2.65-fold greater risk for ADHD. Psychiatry Research, January 2015
Health Alert: Obesity Tied to Half a Million Cancers Worldwide. A new report indicates that obesity is associated with nearly 500,000 new cancer cases worldwide every year, and almost two-thirds of obesity-related cancers occur in North America and Europe. Study leader Dr. Melina Arnold explains, “Our findings add support for a global effort to address the rising trends in obesity. The global prevalence of obesity in adults has doubled since 1980. If this trend continues, it will certainly boost the future burden of cancer, particularly in South America and North Africa, where the largest increases in the rate of obesity have been seen over the last 30 years.” The Lancet Oncology, November 2014
Diet: Calorie Counts Will Be Mandatory for Chain Restaurants. The Food and Drug Administration has announced that new rules under the Affordable Care Act that will require many restaurant chains to post calorie counts on their menu if they have more than 20 locations. While listing calorie counts on menus won’t solve the obesity epidemic, it may help consumers make healthier food choices when they dine out. Food and Drug Administration, November 2014
Exercise: Some Women May Not Benefit from Exercise as Easily as Men. Researchers at the University of Missouri claim that certain exercises that benefit obese men may not benefit obese women. The team found that obese men achieved cardiovascular improvement after aerobic exercise training, while women failed to experience any benefit when measuring heart rate recovery and blood pressure. Researcher Dr. Jill Kanaley adds, “When you exercise, you want your blood pressure to rise, but you don’t want it to get too high. Your blood pressure should return to normal relatively quickly after the end of your workout. In our study, the recovery rate for women was not as rapid as for men. After the men trained, they got an even better recovery time, whereas women’s time stayed about the same.” The research indicates that certain exercises may not be enough for women, and the researchers recommend that healthcare providers keep this in mind when developing targeted exercise interventions for obese women. Metabolism, April 2012
Chiropractic: Resolution of Urinary Incontinence Following Chiropractic Care. A recent case study documented the effectiveness of chiropractic care for a patient suffering from urinary incontinence. The case involved a 63-year-old woman with a recent history of urinary incontinence and spinal pain. She received chiropractic treatment in addition to exercises and traction. During the course of 22 visits, she experienced complete resolution of urinary incontinence, improvements in spinal alignment, and near resolution of spinal pain. Annals of Vertebral Subluxation Research, August 2014
Wellness/Prevention: Americans Not Receiving Dementia Screening. More than 50% of Americans with dementia appear to never have undergone screening of their thinking and memory skills, according to a new study. Dementia affects one in eight people over the age of 65 in the United States and one in three individuals over the age of 80. Despite this rate of dementia, there are no established guidelines for screening. This finding is important as early evaluation and identification of individuals with dementia may help them receive care sooner in the course of the disease. The author of the study adds that with an early diagnosis of dementia, families can watch loved ones for problems, help them with daily tasks, and make plans for care. Dr. Gayatri Devi, a neurologist at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York City explains, “Early diagnosis and treatment are crucial for maintaining quality of life in this debilitating condition… There are economic benefits to society as well.” Neurology, November 2014
Quote: “Whatever the cost of our libraries, the price is cheap compared to that of an ignorant nation.” ~ Walter Cronkite
This Weekly Health News Update is compliments of Dr. Ward Beecher and Beecher Chiropractic Clinic. If you have any questions or comments, please contact us at 281-286-1300 or .
Dr Beecher’s January 12 Weekly Chiropractic Newsletter
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Week of Monday, January 12th, 2015
Mental Attitude: Blood Sugar Control and Dementia Risk. An analysis involving 1,342 elderly patients indicates that those with poorly controlled blood sugar are 3-5 times more likely to develop either dementia or Alzheimer’s disease. Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease, December 2014
Health Alert: Riding Adult-Sized ATVs Can Be Deadly for Youth. Riding an all-terrain vehicle (ATV) poses a high-risk for injury or death to children and teens. Dr. Mary Aitken, a professor of pediatrics and public health at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, writes, “Finding a more effective way to communicate the risks of these vehicles to parents and youth is key. But in the meantime, a combination of strategies including training exposure, improving vehicle design to improve safety, and improving enforcement of existing policies may help.” Pediatrics, January 2015
Diet: Popular Heartburn Drugs May Upset Your Gut Flora. According to a new study, heartburn medications such as Prilosec and Nexium may disrupt the population of an individual’s gut bacteria, potentially increasing his or her risk for infections and other problems for up to one month after they cease using such drugs. Among longtime users, these medications have also been connected to vitamin deficiencies, bone fractures, and pneumonia. Patients should talk with their healthcare provider regarding the necessity of these medications and justify their continued use. Microbiome, November 2014
Exercise: Is 30 Minutes of Daily Exercise Effective as One Hour of Exercise? Thirty minutes of daily exercise can be as effective for weight loss and improvement in body mass as 60 minutes of exercise, according to research published in 2012. The study involved moderately overweight men who either worked out hard enough to produce a light sweat for either 30 minutes or one hour daily over a 13-week period. On average, the men who exercised 30 minutes a day lost close to eight pounds during the three month study, while those who exercised for 60 minutes only lost about six pounds in the same time span. Researcher Dr. Mads Rosenkilde explains, “Participants exercising 30 minutes per day burned more calories than they should relative to the training program we set for them. In fact we can see that exercising for a whole hour instead of a half does not provide any additional loss in either body weight or fat. The men who exercised the most lost too little relative to the energy they burned by running, biking, or rowing. [Thirty] minutes of concentrated exercise give equally good results on the scale.” American Journal of Physiology, August 2012
Chiropractic: Chiropractic and Rehabilitation for Radiculopathy. A new case study demonstrates the effectiveness and safety of chiropractic care in the management of intervertebral disk bulges with radiculopathy. A 45-year-old woman with low back and right leg pain consistent with L4 nerve root entrapment received ten treatments of skilled spinal and extremity manipulation followed by exercise and myofascial therapy for an additional 12 visits. After treatment, she reported significant improvement in back and leg pain. The results suggest chiropractic care can be an effective and safe tool in management of such conditions. Journal of Back and Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation, November 2014
Wellness/Prevention: Parents Need to Help in the Prevention of Teen Concussions. Experts recommend that parents play an active role in protecting their children from sport-related concussions. Several steps can be taken to help reduce the risk of concussion such as making sure their teen has the right protective gear, voicing concern that coaches need to be appropriately trained and have sideline concussion protocols, and ensuring that schools have a health professional at games to determine if an athlete has a concussion. Parents and teens should also know the signs of a concussion, which include nausea, vomiting, dizziness, confusion, headache, slowed thinking, memory loss, insomnia or excessive sleep, mood swings, and sensitivity to noise and/or light. If a child has any of these symptoms after a head injury, they should see a doctor immediately. American Migraine Foundation, November 2014
Quote: “Isn’t it nice to think that tomorrow is a new day with no mistakes in it yet?” ~ L.M. Montgomery
This Weekly Health News Update is compliments of Dr. Ward Beecher and Beecher Chiropractic Clinic. If you have any questions or comments, please contact us at 281-286-1300 or .
Dr Beecher’s November 3 Weekly Chiropractic Newsletter
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Week of Monday, November 3rd, 2014
Mental Attitude: Anxiety, Jealousy, & Moodiness May Increase Alzheimer’s Risk in Women. A woman’s risk for Alzheimer’s disease may be higher if she is anxious, jealous, or moody during middle-age. Over a 38-year period, researchers followed nearly 800 women who completed on-going personality tests regarding neuroticism, extraversion, and introversion. The study’s results show that women with the highest scores for neuroticism were twice as likely to develop Alzheimer’s as those with lower neuroticism scores. However, this association appeared to be greater among participants who had experienced long periods of stress. They also found that women who scored high on both neuroticism and introversion were at the highest risk for developing Alzheimer’s. Researcher Dr. Lena Johannsson writes, “Personality may influence the individual’s risk for dementia through its effect on behavior, lifestyle, or reactions to stress.” Neurology, September 2014
Health Alert: Living Near Major Roads a Risk Factor for Cardiac Death in Women. According to the American Heart
Association, living within 50 meters (~164 feet) of a major road increases a woman’s risk of dying from a sudden cardiac death by 38%. Lead researcher Dr. Jaime E. Hart notes, “It’s important for healthcare providers to recognize that environmental exposures may be under-appreciated risk factors for diseases such as sudden cardiac death and fatal coronary heart disease.” Circulation, October 2014
Diet: Family Meals During Childhood May Prevent Obesity. Family meals could protect children against obesity, as such meals tend to include fruits, vegetables, calcium, and whole grains. A new study indicates that even having as few as one to two family meals a week during adolescence significantly reduces the odds of an individual being overweight or obese ten years later when compared with those who reported never having family meals during their teen years. Journal of Pediatrics, October 2014
Exercise: Genes May Affect Exercise’s Ability to Prevent Type 2 Diabetes. Most agree on the benefits of exercise in its role for weight management and the prevention of type 2 diabetes. Unfortunately, a new study claims that some may have a tougher time than others due to their genes. In the study, researchers examined interactions between physical activity, genetics, and diabetes risk in more than 8,100 Americans. They found that exercise provided less protection against diabetes in individuals with a high genetic risk for insulin resistance. However, the lead author of the study stresses that this finding is no reason for people battling obesity to stop exercising. Diabetologia, September 2014
Chiropractic: Low Back Pain and Pregnancy. Questionnaires completed by a sample of 105 women who recently gave birth indicate that low back pain is a sizeable problem for expectant mothers. Of the 105 women surveyed, 67.6% suffered from low back pain during pregnancy. More than half (57.7%) reported that back pain prevented them from performing their daily activities with 77.5% of those women claiming their back pain increased as their pregnancy advanced. Because 93% of these women received no back pain-related treatment, the authors of the study advise health care professionals to be proactive in asking expectant mothers about their back pain. Journal of Back and Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation, September 2014
Wellness/Prevention: Atopic Dermatitis in Children Improved with Vitamin D Supplements. A small study involving 100 school children in Mongolia has found that daily treatment with 1000 IU of a vitamin D supplement significantly reduced the symptoms of winter-related atopic dermatitis. Atopic dermatitis is a chronic inflammatory disorder of the skin, which is uncomfortable and makes patients more vulnerable to bacterial infection. The condition is most commonly seen in children and more so during the winter. The study’s author recommends that parents of children with symptoms that worsen in the winter try a vitamin D supplement for a few weeks when such symptoms flare-up, after first discussing the study and their plan with their pediatrician. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, October 2014
Quote: “I believe that we form our own lives, that we create our own reality, and that everything works out for the best.”
~ Jim Henson
This Weekly Health News Update is compliments of Dr. Ward Beecher and Beecher Chiropractic Clinic. If you have any questions or comments, please contact us at 281-286-1300 or .
Dr Beecher’s October 27 Weekly Chiropractic Newsletter
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Week of Monday, October 27th, 2014
Mental Attitude: Could Cerebellum Injury Be a Possible Cause of Autism? Princeton University scientists say their research indicates that an injury to the cerebellum early in life may make a child 36 times more likely to score highly on autism screening tests. Study author Dr. Sam Wang adds, “What we realized from looking at the literature is that these two problems – autism and cerebellar injury – might be related to each other. We hope to get people and scientists thinking differently about the cerebellum or about autism so that the whole field can move forward.” Neuron, August 2014
Health Alert: E-Cigarettes a Possible Gateway to Drug Use, Addiction, and Tobacco Smoking. An alarming report claims that using electronic cigarettes may lead to tobacco cigarette smoking and increase the likelihood of illicit drug use and addiction. The researchers discovered that when mice were exposed to nicotine, the substance triggered biochemical alteration in the brain and activated a gene linked to the reward response. This process enhanced a subsequent response to cocaine in the mice, suggesting that nicotine may be a gateway drug for cocaine. Study author Dr. Denise Kandel writes, “We don’t yet know whether e-cigarettes will prove to be a gateway to the use of conventional cigarettes and illicit drugs, but that’s certainly a possibility. Nicotine clearly acts as a gateway drug on the brain, and this effect is likely to occur whether the exposure comes from smoking cigarettes, passive tobacco smoke, or e-cigarettes.” The New England Journal of Medicine, September 2014
Diet: Soy May Promote Breast Cancer? Researchers suggest that women with breast cancer should only eat soy foods in moderation and avoid supplements containing soy. This recommendation is based on findings that soy protein consumption may increase activity in genes linked to breast cancer growth. Journal of the National Cancer Institute, September 2014
Exercise: Sit Less! Shortening the amount of time spent sitting can protect your aging DNA. A newly published study looked at how physical activity affects telomere length. Telomeres can be found on the ends of chromosomes and stop them from unraveling or clumping together and “scrambling” the genetic code they contain. The researchers found that spending less time sitting each day had more of a positive impact on telomere health than increasing the time spent performing physical activities, like exercise. They add, “There is growing concern that not only low physical activity level in populations, but probably also sitting and sedentary behavior, is an important and new health hazard of our time.” British Journal of Sports Medicine, September 2014
Chiropractic: Migraines Reduced with Chiropractic Care. A past study found that chiropractic manipulation combined with therapeutic massage resulted in a 68% reduction in the intensity of migraine headaches within one hour of treatment. The findings add to previous research indicating the benefits of chiropractic care for the treatment of migraines.
Journal of Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork, March 2012
Wellness/Prevention: Improved Sleep May Reduce Time Away from Work. It appears that absence from work due to sickness is related to a lack of good sleep. A new study has found that people who regularly get seven to eight hours of uninterrupted sleep per night are less likely to be absent from work due to an illness. The study further noted that the risk of being absent from work due to sickness for 10 days or more rose significantly among people who slept less than six hours or more than nine hours a night. The researchers note that the optimal sleep duration each night for adults is 7 hours 46 minutes for men and 7 hours 38 minutes for women. Sleep, September 2014
Quote: “I was brought up to believe that the only thing worth doing was to add to the sum of accurate information in the world.” ~ Margaret Mead
This Weekly Health News Update is compliments of Dr. Ward Beecher and Beecher Chiropractic Clinic. If you have any questions or comments, please contact us at 281-286-1300 or .