Carpal Tunnel and the Magic Bullet

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Chiropractor in Clear Lake Comments: Patients with severe carpal tunnel symptoms often become desperate in their search for a cure. Most patients with chronic diseases fall prey to this, looking for the one answer, the one magic pill or magic bullet that will rid them of all their troubles now and forever.Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Houston-001

In carpal tunnel care, you may have looked for the magic splint, the best surgeon, the one exercise, the one vitamin or herb or magnet, to find relief of your pain. As carpal tunnel symptoms worsen, affecting not only our daily lives and even our jobs, the urgency to find the one thing becomes greater and greater.

It’s no wonder there’s no shortage of promises and potions out there to deliver you the magic bullet. Perhaps you could look at this problem in another way? Not the one thing that has thus far eluded you, but rather the many things you’ve found difficult to face and take care of, the things that may prevent problems but only if you faithfully adhere to them. What I’m getting at is this: there are many pieces to the carpal tunnel puzzle and you can think of hand pain more of as a signal that the final straw that is finally breaking the camel’s back.

Yes it is true that those with vitamin deficiencies get more nerve symptoms and taking B6 can help some people with their symptoms. But B6 is part of the B-complex that we should be getting everyday in our diets. Whether you have symptoms or not, you should be eating right, and that means lots of vegetables. Most of us will benefit from correcting our lack of vitamin intake by taking different vitamins in supplement form.

Or maybe we are overweight; it’s true of 60% of Americans. We need to maintain an ideal weight whether or not our hands hurt. Or perhaps we have a neck problem that we are not addressing. Sometimes neck problems cause hand pain and sometimes they do not. Whether or not the neck itself is causing your hand to hurt, you should get your neck fixed so that movements are free and symmetrical.

Lastly, exercise and stretching should be party of everyone’s daily routine, not just those with hand symptoms.

Dr. Ward Beecher practices at Beecher Chiropractic Clinic at 1001 Pineloch, Ste 700 Houston, TX 77062. You can schedule an appointment at or by calling (281) 286-1300. If you have any questions regarding this blog, please comment below!


Low Back Pain: Fix the Problem and You Won’t Need to Worry About the Pain

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Houston Chiropractor Comments: It’s gotten a bit confusing how we sometimes look at our health. When pain strikes the low back we usually think we just got a new problem or injury. But why then was coughing, shaving, or doing the laundry, so different this time? These are things we do everyday. Rarely is a new episode of low back pain brought on by a well-defined injury or trauma. Trauma in most cases is usually quite trivial. We confuse pain as a signal for something that is physically changing each time.Low Back Pain Houston

So what is the problem? The problem is joint sprain or subluxation. This is a ligament problem and occurs with small micro traumas over many years, or sometimes with acute events such as car accidents or falls. Over time the ligaments stretch, causing the joints and vertebrae to displace, irritating the delicate nerve fibers. But over a few days or weeks, the pain that accompanies this injury gradually lessens, and in many cases goes away all on its own. But has the problem also gone away? Likely not, because when ligaments are traumatized, the repair mechanism involves scar tissue, which is less elastic than the original, and makes the joint vulnerable to re-injury and sometimes, impairs the free and symmetrical motion of the spine. The doctor of chiropractic examines for this type of joint sprain using palpation for tenderness and edema, and x-rays to see the directions the vertebrae have moved towards. These specific analyses can tell us the vulnerable directions and how the vertebrae need to be repositioned to promote good alignment and good posture.

The adjustment is designed to reduce this misalignment, and induce more symmetric motion. When movements are asymmetrical in the spine, they can lead to premature degeneration of the spine and arthritis. This may be why a simple task such as lifting a laundry basket can flare up the back so easily. You may be lifting with good form and posture but with an asymmetrical spine, the loading is very off balance. Sometimes the disks are so damaged that a simple sneeze is enough to cause excruciating pain. So when these trivial events seem to trip you up, it means there is an underlying problem that is not getting corrected.

Dr. Ward Beecher practices at Beecher Chiropractic Clinic at 1001 Pineloch, Ste 700 Houston, TX 77062. You can schedule an appointment at or by calling (281) 286-1300. If you have any questions regarding this blog, please comment below!

Whiplash and Treatment Delay: Does It Matter?


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Clear Lake Doctor of Chiropractic comments: When a person is involved in a car accident, the inevitable question comes up: should I see a doctor? In most cases the answer is yes. But why is this important?

A collision between two vehicles imparts a considerable amount of force on the body and spine. Even in low speed Clear Lake Whiplash Treatment-001collisions, the forces add up to several times the force of gravity. So what does this mean? It means your body generally cannot resist such large forces without being injured. These injuries may be minor, such as a muscle strain or more substantial, involving stretching of the disks and ligaments of the spine.

Will these injuries always cause pain right after the collision? Only if there is severe damage to tissues will you experience immediate pain after a collision. In fact, having instant severe pain is a good indicator that you suffered a severe trauma. But most low speed collisions do not produce this type of instantaneous and intense pain. Instead, the person may feel “shaken up” or a little stiff. Unfortunately many patients interpret this stiffness as nothing more than a simple muscle strain and do not seek medical or chiropractic attention. Up to two weeks can go by before you start to feel the effects of a whiplash injury. This is why it is important to see a doctor immediately to see if things are truly ok following an accident.

Only a doctor can examine your spine, pressing on different structures and seeing if your movements are fluid, pain-free and symmetrical. You will find it difficult to do this type of examination on yourself. In addition, x-rays may be needed to see the posture and alignment of your cervical spine. If you had radiating pain or symptoms of a brain injury, then an MRI may also be needed to see the soft tissues that x-rays cannot detect.

Without these types of important examinations it is hard to say if you’ve been injured significantly following an accident. Treatment delay, if you have been injured, will not help to get you back to health quickly. In fact, if you limited your activities and neck movements, this could impair your function down the road. Simply taking pain medications to restore the alignment of your spine will not be enough.

Dr. Ward Beecher practices at Beecher Chiropractic Clinic at 1001 Pineloch, Ste 700 Houston, TX 77062. You can schedule an appointment at or by calling (281) 286-1300. If you have any questions regarding this blog, please comment below!

Can I Diagnose Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Myself?

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Clear Lake Doctor of Chiropractic comments: We are so used to fixing everyday problems ourselves in society today, that we sometimes do this when it comes to health care. The “can-do” American spirit of “pulling yourself up by your boot straps” is alive and well. We are bombarded by advertising messages that tell us if we have a pain in the wrist or back, then just go to the drug store and get some pills. The messages seem to make sense. If I have a problem with my wrist, then it must be carpal tunnel syndrome, right?

Nothing could be further from the truth. The reality is that hand and wrist pain or numbness can come from many Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Houstondifferent causes-some even very serious diseases such as cancer. Even a disease such as diabetes can show up as wrist or hand pain. There are also different types of arthritis that can show similar symptoms. Only through x-rays and laboratory tests can these distinctions be made.

Also at issue is the fact that long nerves run from your neck and spinal cord and down your arm to the hand. An injury anywhere along the course of this nerve, could make you feel pain in your fingers or hand. And then, of course, there are wrist traumas or repetitive motion injuries that can further complicate the picture.

This should illustrate to you how important a thorough diagnosis is before deciding on a cause for a problem and a course of action to get it resolved. Even a detailed history by a doctor will not be enough to determine if you have carpal tunnel syndrome. So if you’ve been diagnosed with this condition and the doctor failed to examine your wrist, the diagnosis can be incorrect. An astute doctor will use the history of the pain combined with very specific tests to determine how your wrist functions. We do these examinations too, but also include an analysis of the neck region, which can cause irritation to a nerve, that then produces hand symptoms.

Once you get the diagnosis correct, there are many options for treatment. Medications, splints, and surgery are tried by many with varying degrees of success. For those who want a more natural, and drug and surgery-free alternative, then chiropractic care is an excellent option to consider.

Dr. Ward Beecher practices at Beecher Chiropractic Clinic at 1001 Pineloch, Ste 700 Houston, TX 77062. You can schedule an appointment at or by calling (281) 286-1300. If you have any questions regarding this blog, please comment below!

The Effectiveness of Spinal Manipulation for Treating Low Back Pain


For many people seeking relief from pain in the lower back, their first point of contact is with a medical doctor who prescribes pain medications. However, those who seek treatment from a chiropractor are more likely to experience a significant reduction in pain than those who take prescribed medications for pain, according to a study conducted by the American Chiropractic Association.


If you suffer from pain in your lower back, contact Beecher Chiropractic today for the relief you need. Chiropractic treatment is safe, highly effective and appropriate for just about everyone. To learn more, please call 281-286-1300 to schedule a consultation with Dr. Ward Beecher, your Houston chiropractor.

Headaches…What Is The Link To The Spine?

Houston Chiropractor Comments: Headaches are so common that we rarely question what is the cause. In the case of headache, it can be something as simple as jet lag to something truly ominous, such as a brain tumor.

If you suffer form headaches, it is important that you get the diagnosis right. Remember that head pain is the Houston Headache Chiropractorsymptom-it is not the actual problem. It is a way that your body gives a signal that you have a problem. So it does require some investigation. Despite what the commercials say on TV, just diagnosing headache as a problem and driving to the drug store for a bottle of pills is not the solution. Yet many of us suffer from daily headaches for years and years and never think…is my headache being caused by a lack of these pills in my diet?

In chiropractic, we look at this problem differently from what you see in a drug ad. First, you need to have a diagnosis and determine the cause for your head pain. Once the cause is determined, then truly corrective action can take place. We pay special attention to how your spine moves and its posture, especially the neck region. Many different research studies have shown that spinal sprains and injuries can produce head pain. And randomized clinical trials have shown that when these spinal problems are addressed with adjustments, the headaches largely disappear…and without the side effects commonly seen with prescription medications.

But every case is different. It’s impossible to know without an examination, if you have a spinal problem, and whether this is the cause for your headache. Our clinic always offers complimentary in-clinic and phone consultations with a Doctor of Chiropractic.

If you are not getting your headaches under control and seemingly endless consumption of pills is not doing the trick, then why not take a different and more natural approach to your health.  There is no headache bone in your spine, or a button the chiropractor can push to make the headache go away. We generally find, that once the spinal posture and motion is improved, the headaches go away on their own. It can take one visit or several, but we generally see improvements in a short period time.

Dr. Ward Beecher practices at Beecher Chiropractic Clinic at 1001 Pineloch, Ste 700 Houston, TX 77062. You can schedule an appointment at or by calling (281) 286-1300. If you have any questions regarding this blog, please comment below!

Low Back Pain vs. a Low Back Problem: Is There a Difference?

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Chiropractor near NASA comments: Your “back pain pain” might be a misnomer. We often confuse pain for a problem. Doctors often don’t help matters by not doing thorough examinations, and just offering a prescription of pain pills or anti-inflammatory drugs when the patient comes in with a complaint of pain.1001 Pineloch, Ste 700 Houston, TX 77062

So what is the difference? The pain is part of the problem you are experiencing, but it is not the actual cause-the problem that is producing the pain. If you say you have back pain to a doctor, this should be the starting point for a complete examination to determine its cause. Is it a problem with the disk (a cartilage ligament that separates the vertebrae)? Is the problem more a muscle strain? Do the joints of the spine move in a free and symmetrical pattern?

Have you been examined this way? Was your spine moved around in different planes? Did the doctor poke and press on different tissues of the spine to see if there was swelling (inflammation) or tenderness? Were x-rays taken to see if there was normal alignment and good posture of your spine?

All of these tests help to determine the actual nature of the problem. It’s not enough to just call the pain the problem and leave it that. Sadly, this happens to far too many patients who are left thinking that if they just take something to cover up the pain, it makes the problem go away.

Our clinic is different, we examine to find the cause of your pain, and then provide a treatment plan that can get you back to enjoying your activities with maximum function. If your pain is gone but you still cannot use your back like you used to, then you might want to consider an alternative approach.

Of course, taking pain pills for long periods of time can also lead to undesired side effects such as stomach bleeding. We are very conditioned in society to accept pills as the source of health and longevity. For many patients they are critical to regaining health, but too often they are used as a panacea, especially when it comes to back pain. You should ask questions about a doctor’s approach to getting you well, and whether this fits with your philosophy and preferences.

Dr. Ward Beecher practices at Beecher Chiropractic Clinic at 1001 Pineloch, Ste 700 Houston, TX 77062. You can schedule an appointment at or by calling (281) 286-1300. If you have any questions regarding this blog, please comment below!


Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: Gadgets and Alternatives

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Houston Area Chiropractor Comments: I’ve noticed many patients use gadgets to treat carpal tunnel syndrome. But is this a good choice or another fad? Sometimes our health advice comes from friends, family, and customers at the local health food store. I am sure you were given a persuasive story before buying. Late night TV infomercials are used too often for medical advice. If your carpal tunnel symptoms show up at night, you may have fallen prey to these sales pitches. There are lots of snake-oil salesmen to take advantage of this often debilitating and frustrating condition which affects millions every year.

Copper bracelets and magnets seem to be particularly in style today. But do these and similar gadgets even work?

There are a couple of studies looking at herbs and magnets. According to the research there is very little evidence that these devices do anything at all. There are no studies on copper-so I guess the jury is still out on that question. However, they don’t pass the smell test in my opinion. These gadgets are probably safe, except for making your skin turn a little green from a copper bracelet.

What about yoga? Surprisingly, one clinical trial of 51 patients over eight weeks showed that doing yoga improved carpal tunnel symptoms better than using a wrist splint.

As far as chiropractic care, there is some evidence that mobilization movements can help ease symptoms. In the short term, chiropractic care is at least as effective at reducing pain when compared to taking powerful pain-killing drugs.

The first step is to make sure you are properly diagnosed. There are too many patients who get incorrect diagnoses or have resigned themselves to taking pills for indefinite periods of time.

One important consideration is whether your hand symptoms are from a neck injury.  Injury to nerves in the neck and wrist can lead to what is known as double-crush syndrome. The wrist and the neck, needs to be examined to get a thorough diagnosis. There are also rare causes of carpal tunnel syndrome, such as diabetes, which have to be considered.

Dr. Ward Beecher practices at Beecher Chiropractic Clinic at 1001 Pineloch, Ste 700 Houston, TX 77062. You can schedule an appointment at or by calling (281) 286-1300. If you have any questions regarding this blog, please comment below!