Natural Muscle Spasm Treatment

Clear Lake City Chiropractor Comments: A common question that I get consistently from patients, old or young, male or female, athletic or a couch potato is what they can do for muscle spasm treatment. For the sake of this article I will call a muscle spasm a forceful, intermittent & involuntary contraction of a muscle. A cramp is a sustained muscle spasm.

A muscle spasm is usually due to a muscle sprain, exercise, a joint irritation, dehydration, metabolic disorders or just overall fatigue. A cramp is due to the same things plus inadequate blood supply, mineral depletion or nerve compression.

Muscle Spasm Treatment

When you feel a muscle spasm or cramp, stop what you are doing. Try and massage and stretch the affected muscle out. If the problem is due to an acute (new) injury or sprain then put ice on it for 20 minutes and then off for 40 minutes. You can repeat this multiple times, but remember that after 20 minutes you will have gotten the maximum therapeutic benefit from the ice. The ice will help reduce the inflammation and irritation of the muscle. If this is a chronic (older) issue then moist heat will be beneficial. Use the heat for the same amount of time as the ice. Make sure that you are properly hydrated by drinking plenty of water. Coffee, tea and sodas are diuretics and tend to lead towards dehydration as does alcohol. If the spasm is due to exercise or an injury then make sure to give the muscles time to heal by minimizing activity. If things get worse, please consult with a physician or chiropractor about sports related rehabilitation or chiropractic rehabilitation.

Certain mineral deficiencies, such as calcium, potassium, magnesium and sodium can also lead to muscle cramps. The U.S. Department of Agriculture has recommendations for every vitamin and mineral in your diet. For potassium, the USDA suggests eating 4,700 milligrams per day. Potassium-rich foods include sweet potatoes, tomatoes, soy, yogurt and tuna. Your calcium intake should equal 1,000 milligrams per day. Good sources of calcium include sardines, soy, leafy green vegetables and dairy. A healthy diet also includes 420 milligrams of magnesium per day. Foods high in magnesium include nuts, squash, bran and lima beans. Other vitamins that can have an effect on your muscle irritability are vitamin D, E, B-1 & B-7. These all can help naturally treat muscle spasms.

Your Clear Lake Houston chiropractic Dr. Ward Beecher practices at Beecher Chiropractic Clinic at 1001 Pineloch, Ste 700 Houston, TX 77062. You can schedule an appointment at or by calling (281) 286-1300. If you have any questions regarding this blog, please comment below!

How Can Exercise Help Your Headache?

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Clear Lake Chiropractor Comments: For many patients with health conditions, exercising seems to be the furthest thing from their mind. For migraine sufferers, exercise itself can be a provocation for initiating a headache episode. And if you already have a headache, just the idea of going for a three mile run will likely increase your pain, not lessen it.

But exercise is an integral component to overall health and that includes people who suffer from headaches too.Exercise for Headaches

The key is to exercise when you are headache free, to manage your exercises so that your spine is not excessively stressed, and make sure you have good flexibility of your spine before you begin loading it with exercises.

This is where chiropractic enters the picture. Your spinal flexibility is integral to maintaining good posture and assuring nerve impulses transmit freely from your brain to distant areas of the body. If you have a spinal problem, or subluxation, this may interrupt the free transmission of nerve impulses and make you susceptible to headache.

You may want to consider getting adjusted before a strenuous exercise to make sure you have good spinal flexibility. After performing a strenuous activity, it may also be a good time to have your spine checked. Little by little, your spinal muscles will regain strength and you may find your headaches a less dominate part of your life.

Other points to consider are getting adequate rest/sleep and to avoid overtraining because sleep deprivation can provoke a headache. You will also need to pay attention to water intake. Being dehydrated may also be a trigger for people with headaches. The bottom line is this: if you get the spinal care you need, if you watch strenuous movements that strain the spine, and if you get adequate rest and sleep, then you can begin exercising again despite your chronic headaches. Many patients with headaches say that stress is a trigger for their pain. Regular exercise can be a great way to deal with the stresses of work. Exercise is also key to your maintaining a healthy weight.

Dr. Ward Beecher practices at Beecher Chiropractic Clinic at 1001 Pineloch, Ste 700 Houston, TX 77062. You can schedule an appointment at or by calling (281) 286-1300. If you have any questions regarding this blog, please comment below!

Dr Beecher’s July 13 Weekly Chiropractic Newsletter


Week of Monday, July 13th, 2015

To download a copy of this newsletter, click here. If you would like to know more about Beecher Chiropractic and the best chiropractic clinic in Houston please give us a call!

Mental Attitude: Repeat Head Injuries Affect Brain Structure. A young adult who has previously experienced two or more mild traumatic brain injuries (mTBIs) may have structural changes in his or her brain that could signal a greater risk for dementia later in life. Compared to healthy controls without a history of head injuries, MRI scans of young adults who suffered two or more mTBIs indicate reduced cortical thickness in the areas of the brain associated with visual memories, language comprehension, emotion association, motor control, self-awareness, cognitive functioning, interpersonal experience, contemplating distance, recognition of known faces, and accessing word meaning while reading. Previous research has associated cortical thinning with increased dementia risk. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, May 2015


Health Alert: Smartphones May Interfere with Pacemakers. Though the risk is small, experts in association with the European Society of Cardiology advise patients with pacemakers and other cardiac devices to avoid storing their smartphones in pockets directly over their chest and to hold their phones over their right ear when making a call. European Society of Cardiology, June 2015


Diet: Western Diet May Be Deadly for Prostate Cancer Patients. A diet high in red meats, processed meats, refined grains, and high-fat dairy products (often referred to as the Western diet) may increase the risk of early death for people with prostate cancer. During a 14-year study, researchers found that those who ate a predominantly Western diet were 67% more likely to die from any cause than those who ate a more heart-healthy diet. Senior author Dr. Jorge Chavarro adds, “There is currently very little evidence to counsel men living with prostate cancer on how they can modify their lifestyle to improve survival. Our results suggest that a heart- healthy diet may benefit these men by specifically reducing their chances of dying of prostate cancer.” Cancer Prevention Research, June 2015


Exercise: Music Strategy Encourages Patients to Exercise More. Cardiac rehabilitation patients who listened to a music device equipped with tempo-pace synchronization exercised over 100 minutes more per week than fellow patients who did not have the benefit of such technology. Tempo-pace synchronization helps cue individuals to take their next step and thus helps regulate, maintain, and reinforce the prescribed exercise speed or pace. Senior scientist Dr. David Alter writes, “If this average increase of exercise was sustained for an average 65-year-old male patient, it would correlate with a projected life-expectancy increase of two and a half years.” Sports Medicine, May 2015


Chiropractic: Manual Therapies Help TMD Patients. An analysis of eight published studies concludes that manual therapies are an effective treatment for patients with temporomandibular disorders (TMD). In particular, the report notes the efficacy of myofascial release and massage on the masticatory muscles as well as spinal manipulative therapy and mobilization applied to the upper cervical spine. Such treatments are commonly performed by doctors of chiropractic. Journal of Oral Rehabilitation, June 2015


Wellness/Prevention: Tough Alcohol Laws Reduce Teen Drinking. Teen drinking rates drop when state alcohol laws get tougher. Researchers developed a scoring system to assess strong alcohol-related policies and found that for every ten additional percentage points earned for strong alcohol-related state laws, teens in that state had an 8% lower risk of drinking and 7% lower risk of binge drinking. Co-author Dr. Timothy Naimi adds, “A large proportion of the adverse effects of alcohol do not occur only to the person consuming alcohol but to other people in society. Part of the duty of society is to regulate dangerous products, not just adverse effects for kids but also for adults who don’t drink alcohol.” Pediatrics, July 2015


Quote: “I just want you to know that you’re very special… and the only reason I’m telling you is that I don’t know if anyone else ever has.” ~ Stephen Chbosky


This Weekly Health News Update is compliments of Dr. Ward Beecher and Beecher Chiropractic Clinic. If you have any questions or comments, please contact us at 281-286-1300 or .



Dr Beecher’s May 18 Weekly Chiropractic Newsletter

Week of Monday, May 18th, 2015

To download Dr. Beecher’s Weekly Newsletter , please click here!

Mental Attitude: Dementia Increases Odds of Complications During a Hospital Stay. During a hospital admission, older patients with dementia have a 2.5 times greater risk for experiencing preventable complications such as urinary tract infections, pressure areas, pneumonia, and delirium. According to experts, these complications can result in an eight-fold increase in the amount of time the dementia patient remains under inpatient care. BMC Health Services Research, March 2015


Health Alert: Short People at Greater Risk of Coronary Heart Disease. Researchers at the University of Leicester claim that shorter men and women have proportionally smaller coronary arteries that place them at a greater risk for heart disease than taller people. The investigators found that every 2.5 inch (~6.35 cm) change in height affects coronary heart disease risk by 13.5%. Study leader Dr. Nilesh Samani explains, “While our findings do not have any immediate clinical implications, better and fuller understanding of the biological mechanisms that underlie the relationship between shorter height and higher risk of coronary heart disease may open up new ways for its prevention and treatment.” New England Journal of Medicine, April 2015


Diet: Dietary Fiber Supplement May Help with Weight Control. An animal study found that rats fed a fiber supplement along with a high-fat and high-sugar diet gained less weight than subjects fed the same diet without the supplement. Despite having constant access to food high in both fat and sugar, researchers found that rats given supplemental oligofructose fiber gained about 30% less weight than the control group. Senior author Dr. Keith Sharkey notes, “Our data shows that a simple dietary intervention with a prebiotic oligofructose fiber reduced weight gain and this may also lead to the long-term maintenance of a lower body weight in the face of continued dietary challenge.” Obesity, March 2015


Exercise: Exercise Is Good for Lung Cancer Patients. Physical activity should be considered as a treatment option for lung cancer patients as it reduces symptoms, increases exercise tolerance, improves quality of life, and potentially reduces the length of hospital stays and complications following lung cancer surgery. Lead researcher Dr. Gerard A. Silvestri advises that “clinicians should (at [a] minimum) consider physical activity early, counsel against inactivity, and encourage physical activity in all stages of lung cancer patients and lung cancer survivors. This review shows uniform recognition that exercise and physical activity are safe for those with lung cancer, patients are requesting increased activity counseling, and multiple studies and reviews show potential clinical benefit in quality of life, exercise tolerance, and post-operative complications. Further, we know that inactivity in cancer patients is associated with worse outcomes.” Journal of Thoracic Oncology, March 2015


Chiropractic: Vitamin D Can Improve Pain & Movement in Obese Osteoarthritis Patients. Chiropractors often recommend vitamin D because is a common deficiency and optimum levels are associated with several health benefits. In a new study, researchers analyzed blood samples, surveyed arthritic knee pain, and measured the functional performance of 256 middle age and older adults and found that higher levels of vitamin D may decrease pain and improve function in overweight and obese patients with osteoarthritis. Lead author Dr. Toni L. Glover concludes, “Vitamin D is inexpensive, available over-the-counter and toxicity is fairly rare. Older obese patients with chronic pain should discuss their vitamin D status with their primary care provider. If it’s low, take a supplement [and/or] get judicious sun exposure.” The Clinical Journal of Pain, January 2015


Wellness/Prevention: Cancer Deaths Decreasing in America. According to a new report, the United States is slowly and steadily winning the war against cancer as mortality rates from the disease continue to decline. Between 2002 and 2011, the overall cancer death rate fell an average of 1.5% per year, and the rate of new cancer rates declined an average of .5% per year. Co-author Dr. Ahmedin Jemal writes, “These numbers reflect a combination of factors that include prevention, early detection, and improved treatment.” Journal of the National Cancer Institute, March 2015


Quote: “…when it comes down to it, that’s what life is all about: showing up for the people you love, again and again, until you can’t show up anymore.” ~ Rebecca Walker


This Weekly Health News Update is compliments of Dr. Ward Beecher and Beecher Chiropractic Clinic. If you have any questions or comments, please contact us at 281-286-1300 or .



Dr Beecher’s October 6 Weekly Chiropractic Newsletter


Week of Monday, October 6th, 2014


Mental Attitude: Differences in Brains of People with Dyslexia. Dyslexia causes problems with reading and writing and is the most commonly diagnosed learning disorder in the United States. Researchers have discovered that people with this condition have disrupted network connections in their brains. Using functional MRI, the research team found that individuals with dyslexia have less connectivity between a number of the brain regions used during the reading process when compared to MRI scans of people without dyslexia. Study author Dr. Emily Finn writes, “Compared to typical readers, dyslexics had weaker connections between areas that process visual information and areas that control attention, suggesting that individuals with dyslexia are less able to focus on printed words.” Biological Psychiatry, August 2014


Health Alert: Kidney Stones Increase Risk of Heart Disease. A new study suggests that kidney stones can increase an individual’s risk for coronary heart disease and stroke. The results of the study found that patients with kidney stones have a 19% increased risk for coronary heart disease and a 40% higher risk for stroke. Thomas Manley, director of scientific activities at the National Kidney Foundation, writes, “Kidney stones are common, and with their association to coronary heart disease and stroke found in this study, it suggests that a thorough cardiovascular assessment should be considered in patients who develop kidney stones.” American Journal of Kidney Diseases, August 2014


Diet: Avoid Eating When You’re Not Hungry. If you want to avoid eating when you’re not hungry, it is important to avoid common triggers that can lead to consuming extra calories and packing on pounds. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) notes that common triggers include seeing favorite snacks in the pantry, watching TV, close proximity to a vending machine, stressful situations, and being bored. The CDC recommends developing strategies for avoiding such triggers or finding healthier options if such situations are unavoidable. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, September 2011


Exercise: Daily Moderate Exercise Reduces Disability Risk in Seniors. Daily moderate exercise can mean the difference between becoming housebound or keeping up with everyday activities later in life. Researchers found that daily moderate exercise among participants ages 70 to 89 reduced loss of mobility by 28% and increased walking ability by 18%. The exercise involved walking 150 minutes a week as well as strength, flexibility, and balance training. Co-principal investigator Dr. Jack Guralnik adds, “The very purpose of the study is to provide definitive evidence that physical activity can truly improve the independence of older adults.” Journal of the American Medical Association, May 2014


Chiropractic: Chronic Disease Increases Musculoskeletal Pain Risk! An analysis of musculoskeletal injuries among police officers in South Korea found that officers who suffer from one or more chronic diseases (diabetes, for example) are 1.78 times more likely to experience musculoskeletal pain in the shoulder, neck, waist, hands/wrists/fingers, arms, and legs. Journal of Physical Therapy Science, June 2014


Wellness/Prevention: Best Time for Sun Exposure. Sun exposure is important for vitamin D synthesis, but too much sun can increase an individual’s risk for skin cancer. In a newly published study, a research team from Oslo University Hospital recommends the best times for optimal vitamin D production with minimal risk of skin cancer development are between 10:00 AM and 1:00 PM. Lead author Dr. Johan Moan adds that the common recommendations to avoid the sun altogether between 10:00 AM and 4:00 PM may be wrong. Advanced in Experimental Medicine and Biology, August 2014


Quote: “Age does not protect you from love. But love, to some extent, protects you from age.” ~ Anais Nin


This Weekly Health News Update is compliments of Dr. Ward Beecher and Beecher Chiropractic Clinic. If you have any questions or comments, please contact us at 281-286-1300 or .




Dr Beecher’s September 29 Weekly Chiropractic Newsletter

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Week of Monday, September 29th, 2014

Mental Attitude: Gardens Can Calm People with Dementia. A review of 17 previous studies has found that gardening tasks — such as watering plants or sitting or strolling in a garden — can help sooth anxiety in some dementia patients. Experts say the findings are encouraging, and ongoing research into the potential calming power of outdoor space continues… Journal of the American Medical Directors Association, July 2014


Health Alert: Heart Attack Survival Rates Affected by Arrival Time at Hospital. The American Heart Association has found that heart attack patients who present to a hospital at night, during the weekend, or on a holiday have a 13% increased risk of dying compared with heart attack patients who are admitted during regular hours. The authors found that, on average, it takes 56 minutes for patients arriving at the ER during regular work hours to receive the angioplasty procedure necessary to open their blocked blood vessel compared with an average of 72 minutes during evenings, weekends, or holidays. Circulation, July 2014


Diet: Are Five Portions of Fruit & Veggies a Day Enough? Consuming fruits and vegetables is important to reduce the risk of mortality from illnesses such as cardiovascular disease, but past studies have failed to come to a consensus on the ideal amount that should be consumed. A new study indicates that five portions of fruits and vegetables a day is optimum for reducing the risk of death from all causes. Investigators found a 5% average reduction in the risk of death from all causes and a 4% reduction in the risk of death from cardiovascular disease for each additional portion of fruit and vegetables consumed per day up to a threshold of five portions per day. British Medical Journal, July 2014


Exercise: Improves Motor Skill Development. Researchers have demonstrated that a single bout of acute cardiovascular exercise can improve an individual’s ability to learn new motor skills up to a week after performing the activity. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, August 2014


Chiropractic: Lower Premature Birth Risk Observed… Does consulting with a Doctor of Chiropractic have any effect on birth outcomes? An analysis of data from the Australian Longitudinal Study on Women’s Health indicates that the answer may be yes. Researchers found that pregnant women who sought chiropractic services were less likely to deliver prematurely than women who did not receive treatment. Of course, more research is needed to determine if the relationship is causative. Midwifery, March 2014


Wellness/Prevention: Smartphone App Could Help Doctors Diagnose Hereditary Diseases. Hereditary diseases can be difficult to detect, as they can present an array of symptoms similar to other illnesses. Researchers have created a smartphone app called “Phenomizer” that can help simplify diagnosis for these types of conditions. Doctors begin by entering the symptoms of their patient into the app. Then, the system scans a large database that stores over 10,000 disease characteristics and links them to 7,500 diseases. Researcher leader Dr. Marcel Schulz writes, “The doctors no longer have to research in databases or books for several hours. The list supports them in detecting the disease more quickly. Moreover, doctors can ask patients about their symptoms in greater detail. This makes it easier to assess which aspects they need to pay attention to.” American Academy of Neurology’s 66th Annual Meeting, April 2014


Quote: “No man ever steps in the same river twice, for it’s not the same river and he’s not the same man.” ~ Heraclitus


This Weekly Health News Update is compliments of Dr. Ward Beecher and Beecher Chiropractic Clinic. If you have any questions or comments, please contact us at 281-286-1300 or .







Dr Beecher’s December 30 Weekly Chiropractic Newsletter

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Week of Monday, December 30th, 2013

Mental Attitude: Blood Test for Concussions. Currently, 15-30% of concussion sufferers will experience significant, persistent cognitive deficits, such as processing speed, working memory, and the ability to switch or balance multiple thoughts. Unfortunately, doctors have no reliable way to asses if a concussion sufferer may fall into that group. Now, researchers at the University of Pennsylvania and Baylor College believe they have discovered a blood test that can determine if a concussion sufferer will experience long-term neural complications. By testing blood for elevated levels of a specific protein (STNF), medical professionals can accurately identify if recovery issues will arise and what additional treatment measures should be taken. Frontiers in Neurology, November 2013


Health Alert: Alcohol and Acetaminophen. There were 116,395 new kidney failures, 571,414 people living with kidney failure, and 90,118 deaths from the disease in the United States in 2009. Moderate or light consumption of alcohol taken with acetaminophen may increase the risk of kidney dysfunction. Acetaminophen usage and low to moderate alcohol consumption are not considered as individual risk factors for kidney damage, but together, they increase a person’s risk for kidney damage by

123%. Mayo Clinic, November 2013


Diet: Fruits and Veggies are Good for Your Child’s Bones! A study from the United Kingdom found that fruit and vegetable intake was positively associated with increased total body bone mineral density and bone mineral content in adolescent girls and boys. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, June 2006


Exercise: It Can Take Time… After the first two months of an exercise program, volunteers who had insomnia reported they were not sleeping any better than they had at the start of the study. It wasn’t until the four month mark that their insomnia improved. They also rarely reported sleeping better on nights when they had exercised and they almost always exercised for a shorter amount of time on the days after a poor night’s sleep. Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine, November 2013


Chiropractic: Significant Improvement! Fifty patients with neck and arm pain caused by an MRI-confirmed cervical disk herniation received chiropractic adjustments over a 90-day period. After two weeks, 55.3% of patients reported their pain had significantly improved. This number rose to 68.9% after one month and 85.7% after three months of care. No adverse events were reported. Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics, October 2013


Wellness/Prevention: Pesticides and Endometriosis. Endometriosis is a common condition that affects 10% of women during their reproductive years. Symptoms may include painful menstrual periods, pelvic pain, and infertility. Researchers looked to

see if exposure to environmental chemicals with estrogenic properties (like some pesticides) could increase a woman’s risk for developing the disease. They found that women with blood samples showing exposure to two now-banned pesticides (beta-

hexachlorocyclohexane and mirex) have a 30-70% higher risk for developing the condition. Study author Dr. Kristen Upson concludes, “The take-home message from our study is that the persistent environmental chemicals, even those used in the past, may affect the health of the current generation of reproductive-age women with regard to a hormonally driven disease.” Environmental Health Perspectives, November 2013


Quote: “Those who dare to fail miserably can achieve greatly.” ~ John F. Kennedy


This Weekly Health News Update is compliments of Dr. Ward Beecher and Beecher Chiropractic Clinic. If you have any questions or comments, please contact us at 281-286-1300 or .



Dr Beecher’s December 9 Weekly Chiropractic Newsletter

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Week of Monday, December 2nd, 2013

Mental Attitude: Kids and Moms. A mother’s friendships with other adults can impact their adolescent children’s relationships with their own friends, particularly the negative aspects of these relationships such as conflict and antagonism. Adolescents may mimic the negative characteristics of their mothers’ relationships in their own peer-to-peer friendships. Mothers who display

high levels of conflict with friends may signal to their children that such behavior is acceptable.

University of Missouri, November 2013


Health Alert: Bacteria in Your Gut? Rheumatoid arthritis, an autoimmune disease that attacks joint tissue and causes pain, affects 1.3 million Americans. Researchers have linked a species of intestinal bacteria known as Prevotella copri to the onset of rheumatoid arthritis. Of those tested, 75% of stool samples from patients newly diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis carried Prevotella copri compared with 21.4% of samples from healthy individuals. NYU Langone Medical Center, November 2013


Diet: Pickled Turnips? Scientists have discovered that the bacteria Lactobacillus brevis may prevent the flu. Lactobacillus brevis comes from Suguki, a pickled turnip popular in Japan. When a particular strain of Lactobacillus brevis was eaten by mice, it showed protective effects against influenza infection. Suguki enthusiasts have often cited its protective powers, but it is not known yet whether the same effects will be seen in humans. Human clinical trials using a probiotic drink containing

Lactobacillus brevis bacteria are underway and scientists are hopeful that, given a suitable quantity of bacteria, foods containing

Lactobacillus brevis may turn out to be the next superfood. Letters in Applied Microbiology, November 2013


Exercise: Exercise Helps Arthritis. Seniors who participated in classes that promoted the self-management of arthritis through exercise reported decreased pain, improved mobility, reduced stiffness, more energy, and an improved quality of life. According to Dr. Linda Russell, a rheumatologist and chair of the Public and Patient Education Advisory Committee at Hospital for

Special Surgery, “Getting seniors to be active in any way will generally improve their quality of life and help them function better in their everyday activities. People believe that if you have arthritis you shouldn’t exercise, but appropriate exercises

actually help decrease pain.” American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, November 2013


Chiropractic: Pain Relief! Patients with chronic spinal pain (either neck, mid-back, or low back) were randomized to receive NSAIDs (pain relief medication), acupuncture, or spinal adjustments. Care was provided for four weeks, followed by assessment of improvement. After 30 days, spinal manipulation was the only intervention that achieved statistically significant improvements in pain and disability. Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics, July 1999


Wellness/Prevention: Physical Fitness Helps the Heart Too! Coronary heart disease is the number one cause of death among both men and women in the United States. After following 9,800 coronary heart disease patients for an average of 11 years, researchers found that the patients with higher levels of physical fitness were less likely to suffer a cardiac event and were 75% more likely to still be alive a decade after diagnosis. Senior study author Dr. Michael Blaha writes, “We hope that as a result of this study, more physicians will consider prescribing physical activity as a front-line therapy to improve survival and quality of life for their patients who are able to safely exercise.” John Hopkins Medicine, November 2013


Quote: “I find my greatest pleasure, and so my reward, in the work that precedes what the world calls success.”

~ Thomas A. Edison


This Weekly Health News Update is compliments of Dr. Ward Beecher and Beecher Chiropractic Clinic. If you have any questions or comments, please contact us at 281-286-1300 or .


Dr Beecher’s September 2 Weekly Chiropractic Newsletter

To download Dr. Beecher’s Weekly Newsletter, please click here!


Week of Monday, September 2nd, 2013


Mental Attitude: Live To Be 120? When people were asked whether they would want medical treatments to extend their lives by decades so they could live to be 120 or more, 56% of adult Americans aged 18 and over declined the offer. When asked how long they would like to live, 69% gave an answer of between 79 and 100 years. The median ideal age is 90 years, about 11 years longer than the current life expectancy of Americans. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, August 2013


Health Alert: Destroy Your IQ? Two serious fight-related head injuries can impact a teenage boy’s IQ to the equivalent of losing a whole year of school. For girls, a similar loss of IQ is possible after just one serious fight-related head injury. Falls in IQ are linked to lower academic and professional performance, behavioral problems, mental disorders, and decreased life spans. Each fight-related injury resulted in a drop of 1.62 IQ points for boys and a fall of 3.02 IQ points for girls. Missing a whole academic year is equivalent to a loss of between 2 and 4 IQ points. Journal of Adolescent Health, August 2013


Diet: Antioxidents and Conception. Women undergoing fertility treatment often take dietary supplements, including antioxidents, to improve their chances of becoming pregnant. However, a study of over 3,500 women who attended fertility clinics found that antioxidents had no effect on conception, either in improving pregnancy rates or hindering them. The Cochran Library, August 2013


Exercise: Little Girls Not Exercising Enough. Just 38% of seven-year-old girls in the United Kingdom (UK) get the recommended amount of daily exercise, compared to 63% of boys in the same age group. UK guidelines call for children to exercise just one hour per day. BMJ Open, August 2013


Chiropractic: Chiropractic and Chest Pain. Over six million Americans suffer from angina pectoris (chest pain), the most common form being stable angina pectoris. A study of 50 patients with cervicothoracic angina (a form a stable angina pectoris) found that 70% benefited from eight chiropractic treatments over a four week period with improvements in chest pain, emotional health, mental health, and vitality. Patients in a control group who received no treatment reported no such improvements. Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics, November 2005


Wellness/Prevention: Resetting Your Clock. According to new research, camping in the wilderness for a week can synchronize our internal clocks to the solar day, allowing our bodies to normalize melatonin levels. On average, study participants went to bed and awoke two hours earlier when only exposed to sunlight and campfire light. All of the participants’ sleep patterns synchronized with sunset and sunrise, despite the fact that the study included both early birds and night owls. Current Biology, August 2013


Quote: “Eat healthily, sleep well, breathe deeply, move harmoniously.” ~ Jean-Pierre Barral


This Weekly Health News Update is compliments of Dr. Ward Beecher and Beecher Chiropractic Clinic. If you have any questions or comments, please contact us at 281-286-1300 or .

Dr Beecher’s July 15 Weekly Chiropractic Newsletter

To download Dr. Beecher’s Weekly Newsletter, please click here!


Week of Monday, July 15th, 2013

Mental Attitude: Brain Health. A recent study recommends that doctors treating patients for type 2 diabetes also take cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk factors into consideration. The combination of type 2 diabetes and CVD can put patients at a higher risk for long-term cognitive dysfunction, even with CVD at subclinical levels.

Journal of Diabetes and Its Complications, June 2013


Health Alert: Summer Heat! Extreme heat causes 658 deaths a year. That’s more than tornadoes, hurricanes, floods, and lightning combined. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention urges Americans to take measures to stay cool, remain hydrated, and to keep informed. When the weather gets extremely hot, body temperatures can rise, causing brain damage, organ damage, and even death. When the human body cannot compensate and cool itself properly, it is more susceptible to heat-related illness. 69% of deaths from heat exposure occur at home, and in 91% of these homes there is no air-conditioning. Most of the victims live alone or are unmarried and 72% of them are male. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, June 2013


Diet: Cholesterol-Lowering Diet. People who ate a Nordic diet had lower levels of harmful LDL cholesterol, higher levels of “good” HDL cholesterol, fewer fat particles in the blood, and therefore, had a decreased risk of cardiovascular disease. The healthy ‘Nordic diet’ contains berries, root vegetables, legumes, cabbage, nuts, game, poultry, fish, whole grains, rapeseed oil, and low-fat dairy products. Lund University, June 2013


Exercise: 12 Minutes? Only 20% of American adults get enough exercise. Just 12 minutes of exercise each week is enough to stay fit! Four minute bursts of vigorous physical activity three times each week can elevate oxygen intake levels, lower blood pressure, and decrease glucose levels. PLOS One, June 2013


Chiropractic: Neck Pain Relief. Three groups received either spinal manipulative therapy from a chiropractor, pain medication (over-the-counter pain relievers, narcotics and muscle relaxants), or exercise recommendations. After 12 weeks, 57% of those who met with a chiropractor and 48% who exercised reported at least a 75% reduction in pain, compared to 33% of the people in the medication group. Annals of Internal Medicine, January 2012


Wellness/Prevention: Lifestyle Changes. The four lifestyle factors that lead to a healthy heart are regular exercise, eating a Mediterranean-style diet, maintaining a normal weight, and not smoking. Adopting these four lifestyle behaviors protected against coronary heart disease as well as the early buildup of calcium deposits in heart arteries, and reduced the chance of death from all causes by 80 percent over an eight-year period.

American Journal of Epidemiology, June 2013


Quote: “He who has health, has hope; and he who has hope, has everything.” ~ Thomas Carlyle


This Weekly Health News Update is compliments of Dr. Ward Beecher and Beecher Chiropractic Clinic. If you have any questions or comments, please contact us at 281-286-1300 or .