Whiplash Problems Down the Road
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Clear Lake Chiropractor comments: Whiplash injuries of the neck and spine commonly occur in motor vehicle collisions. Even minor impacts with little vehicle damage can put significant stress on the spinal ligaments, disks, and delicate nerves. Some people get symptoms right after the accident (which is a very bad sign) but most people feel somewhat unscathed, at least initially.
It’s important to think how spinal injuries can affect you over the long term. When ligaments are injured, there can
be substantial changes over the years, such as arthritis and disk degeneration.
A study in the science journal SPINE (Dec. 15, 1994) looked at fifty patients with MRI and bending x-rays, one and five years after injury. The researchers found that neck pain persisted in 24/50 (48%) patients and radiating pain developed within 6 weeks in 19 patients or 38%. Radiating pain occurs when a disk protrudes and bulges onto a nerve root exiting your spinal column. In patients with these persistent symptoms, the MRI was helpful in showing the disk injury.
Although surgery is considered by many, most patients do well under conservative, even minimal care. It’s important to consider non-surgical options first, since surgery does entail substantial risks, and how well it works is also subject to debate.
X-rays and palpation are used to see the posture of your neck and how the vertebrae move in stressed positions. These tests can help determine how your spine functions and whether the disk is injured and/or also if you have pre-existing signs of arthritis, which can impair how you resist and recover from trauma.
Chiropractic adjustments are directed at reducing pain and improving mobility in spinal areas that are blocked. In general it’s important to keep your neck moving while you recover. Staying in bed and not moving the spine at all are not advised since this can impair recovery. Even patients with severe injuries can have some movements preserved and these should be encouraged.
Because symptoms and even disk disease can show up later, it is important to have a detailed neurological examination following a neck injury. Whiplash trauma is significant, especially when you consider how many patients still suffer years down the road with neck and arm pain. Getting diagnosed properly is the first step to determining what type of care will be best for you.
Dr. Ward Beecher practices at Beecher Chiropractic Clinic at 1001 Pineloch, Ste 700 Houston, TX 77062. You can schedule an appointment at BeecherChiropractic.com or by calling (281) 286-1300. If you have any questions regarding this blog, please comment below!
Benefits of Using Rocktape™
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Houston Chiropractor Comments: Since I started using Rocktape in my office, the most common question I get is “What is that?” Rocktape is a kinesiology (the study of movement) tape that is stretchy as opposed to rigid. It is
used to help reduce swelling, decrease pain and allow full range of motion of a joint. It is different than the old rigid tape that our high school trainers used to tape our ankles and wrists. The second question that I get is “How does it work?” It works on the body by improving lymph and blood flow to the taped area, it allows the sliding and gliding between tissue layers and it alters the perception of pain while improving body awareness.
Kinesiology taping began in the late 1970’s by a Japanese chiropractor named Dr. Kenzo Kase. Most people first became aware of the tape by Lance Armstrong when he was winning his 7 Tour de France’s. Other people became aware of it in the 2008 Olympics when volleyball player Kerri Walsh was shown using it on television. It is currently used by athletes, weekend warriors and active people.
I became a believer in the taping when I tore my calf muscle 2 years ago. With the correct IASTM muscle work and the Rocktape, I was able to get back running without prolonged issues. In my office we use Rocktape on acute neck and back injuries as well as knee, ankle, shoulder, elbow, and wrist injuries.
Rocktape can be used for several days at a time without the need to reapply the tape. You can shower and even swim without worrying about the tape coming off. An additional benefit is that you can purchase a roll of tape and apply it yourself with proper instruction.
Dr. Ward Beecher practices at Beecher Chiropractic Clinic at 1001 Pineloch, Ste 700 Houston, TX 77062. You can schedule an appointment at BeecherChiropractic.com or by calling (281) 286-1300. If you have any questions regarding this blog, please comment below!
Headaches, Hygiene and Pillows
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Houston Chiropractor comments: We hear about dental hygiene and how to eat right, but when was the last time you considered if you slept well; in a way that does not stress the spine. Most of us know it’s important to avoid head and neck trauma because serious and devastating injuries can occur. Less understood, are how minor and cumulative stresses over time, can affect the soft tissues in the neck.
If you have never suffered a neck trauma, then maintaining good neck habits is less critical. But most of us have had a few kinks in the neck over the years, and we tend to suffer when problems are not prevented in the first place.
Keeping your neck supple and flexible with daily stretches can help many patients. Others may need to do daily controlled exercises to keep the muscles strong. A doctor can advise you on your specific needs. It’s important to be diagnosed properly before starting any stretching or exercising program.
Ever wonder why your neck might be stiff in the morning? Maintaining good spinal hygiene while sleeping is also important. Eight hours of bad posture can be a significant problem.
Because there is naturally an arch formed in the neck when you lay on your back, a pillow can be designed to support the middle of your neck. The best type of pillow is a water filled pillow. These are superior to the typical cervical support pillows which are only good when you are perpendicular to the pillow. The problems arise from those types of pillows when you move during the evening, placing your head at an odd angle. This problem does not arise with water filled pillows since the water can shift with your head allowing optimum support at all times.
Our clinic provides patients with spinal hygiene exercises and advice to care for problems over time. This can be key to you avoiding re-aggravation of your condition and to prevent problems from occurring in the first place. Many headache patients seem to benefit when they pay attention to the stresses on their neck. It can be looking at a computer screen with the head down or something as simple as the type of pillow you use while sleeping.
Dr. Ward Beecher practices at Beecher Chiropractic Clinic at 1001 Pineloch, Ste 700 Houston, TX 77062. You can schedule an appointment at BeecherChiropractic.com or by calling (281) 286-1300. If you have any questions regarding this blog, please comment below!
Low Back Pain: Getting Back Your Balance
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Clear Lake Chiropractor comments: Our sense of balance comes from a few different areas of the body. The inner ear gives us input on the position of our head and whether we are moving. This is combined with input from the eyes, which gives similar information. Most people think this is where it ends, but the spine is also integral to maintaining proper balance.
Tiny nerve endings in the spinal column send information about position and movement up the spinal cord, and into our brains where it is integrated with information from the ears and eyes. A person can become imbalanced through disease in any of these areas: eyes, ears, and spine. Inner ear infections, but also head and neck trauma can dislodge tiny particles in the inner ear that give us balance feedback. The spine can also be primarily injured through traumas to ligaments and muscles. In addition to neck trauma, patients with low back trauma can also have their balance affected.
Patients with chronic low back pain tend to have more sway to their posture, which means there is less margin for error if one trips or misses a step. There is also reduced response time, which is needed for unexpected events. Part of the rehabilitation of chronic low back pain involves getting back the sense of balance if it has been affected.
You may find when your postural muscles are strengthened, back pain is reduced. Even more important than this, strengthened postural muscles can help prevent falls, which occur more frequently when your sense of balance is affected by disease.
Can you stand on one leg for five seconds or twenty? Have you fallen or had a few near misses in the past month? Have you broken a bone due to a fall?
We can diagnose why you may be suffering from balance problems and low back pain. A home exercise and balance program can be prescribed to make sure your spinal muscles and joints give proper input into the brain. You’ll probably start by standing on one leg, if you can do that, and then progress slowly through more challenging postures, such as bending your knee, or moving one leg around. It’s important that a doctor evaluate you before commencing with balance treatments. You do not want to fall during your exercises.
Dr. Ward Beecher practices at Beecher Chiropractic Clinic at 1001 Pineloch, Ste 700 Houston, TX 77062. You can schedule an appointment at BeecherChiropractic.com or by calling (281) 286-1300. If you have any questions regarding this blog, please comment below!
Low Back Pain & Work Injuries
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Nasa Area Chiropractor comments: About 1/3 of patients with low back pain will consult a doctor of chiropractic. People who injure their low back on the job also often consult a chiropractor. One study (J Occup Environ med 2007;49:1124;Wasiak R, Kim J, Pransky GS) looked at these on-the-job injuries and how chiropractic care was used. In this report from Massachusetts, about 89% of workers initiated chiropractic care within 30 days of the injury and about half (48%) were done with their care in the same time frame.
At work and during lifting the lower spine and disks are especially vulnerable to injury. Heavy loads or simply awkward or stooped positions can be risks and should be avoided. Of interest, more people tend to injure their back in the first two hours of a work shift. This may be because the disks swell up with water during sleep and are more pressurized first thing in the morning. Or perhaps we’re not as attentive to lifting with good form, first thing in the morning.
If you’ve suffered a back injury it’s important to get checked soon so that you have the best chance for getting back on
the job quickly. Bed rest and staying inactive are usually not healthy options for treating the low back. Inactivity can make back sprains worse by causing the muscles to weaken. Walking keeps pressure off of the disks and keeps the muscles engaged. If walking aggravates your pain, then it has to be avoided in the short term. Of course lifting following a back injury has to be limited. It’s important to lift with your legs and to avoid twisting motions.
Chiropractic adjustments are designed to improve the mobility of the spinal joints, improve posture and decrease tension on the delicate ligaments and nerves. In many studies chiropractic care has exceeded the results seen with conventional medical treatments such as medications or surgery.
When a back injury occurs, commonly the vertebrae move out of their normal position from the stretch of the supporting ligaments. Simply leaving the ligaments in this stretched-out position may not be healthful in the long run. Since the ligaments are injured, the vertebral joints tend to move abnormally. This is called a mechanical back problem and is one of the most common diseases of the lumbar spine.
Dr. Ward Beecher practices at Beecher Chiropractic Clinic at 1001 Pineloch, Ste 700 Houston, TX 77062. You can schedule an appointment at BeecherChiropractic.com or by calling (281) 286-1300. If you have any questions regarding this blog, please comment below!
Headaches from the Neck?
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Chiropractor in Clear Lake City, TX comments: Cervicogenic headache is the term used to describe a headache that has its cause in the neck region. It used to be thought headaches were caused by something in the head itself, but researchers have now learned that neck injuries can produce head pain.
A study from Norway (Acta Neurol Scand 2007;Nov.20; Sjaastad O, Bakketeig LS) showed that about 4% of the population will have this type of headache. Taking medications to cover the pain will not ultimately correct a mechanical neck problem.
The symptoms of a cervicogenic headache are as follows: one-sided head pain and same side shoulder and arm pain. Patients also have limited mobility of the neck region. Rarely a patient may also have a migraine trait such as nausea, vomiting, or throbbing sensations. Because of these different signs from a typical migraine headache a physician may have overlooked the neck as a potential source for the cause of your head pain. Self-diagnosing your headache can be even worse since potentially serious causes of your head pain, such as high blood pressure may go undiscovered and left untreated. In any case it’s unlikely that your headache has been caused by a deficiency of pain pills in your diet. There are also unintended side effects that have to be considered when weighing any health care option.
Another study from Norway (Funct Neurol 2007;22:145; Drottning M, Staff PH, Sjaastad O) looked at causes of cervicogenic headaches, specifically whiplash injuries of the neck. In this study, 587 whiplash patients were followed over a six-year period. About 8% of the whiplash sufferers developed a cervicogenic headache six weeks after the initial trauma. Thirty-five percent of these patients were still suffering six years later.
Our clinic specializes in the treatment spine-caused head pain especially cervicogenic headache. To determine this we have to perform a comprehensive examination of your spine to see if sprains of your cervical or thoracic joints are present and review whether you’ve suffered a trauma in years past that could have affected the posture and mobility of these delicate spinal structures.
For patients who do not go down the road of medications for treating their neck pain in Houston, chiropractic care can be a more healthful option.
Dr. Ward Beecher practices at Beecher Chiropractic Clinic at 1001 Pineloch, Ste 700 Houston, TX 77062. You can schedule an appointment at BeecherChiropractic.com or by calling (281) 286-1300. If you have any questions regarding this blog, please comment below!
Whiplash and Balance
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Clear Lake City Doctor of Chiropractic comments: As whiplash injuries are studied more and more, the many health problems that can develop as a result of them are becoming more apparent. Neck sprains are not simple problems like a sprained ankle because the neck is involved in a lot of important duties, not just movement. One such function of the neck is to keep you upright and in balance. Balance is complex and involves coordination between sensations in your inner ear, your eye movements and neurological signaling from your neck, spine and legs. The neck nerves are especially important in this regard. The brain receives inputs from the ears, the eyes, and neck, and determines from these three areas where you are in space, where’ve you been, and where you are going. If any of these areas is affected, then balance is disturbed.
You may stumble around more, not really have a sense of where your feet are; you may trip more and in severe cases, you may develop vertigo (a spinning sensation). These symptoms can have a devastating effect on your quality of life, even resulting in nausea.
A study from Europe (funded by an insurance company) (Coll Antropol 2007;31:823) looked at how we sense position of the head following whiplash. The researchers compared whiplash-injured patients to normal healthy people in their ability to sense the position of their head; whether they were rotated or tilted in some way. The results were alarming. Patients with cervical spine injury showed significant impairment of proprioception (sense of position)
Chiropractic care involves trying to normalize joint function of the neck. Adjustments are designed to restore normal mobility and improve the posture of the neck so that it is more balanced. Some patients will need specific exercises, even balance therapy, to help improve their sense of position and keep them from feeling dizzy.
So if you’ve wondered about feeling unsteady, or are not really sure on your feet, this could be a consequence of a whiplash injury. Because both the brain and neck can be injured in whiplash, the symptoms can be quite substantial. Just letting it go and hoping it will go away can create an even longer lasting problem. And bed rest or simply not moving the neck are not good options either, because your neck needs to move to properly heal. Some neck collars can even create more of a problem leading to muscle weakness. They are right for some patients, but not for everyone.
Our clinic specializes in a comprehensive rehabilitation program to help you get past the whiplash injury, and back to the normal quality of life you enjoyed before the trauma.
Dr. Ward Beecher practices at Beecher Chiropractic Clinic at 1001 Pineloch, Ste 700 Houston, TX 77062. You can schedule an appointment at BeecherChiropractic.com or by calling (281) 286-1300. If you have any questions regarding this blog, please comment below!
Why You Shouldn’t Ignore Headaches
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Clear Lake Doctor of Chiropractic comments: Headaches are letting you know that there is a problem. Our bodies often let us know there is something not quite right, but are we listening? Too often in life, with hectic day to day schedules, getting the kids to school and so on, we cannot be troubled by these little warning signs. So we often just take a pill to mask the pain and get on with our lives. But is this the best way to react to a warning, a signal?
Headaches Are a Warning Sign that Something Isn’t Right

If the smoke alarm shrilled in your home, what would you do? I hope you would get out as quickly as possible and call 911. Would you say to yourself, “maybe it will go away?” I hope not. And if there were a fire, would stopping the alarm help a raging inferno? Most likely this will help things very little.
What if the alarm started to give little beeps (letting you know to change the battery). Would you change it with a fresh one or just remove it from the device?
I think most homeowners know the answers to these simple questions. And you would think that we would give the same correct concern when are bodies give us warning signals.
Unfortunately we often pay more attention to warning signs from our homes and automobiles (like that little clicking sound), than the most important house of all – our bodies.
When your neck muscles ache, this is a signal. When you turn your head and hear clicking sounds, this is another signal. And when a headache occurs, the signal is getting louder and louder. But are we listening?
It’s better to think of these signals as just that, signals- not the actual problem. So when you take a drug to stop the signal, rarely is the actual problem being addressed.
So how are your signals and alarms?
Do you seem to take medications on a weekly or daily basis? A headache pill here and there is rarely an issue. But incorporating pain pills as part of your daily diet may be a health concern. They are not considered one of the five basic food groups. Side effects from these types of medications are rare, but the risks do increase with long-term use. Do you go through a small bottle each month?
Houston Headache Relief
If you are experiencing frequent headaches, contact Dr. Beecher for Houston headache relief. Dr. Ward Beecher practices at Beecher Chiropractic Clinic at 1001 Pineloch, Ste 700 Houston, TX 77062. You can schedule an appointment at BeecherChiropractic.com or contact us by calling (281) 286-1300. If you have any questions regarding this blog, please comment below!
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Clear Lake Chiropractor Comments: Scoliosis is not a specific disease, but instead a term used to describe any curvature to the spine. Scoliosis is typically noted during the childhood growth period (age 9-15), in females, and in people with a family history of scoliosis.
Types of Scoliosis
- Idiopathic – from an unknown cause
- Functional – as a result of a problem that is located in another area of the body
(ie. A short leg)
- Degenerative – due to arthritic changes in the spine
- Neuromuscular – caused by conditions affecting the muscular system such as muscular dystrophy or cerebral palsy.
- Other – caused by tumors or other conditions
Parents can do a quick check at home by looking to see if the ears, shoulders and pelvis are level. If they are not level, further examination is needed. Standing behind the person who has removed their shirt, have them bend forward. Look to see if the ribs are the same height on both sides and if the spine is bending in a straight line. If either of these things are present an examination is warranted. Diagnosis is made via a physical examination and x-rays.
Treatment for scoliosis can be thru exercise, chiropractic manipulation, physical therapy, bracing, or in severe cases, surgery. The earlier that physical care is started, the better the long term prognosis. We have been able to get good results in our office using a combination of spinal manipulation, physical therapy and spinal exercises.
Dr. Ward Beecher practices at Beecher Chiropractic Clinic at 1001 Pineloch, Ste 700 Houston, TX 77062. You can schedule an appointment for Scoliosis Treatment in Houston by calling (281) 286-1300. If you have any questions regarding this blog, please comment below!
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Houston Chiropractor Comments: The term sciatica describes the symptoms of leg pain—and possibly numbness, tingling or weakness—that originate in the lower back and travel through the buttock and down the large sciatic nerve in the back of the leg. It is a common complaint, with more than 3 million cases a year being reported.
- The large sciatic nerve is irritated or compressed in the lumbar spine.
- Sciatica is often characterized by one or a combination of the following symptoms.
- Constant pain in only one side of the buttock or leg (rarely can occur in both legs).
- Pain that is worse when sitting
- Leg pain that is often described as burning, tingling or searing (vs. a dull ache)
- Weakness, numbness or difficulty moving the leg or foot.
- A sharp pain that may make it difficult to stand up or to walk.
Sciatica type pain is usually caused by 6 main conditions. These conditions are lumbar herniated disc, degenerative disc disease, spondylolisthesis, lumbar spinal stenosis, piriformis syndrome and sacroiliac joint dysfunction.
Sciatica is typically self –limiting and will resolve itself with ice, stretching and light exercise. On cases that last more than 72 hours (3 days) the assistance of a doctor or trained therapist is beneficial. Conservative care is the most beneficial except in cases with loss of bowel or bladder function. Chiropractic care with spinal manipulation has been shown to have excellent results. Physical modalities can be added to assist in reducing the muscle spasms and inflammation. After the sciatica is resolved, a good stretching and strengthening program for the back is beneficial to help prevent a reoccurrence. If you have issues with your sciatica in Houston TX call me now.
Dr. Ward Beecher practices at Beecher Chiropractic Clinic at 1001 Pineloch, Ste 700 Houston, TX 77062. You can schedule an appointment at BeecherChiropractic.com or by calling (281) 286-1300. If you have any questions regarding this blog, please comment below!