A Possible Link Between Headache and High Blood Pressure

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Houston Area Chiropractor Comments: Headaches are one of the common pains we get. High blood pressure is also very common, affecting about 50 million Americans. Could they be linked? Yes, but not in the way you may think. Some doctors question whether taking pain pills actually corrects the cause of the headache. But there are also other, perhaps more seemingly silent concerns.Headaches and High Blood Pressure

Is simply cutting the fire alarm when the house is on fire ever a good idea? If your headache is coming from a problem such as a sprained and subluxated neck, is taking a pill going to do anything to help the joint injury?

We all see the TV commercials and the long pill aisles at the supermarket. We must be consuming quite a bit and that is true. But could our excessive use of these drugs be causing another problem, one that may not be explained on the pill bottle label?

Researchers have looked at over-the-counter medications such as acetaminophen (e.g. Tylenol) and ibuprofen (e.g. Advil), to see if taking them over the long-term elevates the risk for developing high blood pressure (Hypertension 2005;46:500. Women’s Health Study I and II) The study investigated 5,123 women between the ages of 34 and 77 and followed them over many years.

Compared with women who did not use acetaminophen, the relative risk for those who took >500 mg per day was 1.93 (1.30 to 2.88) among older women. and 1.99 (1.39 to 2.85) among younger women.  A relative risk of 1.93 is a 93% increase in risk. The range was a 30% increase to a 185% increase.

For nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (e.g. ibuprofen), the risk of developing high blood pressure in older women also increased, ranging from a 78% to a 161% elevation. For younger women, the increased risks ranged from a 10% increase to a 132% increase.

Aspirin use was not associated with developing high blood pressure. The authors concluded that because acetaminophen and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are commonly used, they might contribute to the high prevalence (percent of the population with this disease) of high blood pressure in the United States.

Dr. Ward Beecher practices at Beecher Chiropractic Clinic at 1001 Pineloch, Ste 700 Houston, TX 77062. You can schedule an appointment at BeecherChiropractic.com or by calling (281) 286-1300. If you have any questions regarding this blog, please comment below!

Dr Beecher’s February 2015 Monthly Chiropractic Newsletter

To download Dr. Beecher’s Monthly Newsletter, please click here!

“It is amazing what you can accomplish if you do not care who gets the credit.” ~ Harry S. Truman


New Study Shows Refined Sugars May Raise Blood Pressure More Than Salt!


Also this month:

  • Study Links Vitamin D Deficiency to Depression. The evidence about the importance of Vitamin D is adding up.  It affects your immune system and has now been linked to depression.
  • Lose Weight with Potatoes? New study shows you may be able to lose weight even if you are eating a diet high in fat and refined carbohydrates with this potato extract…
  • How Stealing Eggs Fed a Family of Six. Stealing is not good but the outcome of this “theft” may have saved a few lives…


Houston – There is no question,  science has dramatically changed the way in which we see the world and has helped us better understand both ourselves and the universe we inhabit.

Here is something most people do not know about science and the scientific method: it raises more questions than answers. You see, the purpose of science is NOT to “prove” things.  In fact, all scientific theories are actually unprovable.

The late philosopher Karl Popper believed a hypothesis, proposition, or theory is “scientific” only if it is, among other things, falsifiable.

According to Princeton University’s website: “Falsifiability or refutability is the logical possibility that an assertion could be shown false by a particular observation or physical experiment.  That something is ‘falsifiable’ does not mean it is false; rather, it means that if the statement were false, then its falsehood could be demonstrated.

            “The claim ‘No human lives forever’ is not falsifiable since it does not seem possible to prove wrong.  In theory, one would have to observe a human living forever to falsify that claim.  On the other hand, ‘All humans live forever’ is falsifiable since the presentation of just one dead human could prove the statement wrong (excluding metaphysical assertions about souls, which are not falsifiable). Moreover, a claim may be true and still be falsifiable; if ‘All humans live forever’ were true, we would never actually find a dead human, and yet that claim would still be falsifiable because we can at least imagine the observation that would prove it wrong.”

Here Are Two Important Things About This…

First, a statement that is unfalsifiable is non-scientific, but that does not mean it is not relevant or that it is inaccurate.  One great example is the existence of atoms.  The ancient metaphysical and unfalsifiable idea of the existence of atoms led to modern theories about atoms that are falsifiable.

In other words, just because something does not fit into the scientific method does not mean it will not fit someday or that it is false.  It is very possible that things could be untestable by science but true.

Just as important, because something does fit into the scientific method and has withstood scientific testing, it does not mean it is true or even partially true.  It is not uncommon to discover that things we believe to be fact are either partially or completely incorrect.

In other words, we know a lot less than we sometimes think we do and we should always keep an open mind.

Is Sodium Really the Devil?

For example, sodium has been demonized for quite some time because it has been linked to high blood pressure and heart disease.  For many years, it has been an accepted “fact” that sodium intake must be reduced in people with high blood pressure and by most people in general.

Not too long ago, a study was published that suggested the important measure wasn’t sodium intake but the sodium/potassium ratio in an individual’s diet. This could mean that even a low-sodium diet could be bad if an individual’s diet is also low in potassium, or that a high-sodium diet may not be an issue if a person’s diet is also a high-potassium diet.

But it gets better…  Now, a new study published in the journal Open Heart has added to the debate.  In this study, high-sugar diets were found to raise blood pressure.

According to the study: “Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of premature mortality in the developed world, and hypertension is its most important risk factor.  Controlling hypertension is a major focus of public health initiatives, and dietary approaches have historically focused on sodium.

            “While the potential benefits of sodium-reduction strategies are debatable, one fact which there is little debate is that the predominant sources of sodium in the diet are industrially processed foods.  Processed foods also happen to be generally high in added sugars, the consumption of which might be more strongly and directly associated with hypertension and cardio metabolic risk.”

            The authors of the study went on to add,  “Thus, while there is no argument that recommendations to reduce consumption of processed foods are highly appropriate and advisable, the arguments in this review are that the benefits of such recommendations might have less to do with sodium – minimally related to blood pressure and perhaps even inversely related to cardiovascular risk – and more to do with highly-refined carbohydrates.”

Here’s What Is VERY Important To YOU:

This may seem like a lot of “scientific” information.  It may also seem confusing.  Researchers are good at making things confusing!

Here is the scoop:  Foods loaded with processed, refined carbohydrates are not good for you.  Choosing to eat fewer refined, processed foods is one of the best ways to lose weight and stay healthy.  Period.  End of story.

Notice, I did not say to stop eating carbohydrates?  Many people are confused by this and think all carbohydrates are the same but nothing could be further from the truth.

There is a HUGE difference between highly refined carbohydrates and unrefined carbohydrates.

Sure, there is a raging debate over low-carb and high-carb diets but that is another conversation.  The first thing you must understand is highly refined carbohydrates are not good for you in any amounts.  How many unrefined and GOOD carbohydrates you should consume is a very different topic.

Does science always have the right answer?  No, it is not supposed to.  Science is a method, a process.  It is one part of how we know what we know.  It is not all of it.

We should use science as part of the process to make the best decisions about life and health.

With that being said, I will go out on a limb and say this:  If you want to be healthier – possibly much healthier – stop eating processed, highly refined foods.

Are You SAD?  Vitamin D Deficiency

Might Be The Cause… 

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is believed to affect up to 10 percent of the population.  SAD is a type of depression related to the changes in the season and can affect some geographic locations more than others.  The symptoms of SAD usually start in the fall and continue throughout the winter months.  Now, new research suggests that Vitamin D plays a HUGE role in whether or not a person develops SAD.  According to Dr. Alan Stewart of the University of Georgia College of Education, “Rather than being one of many factors, Vitamin D could have a regulative role in the development of SAD… We believe there are several reasons for this, including Vitamin D levels fluctuate in the body seasonally, in direct relation to seasonally available sunlight.  For example, studies show there is a lag of about eight weeks between the peak in intensity of ultraviolet radiation and the onset of SAD, and this correlates with the time it takes for UV radiation to be processed by the body into Vitamin D.” 

It is important to note that Vitamin D is involved in the synthesis of dopamine and serotonin and lower levels of both are linked to depression.  This is especially important since many people now avoid the sun as much as possible out of fear or developing skin cancer. Clearly, exposure to sunlight is important for optimizing your health.  But there is a big difference between getting too much sunlight (and getting sunburns) and taking an extreme position to get no sunlight at all.  The tricky thing is determining what level of sun exposure is most beneficial for you.  Factors like skin tone and geographic location drastically affect how much sun any given person should be exposed to.  However, a vitamin D supplement may safely help increase your vitamin D levels, especially during winter months when sunlight exposure is extremely limited.

Don’t forget, if you ever have any questions or concerns about your health, talk to us. Contact us with your questions. We’re here to help and don’t enjoy anything more than participating in providing you natural pain relief.

Inspirational Story Of The Month

(Names And Details May Have Been Changed To Protect Privacy)

  How Stealing Eggs Fed a Starving Family of Six


Ever had a bad day?  One of those days where you wish you never got out of bed?  We all have those days.  Sometimes we get more of them than we want to deal with.

Clearly, life can be tough and it has brought many good people to their knees.  It’s a safe bet that EVERYONE at one time or another has needed help.  Getting help is what this amazing story is about…

Helen Johnson was just buying groceries, something we all do.  But that’s where the similarity ends for most of us.

Helen was not buying much, just the necessities because the children in her charge had not eaten in two days.  When the cashier told her the total, she was 50 cents short.  This put Helen in a very tough spot.  She is raising her two daughters, two grandchildren, and a niece.  She gets assistance from disability and welfare, but her last check got lost in the mail.

Helen was faced with letting her family go hungry… or stealing.  She chose the latter.

She put three eggs in her pocket and they broke.  This mistake turned out to be a blessing in disguise.

Here is why:  The cashier saw the broken eggs and knew she was trying to shoplift them, so she called the police.  When the police came, Helen was honest and told Officer William Stacy what had happened.

Officer Stacy said she started crying and said she needed help to put food in her babies’ stomachs.

Instead of arresting her, Officer Stacy told her to wait for him in the parking lot.  She did and he came back with a carton of eggs he purchased for her.  When he handed Helen the eggs, she almost broke down with overwhelming emotion.

What’s more, someone in the parking lot caught the entire exchange on video.  The video was uploaded to the internet and as you can imagine, went viral.

But it gets even better…  Officer Stacy is employed by the Tarrant Police Department in Alabama.  The Tarrant Police Department signed up Helen’s family for a local toy drive and also collected enough donations to deliver two truckloads of groceries to the family.

Helen has been quoted as saying, “I was just getting eggs and now that’s saved my life.  I’ve never been more grateful in my life.  I’m so overwhelmed with the goodness of these people… My heart is wide open right now.”

This story is not as unique as one may think.  In 2013, Jessica Robles was caught shoplifting groceries in a Publix Supermarket in Florida.  When Miami-Dade Police Officer Viki Thomas looked at the situation, she decided to pay $100 for the woman’s groceries instead of arresting her.

Everyone knows there is plenty of bad in the world, but there is also plenty of good.  Most of the time, you see what you are looking for.


We love helping our patients and their friends and relatives through their tough times and

getting them feeling better! We are here to help you stay feeling better and looking younger!

Don’t be a stranger. You really can afford Chiropractic care! Don’t wait until you can no longer move!

Did You Know?…


Are You Drinking Enough Water?


Throughout each day, your body loses water through your urine, exhalation, and sweat glands – even when you’re not purposely working up a sweat.  As a result, you have to drink water to constantly replenish this fluid. No, coffee and soft drinks do not count toward this requirement.  Both coffee and soda are high in caffeine, which act as a diuretic that will dehydrate you.  Worse yet, sodas, fruit juices, and other sweetened beverages are loaded with sugars that could negatively impact your health.  So, the key is to drink pure water.  Once your body has lost 1-2% of its total water content, it will signal its needs by making you feel thirsty.

Besides listening to your thirst, a good rule of thumb is to look at the color of your urine.  In most cases, you want to drink enough water to turn your urine a light-colored yellow (if it’s clear, you may be drinking too much water).  Also, Riboflavin (vitamin B2, which is also found in most multi-vitamins) will turn your urine a bright, almost fluorescent yellow.  So, if you’re taking supplements containing B2, it may be more difficult to judge hydration by the color of your urine.  Frequency of urination can also be used to judge your water intake.  If your urine is scant or if you haven’t urinated in several hours, that too may indicate you need to drink more water.


Tip Of The Month


Lose Weight with Potatoes?     


Potatoes (and other carbohydrates) have gotten a bad rap in recent years.  Now, newly published research claims they can help you lose weight.  Well, sort of.  According to researchers at McGill University, a potato extract may help limit weight gain from a diet that is already high in fat and refined carbohydrates.  The study was done on mice that were fed an obesity-inducing diet for ten weeks.  Some of the mice were also fed a potato extract.  The mice fed the potato extract gained less weight.

Here are a few things that are important…  The extract comes from 30 potatoes.  Obviously, attempting to eat 30 potatoes a day would not achieve the same results (due to the large amount of calories) and is not advisable.  That’s why an extract was used.  But there is a bigger issue:  This potato extract was tested on mice eating diets high in fat and refined carbohydrates.  A much better solution would be to stop eating that sort of low-quality diet.  The answer is not to eat poorly and hope that a supplement or drug will solve your problems.  The answer is to eat right in the first place.  The study said the mice taking the extract with the poor diet gained LESS weight.  This means they still gained weight.  There are no good shortcuts to losing weight and staying healthy.  Making the decision to eat right and exercise for the rest of your life is the only real solution.


Remember, we’re always here to help your body heal

and maintain the pain free body you deserve.


This information should not be substituted for medical or chiropractic advice. Any and all health care concerns, decisions, and actions must be done through the advice and counsel of a health care professional who is familiar with your updated medical history.

Dr Beecher’s November 10 Weekly Chiropractic Newsletter

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Week of Monday, November 10th, 2014


Mental Attitude: Dementia is a Significant Problem for Those Under Age 65. Younger onset dementia (YOD) is defined as the onset of dementia symptoms before age 65. Researchers in Sydney, Australia contacted local health professionals and hospitals to determine how many patients were classified as having YOD. Then, they compared that information with recent census data. The research team found that YOD affects 11.6 per 100,000 people ages 30-44 years and 132.9 per 100,000 people ages 45-64 years, with an overall prevalence rate of 68.2 per 100,000 people for ages 30-64. International Psychogeriatrics, October 2014


Health Alert: No Proof Vitamin D Prevents Development of Type 2 Diabetes. Previous research has suggested that high levels of vitamin D may protect individuals from developing type 2 diabetes; however, a new study has found no evidence that high levels of vitamin D can prevent type 2 diabetes and that the only proven way to prevent type 2 diabetes is through a combination of diet and exercise. Study author Dr. Nita Forouhi writes, “Our findings suggest that interventions to reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes by increasing concentrations of vitamin D are not currently justified. Observational studies that show a strong and consistent higher risk of type 2 diabetes with lower levels of vitamin D may do so because they have thus far not been able to adequately control for distorting or confounding factors, such as physical activity levels.” The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology, September 2014


Diet: Organic Foods May Offer Greater Health & Safety. A survey of prior research concludes that organically grown foods are about 48% lower in cadmium than conventionally grown foods. Cadmium is a heavy metal that has become a major cause of vascular disorders, common cancers, osteoporosis, kidney disease, and can damage the reproductive and neurological systems. Researcher Dr. James J. DiNicolantonio adds, “For years, nutritionists and consumers have struggled with the question, ‘is organic really better?’… What analysis of this research reveals is that, due to the serious health impacts of cadmium exposure and the markedly lower levels of [cadmium] in organically grown foods, the long-term consumption of such foods is likely to be notably protective with respect to a wide range of common pathologies.” British Journal of Nutrition, September 2014


Exercise: Exercise Less Daunting When Focused on Target. Physiology researchers have found that having your ‘eye on the prize’ makes exercise less of a chore. They found that when walking, individuals who stay focused on a specific target ahead of them feel the distance is shorter and they walk faster towards it. Researcher Dr. Shana Cole writes, “Interventions that train people to keep their ‘eyes on the prize’ may play an important role in health and fitness. When goals appear within reach, and when people move faster and experience exercise as easier, they may be especially motivated to continue exercising. Given the alarming obesity epidemic in America, strategies that encourage or improve exercise may be particularly important for aiding the nationwide effort to combat obesity and promote healthier living.” Motivation and Emotion, October 2014


Chiropractic: Joint Stiffness Associated with Higher Risk for Disability in Older Population. Using data provided by 680 seniors (age > 70 years) regarding mobility limitations and joint stiffness upon waking, researchers say that morning joint stiffness more than one body site is associated with a 64% greater risk developing new or worsening mobility problems over the following 18 months. The authors of the study recommend that doctors discuss strategies for improving joint mobility with their patients to prevent or slow the progression of age-related disability. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, October 2014


Wellness/Prevention: Living Close to a Highway May Raise Your Blood Pressure. If you have high blood pressure and you live close to a major highway, you may want to move. According to a new report, participants in a study who lived within 109 yards (~100 meters) of a busy road had a 22% higher risk for developing high blood pressure compared with those who lived at least a half a mile away (~.8 km). Further research is needed to determine if reducing exposure to traffic noise and traffic-related air pollution can reduce a nearby resident’s risk of high blood pressure. Journal of the American Heart Association, October 2014


Quote: “Don’t confuse poor decision-making with destiny. Own your mistakes. It’s ok; we all make them. Learn from them so they can empower you!” ~ Steve Maraboli


This Weekly Health News Update is compliments of Dr. Ward Beecher and Beecher Chiropractic Clinic. If you have any questions or comments, please contact us at 281-286-1300 or BeecherChiropractic.com .




Dr Beecher’s August 25 Weekly Chiropractic Newsletter

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Week of Monday, August 25th, 2014

Mental Attitude: Ultrasounds May Detect Autism in Utero. A newly published study using ultrasound scans to check for fetal defects found that children who went on to develop autism spectrum disorder (ASD) had a greater head and abdominal size at 20 weeks in the womb compared with children who did not develop ASD. This discovery could offer a small window into fetal development that could help doctors diagnose and treat ASD earlier. However, these findings were presented at a medical conference and are considered preliminary since they have not yet undergone a peer review process. International Congress of the Royal College of Psychiatrists, June 2014


Health Alert: Pavement Sealer Ban Linked to Cleaner Lake Water. A ban of certain types of pavement sealants made from coal tar has led to lower levels of cancer-causing compounds called polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in an Austin, Texas lake. In 2006, Austin was the first city in the United States to ban these types of pavement sealants. Past studies have shown that PAHs cause cancer in animals, and there are concerns that these compounds could be harmful to human health as well. Environmental Science & Technology, June 2014


Diet: Treat High Blood Pressure with Vitamin D? An analysis of more than 146,500 individuals revealed that for every 10% increase in vitamin D blood levels, researchers found a corresponding 8% decreased risk for developing high blood pressure. According to study leader Dr. Elina Hypponen, “In view of the costs and side effects associated with antihypertensive drugs, the potential to prevent or reduce blood pressure and therefore the risk of hypertension with vitamin D is very attractive.” The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology, June 2014


Exercise: Sports During Adolescence Has Mental Health Benefits During Young Adulthood. Participating in school sports during adolescence appears to have a protective effect on mental health in young adulthood. Researchers surveyed 850 students for five years about their participation in school sports such as basketball, soccer, track and field, wrestling, and gymnastics. Three years following graduation, the researchers followed up with these former students to find out how often they experienced depressive symptoms, how much stress they experienced, and how they rated their mental health on a scale of 1 to 5. Those who participated in sports were less likely to be depressed, were better able to handle stress, and were more likely to rate their mental health as excellent. Journal of Adolescent Health, June 2014


Chiropractic: How Chronic Back Pain Can Affect Quality of Life. Nearly a third (32.9%) of patients receiving pharmaceutical treatment for chronic low back pain report that their current medication does not improve their pain, according to a study of over 3,000 chronic low back pain patients in South Korea. Among the patients surveyed, 67% classified their pain as moderate to severe, 43.5% had been in pain for more than two years, 32.4% had trouble sleeping because of their pain. Asian Spine Journal, June 2014


Wellness/Prevention: Men Who Have Smoked Should Be Screened for Aneurysms. A panel of American health experts recommends that older men who smoke or who are ex-smokers should be screened for an abdominal aortic aneurysm. An abdominal aortic aneurysm is a weak spot in the main blood vessel that takes blood from the heart and can be fatal if it bursts without warning. The risk for an abdominal aneurysm in men who have smoked is approximately 7% compared to just 2% for men who have never smoked. Because the risk for women who have smoked is less than 1%, screening for females is not recommended. Annals of Internal Medicine, June 2014


Quote: “Ordinary riches can be stolen; real riches cannot. In your soul are infinitely precious things that cannot be taken from you.”~ Oscar Wilde


This Weekly Health News Update is compliments of Dr. Ward Beecher and Beecher Chiropractic Clinic. If you have any questions or comments, please contact us at 281-286-1300 or BeecherChiropractic.com .


Dr Beecher’s August 18 Weekly Chiropractic Newsletter

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Week of Monday, August 18th, 2014

Mental Attitude: Dementia Risk Rises with Traumatic Brain Injury. A review of data on 188,774 veterans (ages 55 and up) found that 1,229 had been diagnosed with a traumatic brain injury (TBI). During the study’s nine-year follow-up period, 16% of veterans with a TBI developed dementia compared with only 10% of veterans without a TBI. Neurology, June 2014


Health Alert: Watching TV for Three or More Hours Daily May Increase Risk of Early Death. Most people enjoy taking time to watch a favorite television show in order to relax and unwind. New research suggests that watching three hours or more of television per day could double an individual’s risk of premature death. Investigators recommend adults reduce TV watching to no more than one to two hours per day. Lead researcher Dr. Miguel Martinez-Gonzalez writes, “As the population ages, sedentary behaviors will become more prevalent, especially watching television, and this poses an additional burden on the increased health problems related to aging. Our findings suggest adults may consider increasing their physical activity, avoid long sedentary periods and reduce television watching to no longer than 1-2 hours each day.” Journal of the American Heart Association, June 2014


Diet: Your Child May Be Consuming Too Many Vitamins & Minerals. The Environmental Working Group believes that fortifying foods with vitamins and minerals is placing children in danger. The report summarizes how millions of American children under eight years of age are getting too much vitamin A, zinc, and niacin from fortified food products and supplements. The problem is the result of Food and Drug Administration (FDA) guidelines on voluntary food supplementation (last updated 34 years ago) that do not take current scientific evidence into account. The report recommends that until the FDA makes the Daily Values on food labels reflect up-to-date science and show values for children, parents should limit their child’s intake of fortified food to no more than 20-25% of the adult Daily Value for vitamin A, zinc, and niacin. Environmental Working Group Report, June 2014


Exercise: Exercise May Benefit Pregnant Women with High Blood Pressure. Hypertensive disorders of pregnancy, such as preeclampsia, are the most common and dangerous pregnancy complications, occurring in 5-8% of pregnancies. An animal study revealed that placental ischemia-induced hypertension in rats was alleviated by exercise. Researcher Jeff Gilbert explains, “The data from our study raise the possibility that exercise regimens, if started before pregnancy and maintained through most of gestation, may be an important way for women to mitigate the risk of preeclampsia.” Journal of the American Heart Association, December 2012


Chiropractic: Back Pain Patients Have Less Flexible Hamstrings. Evaluations of 72 patients with low back pain indicate a possible relationship between mechanical back pain and hamstring tightness. Researchers found that patients with more severe back pain had tighter hamstrings than patients with more mild or moderate pain. They recommend this data be considered when designing both prevention strategies and rehabilitation protocols for low back pain. Journal of Back and Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation, June 2014


Wellness/Prevention: Breast Cancer Detection Rate Improves with New Screening Technique. Adding a 3D imaging technique called tomosynthesis to digital mammography appears to result in both a reduction in the number of patients being called back for additional testing and an increase in breast cancer detection rates. Digital tomosynthesis takes multiple X-ray pictures from different angles. The breast is positioned as it is for a conventional mammogram, but less pressure is applied. Instead of a single image with conventional mammograms, this technique offers a 3D image for a better evaluation of the breast. Dr. Sarah M. Friedewald writes, “The association with fewer unnecessary tests and biopsies, with a simultaneous increase in cancer detection rates, would support the potential benefits of tomosynthesis as a tool for screening. However, assessment for a benefit in clinical outcomes is needed.” JAMA, June 2014


Quote: “Life was meant to be lived, and curiosity must be kept alive. One must never, for whatever reason, turn his back on life.”~ Eleanor Roosevelt


This Weekly Health News Update is compliments of Dr. Ward Beecher and Beecher Chiropractic Clinic. If you have any questions or comments, please contact us at 281-286-1300 or BeecherChiropractic.com .


Dr Beecher’s August 19 Weekly Chiropractic Newsletter

To download Dr. Beecher’s Weekly Newsletter, please click here!


Week of Monday, August 19th, 2013

Mental Attitude: Optimism and Stress. A six-year study of 135 older adults (>60 years old) found that pessimistic people have a higher baseline level of stress and have a more difficult time handling stress than their more optimistic peers. Health Psychology, May 2013


Health Alert: Decrease Your Heart Disease Risk. High blood pressure affects 33% of U.S. adults and doubles their risk for heart disease. 32 million Americans have dangerously high total blood cholesterol levels of 240 mg/dL or greater. Simultaneously controlling your high blood pressure and high cholesterol may cut your risk for heart disease by half or more. Circulation, July 2013


Diet: Don’t Skip Breakfast! A 16-year study of nearly 27,000 male health care professionals found that those who skipped breakfast were 27% more likely to suffer from coronary heart disease. Circulation, May 2013


Exercise: Does Eliminating Video Games Increase Physical Activity? A three year study of Australian pre- teens replaced sedentary video games (played with a gamepad/joystick) with either active video games that require physical movement or no video games at all to see if either increased daily moderate or vigorous physical activity (MVPA) and/or decreased sedentary time. When the study concluded, researchers did not find a significant change in either the children’s MVPA (+3.2 minutes/day for active games and +3.8 minutes/day for no games) or sedentary time (-6.2 minutes/day for active games and -4.7 minutes/day for no games).

British Medical Journal Open, July 2013


Chiropractic: Chiropractic Training. What does it take to become a Doctor of Chiropractic? In most countries, chiropractors must complete a minimum of 6 years of college and post-graduate studies (the average is 7 years) to earn their degree. Their education includes at least 4,200 hours of classroom, laboratory, and clinical experience. Then, graduates must pass National and/or State Board examinations and become licensed by the state or province before they can practice. World Health Organization, 2005


Wellness/Prevention: Dad’s Lifestyle Choices? Germ cells are sperm and egg cells and their precursors. Mutations to a father’s germ cells caused by lifestyle choices (like smoking) are present in all the cells of his progeny. These mutations are also present in his children’s own germ cells. This means that a father’s lifestyle has the potential to affect the DNA of multiple generations and not just his immediate offspring.

The FASEB Journal, July 2013


Quote: “Healing is a matter of time, but it is sometimes also a matter of opportunity.” ~ Hippocrates


This Weekly Health News Update is compliments of Dr. Ward Beecher and Beecher Chiropractic Clinic. If you have any questions or comments, please contact us at 281-286-1300 or BeecherChiropractic.com .


Dr Beecher’s June 3 Weekly Chiropractic Newsletter

To download Dr. Beecher’s Weekly Newsletter, please click here!


Week of Monday, June 3rd, 2013

Mental Attitude: Suicide Rates Rise! Suicide rates among middle-aged (35-65) Americans have risen 28% in the past 10 years with the largest increase among people in their 50s at nearly 50%. Suicide deaths have become more common than deaths from car crashes. In 2010, there were 33,687 deaths from car crashes and 38,364 suicides in the United States. Suicide prevention strategies include improving social support and community connectedness, increasing access to mental health and preventive services, and decreasing the stigma and barriers linked to asking for help. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, May 2013


Health Alert: Heart and Brain Function. People with the greatest risk for heart disease performed 50% worse on cognitive tests when compared to people with the lowest risk profile. Diabetes, bad cholesterol, and smoking were all negatively linked to poor cognitive scores. Stroke, May 2013


Diet: Just One Meal. A single fatty meal can cause the heart to beat harder and increase blood pressure. Researchers analyzed the effects of eating a high-fat fast food meal (42 grams of fat) and eating a meal with no more than 1.3 grams of fat. When subjected to a series of standard stress tests, those who ate the high-fat meal saw their blood pressure go up 1.25 to 1.5 times higher than those who ate the low-fat meal. Journal of Nutrition, April 2007


Exercise: Only 1 in 5 Adults… Only 20% of American adults perform the recommended amount of exercise as outlined in federal guidelines. Adults should get at least two and a half hours each week of moderate-intensity aerobic activity (like walking), or one hour and 15 minutes each week of vigorous-intensity aerobic activity (like jogging), or a mixture of both. Adults should also engage in muscle strengthening activities, including sit-ups, push- ups, or exercise using resistance bands or weights. All major muscle groups should be involved in these activities and should be done at least two days every week. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, May 2013


Chiropractic: Asthma? A review of published literature shows that patients with asthma who incorporate chiropractic care into their current asthma treatment plan may experience a decrease in the severity of their symptoms. Logan College of Chiropractic, December 2012


Wellness/Prevention: Celery and Cancer Cells Mortality. One way cancer cells thrive is by simply not dying as other cells are pre-programmed to do. Apigenin, a compound found in plant based foods like parsley and celery, has been observed in a laboratory setting to re-educate breast cancer cells to die as scheduled.

Ohio State University, May 2013


Quote: “I never did anything by accident, nor did any of my inventions come by accident; they came by work.”

~ Thomas A. Edison


This Weekly Health News Update is compliments of Dr. Ward Beecher and Beecher Chiropractic Clinic. If you have any questions or comments, please contact us at 281-286-1300 or BeecherChiropractic.com .


Dr Beecher’s November 2011 Monthly Chiropractic Newsletter

To download Dr. Beecher’s Monthly Newsletter, please click here!

“There is a sacredness in tears.  They are not the mark of weakness, but of power.” ~ Washington Irving



Do you know these benefits of relaxation?

How Stress

Is Ruining

Your Life!

Learn To Relax To Lose Weight,

Feel Better & Look Years Younger


Plus All This:

  • Red wine burns belly fat and helps diabetes?
  • Simple steps to prevent and decrease high blood pressure.
  • Meditation and pain relief.

A Valuable Lesson From A “Simple-Mama”:  Why being a great role model for your children is the most important thing in the world…

Houston – Did you know there are relaxation techniques that can do wonders to relieve your stress?  With times being so tough, who doesn’t need a good way to calm down and feel better?

A lot of people just ignore stress.  But, stress is much bigger problem than most people think — it’s actually a killer.

Why Is Stress Such A Killer?

Stress changes body chemistry and these changes, over time, can lead to all kinds of chronic (and deadly) diseases.

Stress weakens your body’s natural immune system and makes you susceptible to the common cold, the flu and many other germs.

According to Care2…“In the US, stress-related problems cost the economy up to $300 billion dollars per year, with $7,500 dollars per person lost per year to stress, whether through absenteeism or decreased productivity. According to the American Psychological Association and The American Institute of Stress, over 19 million Americans are affected by stress; 77 percent suffer from physical symptoms, and 73 percent from emotional and psychological symptoms. And by one account…  it is on the rise.”

Obviously, stress is not something that should just be “shrugged off.”

Can Red Wine Burn Belly Fat

And Help Diabetes?

It has long been thought that drinking red wine, in moderation, is “heart healthy.”

Now, researchers at the University of Alberta have discovered the powerful antioxidant Resveratrol, found in red wine, may also prevent diabetes by reducing abdominal fat accumulation (i.e., the dreaded “spare tire” or “apple on a stick” body shape).

According to an article in the Toronto Sun… “Although this is an early-phase research discovery, if it holds true in humans, there might be a way to prevent at-risk humans from developing obesity later in life,” said U of A researcher Jason Dyck, Department of Pediatrics and Pharmacology.

       The study, conducted on lab rats, shows that all offspring fed a high-fat diet will gain weight.

       However, offspring that have trouble growing in the womb, gain weight specifically in the abdominal-area, making them more susceptible to obesity and diabetes later in life.

            Results show that when offspring with inner-uterus growth problems were given the antioxidant Resveratrol — commonly found in red wine – Type 2 diabetes was completely prevented because the natural compound targets abdominal fat.

According to Dr. Carolyn Torrillo, from provenrelaxationtechniques.com:  “I know that when I drink a glass of red wine, it certainly affects my mood… I feel a gradual reduction in my overall emotional stress level and I especially feel my shoulder muscles (where I tend to “carry” most of my stress) loosen, and experience an overall relaxation of my whole body.

       “Since learning that Resveratrol has also been found in berries, nuts and grapes, I have made a habit of drinking one-half glass (4 oz.) of red wine (around 100 calories) along with a 1/2 oz. of peanuts (83 calories) as a ‘heart and mind healthy’ treat.”

But, it goes beyond just drinking some red wine. Many experts agree that stress is a major cause, or accelerating factor in just about every illness and disease.

That’s why the best approach to weight loss and staying healthy is to not only eat right and exercise – it includes implementing proven relaxation techniques.

The right relaxation techniques, when done properly and consistently, can help you lose weight, stay healthy, give you more energy, look younger, perform better at work and in sports… and… give you a better life.

Don’t look for “one magic cure” to lose weight or stay healthy.  The answer lies in doing several small things CONSISTANTLY for long periods of time.

Do that and if you take a look at your life – say 6 months from now – you will be shocked to see the thin, healthy and happy person staring back at you in the mirror.

But, it all starts with a decision and that decision is to start doing one small correct thing… right now.

Without that decision and action, 6 months from now, you will look in the mirror and see the exact same person living the exact same life.

Exercising Like This

May Be Causing Your Back Pain

Exercising is good for back pain… right?  Well, it’s not as simple as that.

There are good and bad ways to exercise and when you have back pain, it can get much more complicated.

“Wear and tear on your discs is cumulative – it all adds up,” says Arya Nick Shamie, M.D., a spokesperson for the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons and an Associate Professor of Spine Surgery at the University of California Los Angeles.

Irregular exercise is a big contributor to back pain, and the weekend warriors, those who are sedentary during the week and push hard on the weekends, are the face of this contributor to pain. “If you take on something tough after being relatively sedentary, you can seriously hurt yourself,” explains Dr. Shamie.

It’s not just the risk of injury while you’re doing the activity you have to worry about. “If you are doing high-impact sports without cross-training first to strengthen your core, your spine won’t have strong enough muscles to support the impact,” says Robert S. Bray, M.D., a neurological spine surgeon.

He recommends dedicating as little as 15 minutes three times a week to basic core exercises and stretching to help prepare your core for more intense workouts later in the week.

One of the best things you can do for exercise advice is to consult with a doctor who understands back pain, back injuries and how to treat them.

Chiropractors are specialists in treating back pain and can help develop an exercise program that is right for you.


And don’t forget, if you ever have any questions or concerns about your health talk to us. Contact us with your questions. We’re here to help and don’t enjoy anything more than participating in providing you natural pain relief.


Inspirational Story Of The Month –

(Names And Details Have Been Changed To Protect Privacy)


A Valuable Lesson From A “Simple-Mama”

Why Being A Great Role Model For Your Children Is The Most Important Thing In The World…


Times have changed.  We live in a fast-paced society that often neglects and glances over the most important things in life.  We all know what it’s like to struggle to make ends meet and doing WHATEVER it takes to pay the bills and get by.  It’s easy to get off track, to forget why we are all here.  We may even do things we would not want our children to do. You know, “do as I say, not as I do.”

In the past, you used to be able to sum it up by saying, “don’t do anything you wouldn’t want published on the front page of the newspaper tomorrow.”  But, in a day and age when people are rewarded and get rich for being “bad” that you can’t really say that anymore. Well, for some, times haven’t changed.  Family values, ethics and morals that were important in the last century are still practiced today.

Honesty.  Loyalty.  Hard work.

“Simple-Mama” is one of those people.  Her real name is “Jenny” but she goes by “Simple-Mama” on an internet forum where she helps strangers set up websites… FOR FREE.  Yes, for free.

She is a mother of two boys and also has a daily blog where she posts links to free giveaways for mothers and children.

Jenny wrote a great article on her website entitled, “Are You A Role Model For Your Children?”

Here it is… “As a parent, I believe being a positive role model for my children is the most important thing I can do.  The things I do and say now affect the type of adult they will one day become. And I struggle with this on a daily basis. My youngest child, who is three, frustrates me to no end. Because of this, I have little patience nowadays (which bothers me a lot). He is the exact opposite of his older brother. He is a busy-body who always has to be doing something and requires attention every second of the day.  My oldest son (when he was younger, and even today) would be happy to sit and build a castle out of blocks for hours – and he would do it on his own. I have had to use two entirely different parenting styles with them. But one thing remains with both: I must be a role model.

Do As I Say… And As I Do

“I teach by example. I show my children that it is important to say you’re sorry. It’s okay to lose.

“And most importantly, you should never lie about anything, no matter how small it seems.

“All of these values were instilled in me by my parents and I believe in those values wholeheartedly. They have shaped me into the type of person I am today.

“One thing I discovered on my own though is health and nutrition. I have taught my children about living a healthy lifestyle and the importance of drinking milk and water rather than soda. Hopefully, by being a positive role model, I can pass on these values to my children. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not all strict business over here. In fact, it’s almost the opposite. We are a family of jokers who all like to goof off and have fun.

Have Yourself A Little Fun Too

“Like going to the National Milk Mustache got milk? campaign on Facebook and create your very own milk mustache picture. How fun is that?!   You can also watch the video about Moms and send an e-postcard to a loved one, maybe even to your Mom. Show her that she was, and still is, an important role model to you.”


        We love helping our patients and their friends and relatives through their tough times and getting them feeling better!  We are here to help you stay feeling better and looking younger!  Don’t be a stranger.  You really can afford Chiropractic care! Don’t wait until you can no longer move!

Did You Know?…

The type of light bulbs we use and where our lights are positioned can have a profound effect on our sleep. Our bodies are highly sensitive to the lighting around us. In nature, lighting changes with the days, the seasons and the moon cycles. For humans in the past, these cycles signified what times were best for hunting, fishing, planting and harvesting, and of course, for waking and sleeping. These days, electronic lighting allows us to accomplish more than ever before at any time we like. With electronics like televisions, computers and smart phones, we have more we can do in our spare time than ever before. But, these also keep us awake.

It’s no coincidence that chronic sleep deprivation and sleeping disorders are also more common than ever. These sleep problems impact our quality of life in a big way. When we don’t get enough sleep, our mental function, our moods, our productivity and our long-term health greatly suffer. Fortunately, we can help get our sleep back on track by applying a few key lighting tips that make a big difference:  1) Low lights after sunset. This is crucial to help your body recover a natural circadian rhythm. After the sun goes down, avoid the use of overhead lights and instead use lamps at table height. This simulates the firelight our ancestors would have been exposed to after dark, whereas overhead lights simulate sunlight and prevent your body from realizing it’s time to rest.  2) Use low-watt bulbs. No need for bright, 100-watt bulbs in the evenings. For the last one to two hours before bed, use bulbs with a lower light output.  3) No blue before bed. Blue lighting simulates daylight. In the evenings, use bulbs that give off more yellow light. Lamp shades in gold or red tones can help simulate natural evening light and help you get to sleep.  4) Cut back on electronics before bed. Research shows that using electronics like televisions, computers or cell phones before bed contributes to sleep problems. Limit their use in the hour or two before bedtime. (If you need to use the computer at night, there is free software you can download to help your computer’s light simulate the natural light cycles of your region.)  5) Block window light. Street lamps or flood lights can shine through windows and are sometimes as bright as daylight! Get some curtains that block out light if you have trouble with light shining through your windows at night.  6) Bright lights in the morning. Did you know the light you see in the morning can affect your sleep at night? Expose yourself to the bright morning light as soon as you wake up if possible. If you can’t get outdoors, try a sun lamp for 15 to 30 minutes in the morning. Many report that sun lamps are very effective for restoring natural sleep cycles.


Tips Of The Month

Meditation For Pain Relief

Not too long ago, meditation was WAY out of the mainstream.  But, things have changed. For example, according to the Times Of India, in April, 2011, a study by the researchers at the Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center indicated that a person can attain at least 40 percent decrease in pain intensity and 57 percent in pain unpleasantness merely by practicing [meditation] techniques regularly. This reduction in pain was actually found to be better than morphine and other pain-relieving drugs. Magnetic resonance imaging showed increased brain wave activity (responsible for pain reduction) in study participants after meditation. Scientists could see WHAT was happening – but they did not understand HOW, until now…According to recent research published at the Brain Research Bulletin, investigators from Harvard, MIT and Massachusetts General Hospital have identified a possible answer. They suggested the explanation probably lies in alpha wave manipulation in the brain. Researchers said, by practicing the techniques of mindfulness meditation for a period of eight-weeks or above, you can control the activity of these brain waves. Looking into meditation may not only be a possible way to relieve pain, it can also relieve stress. And, relieving stress can, in turn, relieve pain. It’s amazing how everything works hand-in-hand. Which bring us to…

Bring Down Blood Pressure

According to the American Heart Association, one of the biggest factors for not developing high blood pressure is living a healthy lifestyle. This includes… 1) Maintaining a healthy weight 2) Practice moderation if you drink alcohol  3) Quitting smoking  4) Regulating the excessive intake of salt and sodium 5) Frequent regulation of your health by visiting healthcare professionals at periodic intervals.

The American Heart Association also recommends: aerobic training, weight training, yoga and meditation, and deep-breathing exercises. Here’s what they specifically said about yoga and meditation: “In order to prevent this condition, yoga postures and meditation techniques should also be incorporated in your daily routine. The prime effect of these fitness programs is that they help combat stress and saturate the mind with tranquility.” Once again… managing stress plays an important role in maintaining health. Clearly, the more ways you can incorporate stress management and reduction in your life, the better.


Remember, we’re always here to help your body heal and maintain the pain free body you deserve.


This information is solely advisory, and should not be substituted for medical or chiropractic advice.  Any and all health care concerns, decisions, and actions must be done through the advice and counsel of a healthcare professional who is familiar with your updated medical history. We cannot be held responsible for actions you may take without a thorough exam or appropriate referral. If you have any further concerns or questions, please let us know.

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