Dr Beecher’s May 18 Weekly Chiropractic Newsletter

Week of Monday, May 18th, 2015

To download Dr. Beecher’s Weekly Newsletter , please click here!

Mental Attitude: Dementia Increases Odds of Complications During a Hospital Stay. During a hospital admission, older patients with dementia have a 2.5 times greater risk for experiencing preventable complications such as urinary tract infections, pressure areas, pneumonia, and delirium. According to experts, these complications can result in an eight-fold increase in the amount of time the dementia patient remains under inpatient care. BMC Health Services Research, March 2015


Health Alert: Short People at Greater Risk of Coronary Heart Disease. Researchers at the University of Leicester claim that shorter men and women have proportionally smaller coronary arteries that place them at a greater risk for heart disease than taller people. The investigators found that every 2.5 inch (~6.35 cm) change in height affects coronary heart disease risk by 13.5%. Study leader Dr. Nilesh Samani explains, “While our findings do not have any immediate clinical implications, better and fuller understanding of the biological mechanisms that underlie the relationship between shorter height and higher risk of coronary heart disease may open up new ways for its prevention and treatment.” New England Journal of Medicine, April 2015


Diet: Dietary Fiber Supplement May Help with Weight Control. An animal study found that rats fed a fiber supplement along with a high-fat and high-sugar diet gained less weight than subjects fed the same diet without the supplement. Despite having constant access to food high in both fat and sugar, researchers found that rats given supplemental oligofructose fiber gained about 30% less weight than the control group. Senior author Dr. Keith Sharkey notes, “Our data shows that a simple dietary intervention with a prebiotic oligofructose fiber reduced weight gain and this may also lead to the long-term maintenance of a lower body weight in the face of continued dietary challenge.” Obesity, March 2015


Exercise: Exercise Is Good for Lung Cancer Patients. Physical activity should be considered as a treatment option for lung cancer patients as it reduces symptoms, increases exercise tolerance, improves quality of life, and potentially reduces the length of hospital stays and complications following lung cancer surgery. Lead researcher Dr. Gerard A. Silvestri advises that “clinicians should (at [a] minimum) consider physical activity early, counsel against inactivity, and encourage physical activity in all stages of lung cancer patients and lung cancer survivors. This review shows uniform recognition that exercise and physical activity are safe for those with lung cancer, patients are requesting increased activity counseling, and multiple studies and reviews show potential clinical benefit in quality of life, exercise tolerance, and post-operative complications. Further, we know that inactivity in cancer patients is associated with worse outcomes.” Journal of Thoracic Oncology, March 2015


Chiropractic: Vitamin D Can Improve Pain & Movement in Obese Osteoarthritis Patients. Chiropractors often recommend vitamin D because is a common deficiency and optimum levels are associated with several health benefits. In a new study, researchers analyzed blood samples, surveyed arthritic knee pain, and measured the functional performance of 256 middle age and older adults and found that higher levels of vitamin D may decrease pain and improve function in overweight and obese patients with osteoarthritis. Lead author Dr. Toni L. Glover concludes, “Vitamin D is inexpensive, available over-the-counter and toxicity is fairly rare. Older obese patients with chronic pain should discuss their vitamin D status with their primary care provider. If it’s low, take a supplement [and/or] get judicious sun exposure.” The Clinical Journal of Pain, January 2015


Wellness/Prevention: Cancer Deaths Decreasing in America. According to a new report, the United States is slowly and steadily winning the war against cancer as mortality rates from the disease continue to decline. Between 2002 and 2011, the overall cancer death rate fell an average of 1.5% per year, and the rate of new cancer rates declined an average of .5% per year. Co-author Dr. Ahmedin Jemal writes, “These numbers reflect a combination of factors that include prevention, early detection, and improved treatment.” Journal of the National Cancer Institute, March 2015


Quote: “…when it comes down to it, that’s what life is all about: showing up for the people you love, again and again, until you can’t show up anymore.” ~ Rebecca Walker


This Weekly Health News Update is compliments of Dr. Ward Beecher and Beecher Chiropractic Clinic. If you have any questions or comments, please contact us at 281-286-1300 or BeecherChiropractic.com .



Dr Beecher’s May 11 Weekly Chiropractic Newsletter

Week of Monday, May 11th, 2015

To download Dr. Beecher’s Weekly Newsletter , please click here!

Mental Attitude: Stroke Prevention Efforts Paying Off. Fewer people are being treated in emergency rooms for strokes caused by blood clots in the brain, which experts believe is a sign that current prevention methods are working. Between 2001 and 2011, emergency room visits for stroke declined 35% for adults 18 and older and 51% for individuals 55 to 74 years of age. One expert explains that people are preventing strokes by taking steps to better control high blood pressure, not smoking (the greatest risk factor for stroke), and limiting exposure to secondhand smoke. National Center for Health Statistics Data Brief, March 2015


Health Alert: Increasing Alcohol Tax Could Save Lives. If taxes on the purchase of alcohol were increased, researchers claim that thousands of deaths from motor vehicle accidents could be prevented each year. A team of investigators found that alcohol-related automobile crashes declined 26% after the state of Illinois increased taxes on beer, wine, and spirits in 2009. American Journal of Public Health, March 2015


Diet: Are American Kids Eating Less Fast Food? According to a new report, the percentage of children eating fast food on any given day fell from 38.8% in 2003-04 to 32.6% in 2009-10. The authors of the report also observed a decrease in the average number of calories children consumed at hamburger, chicken, and pizza fast food restaurants during this time frame. The findings are promising as childhood obesity has been a growing health concern over the last 30 years. JAMA Pediatrics, March 2015


Exercise: A 15-Minute Walk Reduces Cravings. Going for a 15-minute walk may suppress your desire for chocolate or snacks, according to the results of a new study. Researchers found that participants who exercised prior to physically handling sugary snacks demonstrated lower levels of cravings than those who were sedentary in the fifteen minutes before being handed a treat. The authors conclude, “Short bouts of physical activity may reduce the craving for sugary snacks in overweight people. When snacking has become habitual and poorly regulated by overweight people, the promotion of short bouts of physical activity could be valuable for reducing the urge to consume at times when the person may be particularly vulnerable, such as during stress and when snack foods are available.” PLOS ONE, March 2015


Chiropractic: Common Pain Relief Drug Not Effective for Back Pain or Arthritis. Acetaminophen appears to be ineffective in the treatment of low back pain and offers little benefit for sufferers of osteoarthritis of the hip or knee according to a new report published in the British Medical Journal. The findings are based on a systematic review and meta-analysis of 13 randomized controlled trials that were designed to investigate the safety and efficacy of acetaminophen in the management of spinal pain and osteoarthritis. The authors of the report urge patients to pursue physical treatments as the way forward and conclude that “[ongoing] and ever-increasing concerns about pharmacological management of musculoskeletal pain highlights the importance of non- pharmacological options, which form the cornerstone of self-management of spinal pain and osteoarthritis.” British Medical Journal, March 2015


Wellness/Prevention: How Vitamin D May Protect the Heart… Though recent published studies have found strong associations between vitamin D deficiency and hypertension, metabolic syndrome, diabetes mellitus, and atherosclerosis, the mechanisms by which vitamin D protects the cardiovascular system remain a mystery. In a new paper published in the Open Cardiovascular Medicine Journal, Dr. Natália Ribeiro Mandarino postulates that the presence of vitamin D improves the function of the hormone systems that regulate blood pressure, insulin sensitivity, and the body’s reaction to oxidative stress. Open Cardiovascular Medicine Journal, March 2015


Quote: “If you love life, don’t waste time, for time is what life is made up of.” ~ Bruce Lee


This Weekly Health News Update is compliments of Dr. Ward Beecher and Beecher Chiropractic Clinic. If you have any questions or comments, please contact us at 281-286-1300 or BeecherChiropractic.com .


Dr Beecher’s May 2015 Monthly Chiropractic Newsletter

To download Dr. Beecher’s Monthly Newsletter, please click here!

“A day of worry is more exhausting than a week of work.” ~ John Lubbock


New Research Shows Eating at Certain Times May Decrease Heart Disease Risk!

Study Shows Changing the Hours You Eat – Without Altering What You Eat – Gets Positive Results!


Also this month:

  • Does when you eat also affect type 2 diabetes? A new study says, “YES.”
  • Want to shorten the length of the common cold? Study says high doses of this supplement may be the answer.
  • Why would dietitians recommend mini-cans of soda as a good choice for a snack? Find out why… (HINT:  money talks!)
  • One moment can change everything: The incredible story of a 13-year-old boy fighting a deadly autoimmune disease and how he’s trying to make history…



ouston – Everyone knows what they eat has a huge impact on both their energy levels and their overall wellbeing.  Because countless studies have demonstrated the effect nutrition has on many aspects of health, some experts even say that the majority of health problems can be avoided through proper diet (in addition to regular exercise).

In Other Words, You Are What You Eat

But what if there was a way you could be healthier without changing what you eat, even if you are already eating perfectly?  If that sounds interesting, then you are really going to like this…

A new study conducted by scientists at San Diego State University found you are not only WHAT you eat but WHEN you eat.  The research, published in the prestigious journal Science, found that, “By limiting the time span during which fruit flies could eat, they could prevent aging – and diet-related heart problems.  The researchers also discovered that genes responsible for the body’s circadian rhythm are integral to this process, but they’re not yet sure how.

            “Previous research has found that people who tend to eat later in the day and into the night have a higher chance of developing heart disease than people who cut off their food consumption earlier.”        

But this study was done on fruit flies, what does that have to do with humans?  Well, fruit flies have been long been used as a starting point to help identify the genetic basis of many ailments, including heart disease.

Some interesting details about the experiment:  The fruit flies were split into two groups.  One group was allowed to eat unrestricted all day and the other was only allowed to eat during a twelve-hour period.  Researches kept track of the sleep patterns and amount of food eaten by each group.

            Results:  “Flies on the 12-hour time-restricted feeding schedule slept better, didn’t gain as much weight, and had far healthier hearts than their ‘eat anytime’ counterparts, even though they ate similar amounts of food.” 

The researchers observed the same results after five weeks. According to researcher Dr. Shubhroz Gill, “In very early experiments, when we compared 5-week-old flies that were fed for either 24 hours or 12 hours, the hearts of the latter were in such good shape that we thought perhaps we had mistaken some young 3-week-old fruit flies [from a different part of the experiment]… We had to repeat the experiments several times to become convinced that this improvement was truly due to the time-restricted feeding.”

            More Good News:  The benefits of time-restricted diets were not restricted to young flies.  When the researchers introduced the time restrictions to older flies, their hearts became healthier too.

What Is the “Take Home Message?”

Of course, more research must be done before the results can be extrapolated to real people, like you and me.  There are several factors to take into consideration with humans, like the fact that humans do not eat the same thing every day and lifestyle often affects when someone can or cannot eat.  Dr. Girish Melkani, a Biologist at San Diego State University writes, “Time-restricted feeding would not require people to drastically change their lifestyles, just the times of day they eat.  The take-home message then would be to cut down on the late-night snacks.”

More Research Shows Timing

a Factor in Type 2 Diabetes

According to a new small-scale study published in Diabetologia, “The combined consumption of a high-energy breakfast and a low-energy dinner decreases overall daily hyperglycemia in type 2 diabetics.” 

Researcher Dr. Daniela Jakubowicz notes, “We found that by eating more calories at breakfast, when the glucose response to food is lowest and consuming fewer calories at dinner, glucose peaks after meals and glucose levels throughout the day were significantly reduced.”

In other words, a big breakfast and small dinner helped control blood sugar levels throughout the day.

Here is an interesting finding from the research:  Participants’ blood glucose levels rose 23 percent less after lunches preceded by large breakfasts. Dr. Jakubowicz adds, “By demonstrating that a diet of high-energy breakfasts and more modest dinners is more effective in lowering overall daily post-meal glucose surges, we suggest that such a regimen is a powerful therapeutic approach for improving glycemic control and may potentially reduce cardiovascular complications in type 2 diabetic… It is not enough to tell the diabetic patient what he or she should or should not eat.  It is more important to emphasize that a more advantageous meal schedule should be followed.”

Want to Shorten the Length

of the Common Cold?

According to findings published in BMC Family Practice, “High dose zinc acetate lozenges shortened the duration of common-cold associated nasal discharge by 34%, nasal congestion by 37%, scratchy throat by 33%, and cough by 46%.”     

            Because they observed no major adverse effects related to zinc consumption over three separate studies, the authors of the study conclude, “Zinc acetate lozenges releasing zinc ions at doses of about 80 mg/day may be a useful treatment for the common cold, started within 24 hours, for a time period of less than two weeks.”

Don’t forget, if you ever have any questions or concerns about your health, talk to us. Contact us with your questions. We’re here to help and don’t enjoy anything more than participating in providing you natural pain relief.

Inspirational Story Of The Month

(Names And Details May Have Been Changed To Protect Privacy)



One Moment Can Change Everything

The Incredible Story of a 13-Year-Old Boy Fighting a Deadly

Autoimmune Disease and How He’s Trying to Make History…


            “A single moment can change your life forever. I had one of those moments today while shooting a video of a 13-year old boy who is dying from an autoimmune disease.  His story is one of the most amazing and touching I have ever heard.  And it’s personal because he is the son of one of my best friends.”

Those are the words posted on Facebook by the person documenting this incredible story in an attempt to raise over $350,000 to pay for medical treatments that insurance companies won’t cover.  When contacted for this story, he asked to remain anonymous and added, “This story is about saving a 13-year-old boy’s life… not me.  Please focus on him.”  So, we will…

Imagine being a star athlete, a champion in multiple sports, and getting straight A’s in school… all by age 10!  Imagine doing that while battling a terrible genetic disorder and suffering from several autoimmune diseases that can make it impossible to walk or even hold a cup.  Now, imagine being told there is very little hope and there are no definite solutions to your genetic disorder, that your condition will lead to cancer and ultimately death before you reach adulthood.

At five months old, Louie was hit with his first autoimmune disease, which wasn’t diagnosed until after spending two months in the hospital.  His body thought he had an infection and produced fevers ranging from 101 to 107 degrees Fahrenheit (~38-42 degrees Celsius).  At one point, his heart stopped due to complications stemming from such high fevers.  The attending nurse quickly prepared an ice bath, wet several small blankets, and then wrapped and placed the quiet baby in the water and prayed the cold shock would bring his fever down so CPR could be administered to bring him back. After a couple minutes in the ice bath, everyone heard a loud roar!  It was Louis coming back and that incredible fighting spirit would come to characterize Louis’ entire life.

Because of his fevers, his doctor said that Louis should be brain dead or at the very least, have an undetermined amount of brain damage.  Oh really?  By age 10, Louis was evaluated and determined to be gifted, a “near genius.”  To this day (age 13), Louis excels in school effortlessly all while battling a deadly genetic disorder.

Louis currently suffers from eight autoimmune diseases.  He deals with massive amounts of hair loss, loss of skin pigmentation, skin rashes, painful eye bulging, thyroid disease, Grave’s disease, and very painful juvenile rheumatoid arthritis.  Nearly every day is a nightmare for Louis. He deals with pain, a dozen different medicines and their side effects, and sees doctors twice a week, all while trying to be a teenager and have fun.

His strength is uncanny and he doesn’t shed a tear and never complains. He fights with all his heart every day and treats every day as a new battle as a war he must win. He’s focused and determined, he’s unstoppable. Before his most recent diagnosis of juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, Louis was a champion athlete. He could play nearly every position on the baseball field (including pitcher) and was both a multiple-time tournament Tae Kwon Do Champion and a Judo and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Grappling Champion.  He also enjoyed other sports like basketball and soccer.  Unfortunately, his condition has now taken over his body.  Most days holding a cup or making it from his bed to the bathroom in the morning is a difficult task that requires assistance. Playing his favorite sports and competing in martial arts tournaments are no longer an option for him.

Down but not out, Louis perseveres.  When he is not seeing doctors, he demands to be in school.  For him, anything less than an A+ is unacceptable.  He’s focused on expanding his mind and learning as much as possible.  He plans to be a doctor and he has been known to openly talk about curing diseases to save children, saying, “One day I will cure cancers that take children, the answer is in the genes.  I just haven’t figured it out yet.  I just need more time and more studying.”

Let’s hope the campaign is able to raise the funds through donations to give Louis the time he needs to make history. (See: http://www.gofundme.com/oe37s8 for more information.)


We love helping our patients and their friends and relatives through their tough times and

getting them feeling better! We are here to help you stay feeling better and looking younger!

Don’t be a stranger. You really can afford Chiropractic care! Don’t wait until you can no longer move!

Did You Know?…


Here’s How to Get More Health Benefits Out of Your Work Day!


Prolonged sitting can significantly impact both your cardiovascular and metabolic function.  Ideally, limit your sitting to three hours a day or less, and make it a point to walk 7,000-10,000 steps each day.

Taking a walk during your lunch hour can improve your mood and help reduce the effect of work-related stress. You can get even more out of your walk by simply switching up your pace at regular intervals (3 minutes fast pace and then 3 minutes casual pace, for example).

Tracking your steps can also show you how simple and seemingly minor changes to the way you move around at work can add up.  For example, you can walk across the hall to talk to a co-worker instead of sending an email; take the stairs instead of the elevator; park your car further away from the entrance; or take a longer, roundabout way to your desk.


Tip Of The Month


Why Would Dietitians Recommend Mini-Cans

of Soda as a Good Choice for a Snack? 


First, what is a Registered Dietician?  The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics’ website says they are, “The world’s largest organization of food and nutrition professionals.  The Academy is committed to improving the nation’s health and advancing the profession of dietetics through research, education, and advocacy.” 

According to their website, “Registered dietitian nutritionists – RDNs – are the food and nutrition experts who can translate the science of nutrition into practical solutions for healthy living.  RDNs use their nutrition expertise to help individuals make unique, positive lifestyle changes.  They work throughout the community in hospitals, schools, public health clinics, nursing homes, fitness centers, food management, food industry, universities, research and private practice.  RDNs are advocates for advancing the nutritional status of Americans and people around the world.” 

In other words, Registered Dietitians are serious nutrition experts.  So, why would some registered dietitians suggest a mini-can of cola as a snack?  In fact, according to an article in the Star Tribune, “In February, several… experts wrote online posts for American Heart Month, with each including a mini-can of Coke or soda as a snack idea.  The pieces – which appeared on nutrition blogs and other sites including those of major newspapers – offer a window into the many ways food companies work behind the scenes to cast their products in a positive light, often with the help of third parties who are seen as trusted authorities.” 

The answer to this puzzling question can be found in a statement given to the Star Tribune by a Coca-Cola spokesperson, “We have a network of dietitians we work with… Every big brand works with bloggers or has paid talent.” 

The article also states, “Other companies including Kellogg and General Mills have used strategies like providing continuing education classes for dietitians, funding studies that burnish the nutritional images of their products, and offering newsletters for health experts.  PepsiCo Inc. has also worked with dietitians who mention its Frito-Lay and Tostito chips in local TV segments on healthy eating.  Others use nutrition experts in sponsored content; the American Pistachio Growers has quoted a dietitian for the New England Patriots in a piece on healthy snacks and recipes, and Nestle has quoted its own executive in a post about infant nutrition.” 

In other words, it seems like these dieticians are getting paid to endorse a product that may not necessarily benefit the health of the people in their audience.  Everyone knows celebrities and athletes get paid a tremendous amount of money to endorse all kinds of things, including junk food.  Many times top athletes are paid more in endorsement deals than they make playing their sport, but is it really appropriate for certified nutrition experts to get paid to write about nutritional advice that may benefit their sponsors more than their readers?


Remember, we’re always here to help your body heal

and maintain the pain free body you deserve.


This information should not be substituted for medical or chiropractic advice. Any and all health care concerns, decisions, and actions must be done through the advice and counsel of a health care professional who is familiar with your updated medical history.

Dr Beecher’s May 4 Weekly Chiropractic Newsletter

Week of Monday, May 4th, 2015

To download Dr. Beecher’s Weekly Newsletter , please click here!


Mental Attitude: Family Stress Linked to Obesity in Teens. An analysis of data from over 4,700 teens found that family stress during childhood can put teenagers at an increased risk for being overweight or obese. According to researchers, girls in the study who experienced family stress such as family disruption and financial problems during their early years were more likely to be obese and overweight during their teen years than their peers who were not subjected to such stressors. The researchers also found that boys whose mothers suffered from poor health were more likely to become obese or overweight by late adolescence. Study author Dr. Daphne Hernandez concludes, “This study extends our knowledge of stress and obesity by focusing on the family environment over time. By knowing the types of stressors that influence female and male adolescent weight gain, we can tailor specific social services to be included in obesity prevention programs.” Preventive Medicine, April 2015


Health Alert: Another Reason Not to Get A Sunburn While on Vacation! According to a report from the United Kingdom, today’s seniors are about seven times more likely to develop a potentially deadly form of skin cancer called malignant melanoma than their predecessors from just 40 years ago. Experts speculate that this massive rise in the number of seniors developing this particular form of cancer is most likely a result of sunburns sustained while on vacation during their younger years in pursuit of a good tan. Cancer Research UK, April 2015


Diet: Another Reason to Eat Lots of Fruits and Vegetables… Chinese researchers analyzed data from fourteen published studies regarding inflammatory bowel disease and found that participants who consumed the most servings of fruits and vegetables per day were 30-40% less likely to be diagnosed with either Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis when compared with those who consumed the fewest daily servings of produce. European Journal of Gastroenterology & Hepatology, March 2015


Exercise: Exercise at Any Level Benefits Patients with Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease. If you are overweight or obese with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, a new study suggests that exercise can have significant benefits regardless of amount or intensity. During an eight-week study, researchers found that participants in three different exercise groups with varying levels of intensity all experienced a sizeable reduction in liver fat. Those who participated in a high-intensity, low-volume aerobic exercise or a low-to- moderate intensity, high-volume aerobic exercise experienced the greatest liver and visceral fat reduction. Study leader Dr. Nathan Johnson adds, “The results from our study show that all exercise doses, irrespective of volume or intensity, were efficacious in reducing liver fat and visceral fat by an amount that was clinically significant, in previously inactive overweight or obese adults compared with placebo.” Journal of Hepatology, April 2015


Chiropractic: What Causes Osteoarthritis? In the past, osteoarthritis (OA) was believed to be a wear and tear disease that affects the articular cartilage covering the ends of bones where they meet to form joints. New research shows OA to be a rather complex degenerative disease that may be caused by low-grade inflammation in the cartilage and the surrounding soft tissues that results in deterioration of the cartilage and a compromised joint structure. Although some risk factors for OA cannot be avoided (such as genetics, sex, and age), others are wholly in control of the patient. Controllable factors include: improperly treated sports injuries, lack of physical exercise, and overweight or obese body weight status. International Journal of Molecular Science, March 2015


Wellness/Prevention: Images on Cigarette Packs Educate Young Adults About Smoking Dangers. The results of two new studies indicate that young adults gain a much greater appreciation for the health consequences related to smoking when warning texts about the dangers of cigarette use are accompanied by graphic illustrations. Study author Dr. Renee E. Magnan explains, “Although this is a preliminary investigation, from a policy perspective, these outcomes suggest that focusing on deriving greater understanding and knowledge from such labels may have more impact in terms of both motivational and emotional responses. Importantly, however, these labels are only a small piece of what should be a larger campaign to educate the public on the dangers of smoking.” Annals of Behavioral Medicine, April 2015


Quote: “Once you have read a book you care about, some part of it is always with you.” ~ Louis L’Amour


This Weekly Health News Update is compliments of Dr. Ward Beecher and Beecher Chiropractic Clinic. If you have any questions or comments, please contact us at 281-286-1300 or BeecherChiropractic.com .

Dr Beecher’s April 27 Weekly Chiropractic Newsletter


Week of Monday, April 27th, 2015

To download Dr. Beecher’s Weekly Newsletter , please click here!

Mental Attitude: Anger and Anxiety Increase Heart Attack Risk. An analysis of more than 300 heart attack patients indicates that intense anger or anxiety dramatically increases an individual’s risk for a myocardial infarction in the hours immediately following such an occurrence. More specifically, in the 120 minutes following a bout of intense anger, a person’s risk for a heart attack increases by 8.5 times and an extreme anxiety episode elevates the risk by 9.5 times! Senior researcher Dr. Thomas Buckley writes, “While the absolute risk of any one anger episode triggering a heart attack is low, our data demonstrates that the danger is real and still there.” He further comments that the increased risk of heart attack after intense anger or anxiety is “most likely the result of increased heart rate and blood pressure, tightening of blood vessels, and increased clotting, all associated with triggering of heart attacks.” European Heart Journal: Acute Cardiovascular Care, February 2015


Health Alert: Bleeding Risk for Recent Heart Attack Patients Who Take NSAIDs. A new study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) suggests that taking ibuprofen and other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) elevates the risk of bleeding in heart attack survivors on anti-clotting medications. The authors note that these risks are of considerable public health concern due to the widespread use of NSAIDs and conclude that “[more] research is needed to confirm these findings; however, physicians should exercise appropriate caution when prescribing NSAIDs for patients who have recently experienced [a myocardial infarction].” JAMA, February 2015


Diet: Omega-3 Fatty Acids May Reduce Damage After Heart Attack. High doses of omega-3 fatty acids may protect the heart against further damage following a myocardial infraction. In a recent study that included 374 heart attack survivors, those who took a daily 4g dose of omega-3 fatty acids in addition to standard treatment had lower resulting levels of inflammation and were 39% less likely to show deterioration of heart function than those who received standard care with a placebo. Senior study author Dr. Raymond Kwong writes, “This is important because other anti-inflammatory agents, including steroids and NSAIDs, have failed to make a difference after [heart attack].” American College of Cardiology, March 2015


Exercise: Working Out Before Bed Doesn’t Hinder Sleep. While some fear that working out late in the evening can interfere with sleep, a study comparing the effects of working out at 5 PM and 9 PM showed no reductions in sleep quality when compared with measurements taken on nights when participants did not exercise at all.

The Journal of Sports Medicine & Physical Fitness, March 2015


Chiropractic: Resolution of Facial Neuralgia Following Chiropractic Care. After failing to respond to medical care for diagnosed trigeminal neuralgia, the mother of a 10-year-old boy brought her child to a chiropractor as a treatment of last resort. The boy’s presenting symptoms included headaches, earaches, neck pain, and extreme facial pain. After seven months of chiropractic care that focused on the upper cervical spine, the patient reported complete resolution of his main complaint. The findings suggests that chiropractic treatment to the cervical spine may benefit patients with facial neuralgias. Journal of Upper Cervical Chiropractic Research, February 2015


Wellness/Prevention: Most Smokers Will Die Early if They Don’t Quit. If you want to live longer, you should quit smoking now. A new study that followed over 200,000 men and women found that two-thirds of smokers died an average of ten years sooner than their peers who were non-smokers. Study director Dr. Emily Banks comments, “We knew smoking was bad, but we now have direct independent evidence that confirms the disturbing findings that have been emerging internationally.” BMC Medicine, February 2015


Quote: “Concentrate on what will produce results rather than on the results, the process rather than the prize.” ~ Bill Walsh


This Weekly Health News Update is compliments of Dr. Ward Beecher and Beecher Chiropractic Clinic. If you have any questions or comments, please contact us at 281-286-1300 or BeecherChiropractic.com .



Dr Beecher’s April 20 Weekly Chiropractic Newsletter


Week of Monday, April 20th, 2015

To download Dr. Beecher’s Weekly Newsletter , please click here!

Mental Attitude: Are Men the More Narcissistic Gender? Based on information collected over 30 years from more than 475,000 people, researchers from the University of Buffalo School of Management claim they can explain why some females fail to break the corporate glass ceiling: women just aren’t narcissistic enough. The results of the study showed that men scored consistently higher than women in narcissism, regardless of age. Study author Dr. Emily Grijalva explains, “Narcissism is associated with various interpersonal dysfunctions, including an inability to maintain healthy long-term relationships, unethical behavior, and aggression. At the same time, narcissism is shown to boost self-esteem, emotional stability, and the tendency to emerge as a leader. By examining gender differences in narcissism, we may be able to explain gender disparities in these important outcomes.” Psychological Bulletin, March 2015


Health Alert: Statins Linked to Increased Risk of Type 2 Diabetes. Cholesterol-lowering statin drugs may significantly increase a user’s risk of developing type 2 diabetes. The authors of a new study found that statins increase insulin resistance and also appear to impair the pancreas’ ability to secrete insulin. They also found that the risk of developing diabetes increased with higher statin doses. Diabetolgia, March 2015


Diet: Fried Food Intake Associated with Heart Failure Risk. Men who consume fried food one to three times a week have an 18% increased risk of developing heart failure compared with those who do not eat fried food. The risk rises to 25% for those who consume fried food four to six times a week, and 68% for those who eat fried food seven or more times per week. Samantha Heller, a senior clinical nutritionist at New York University comments, “The bottom line is, eating fried foods once in a while is fine but not on a daily or even a weekly basis.” American Heart Association, March 2015


Exercise: Type 2 Diabetics Should Exercise After Dinner. Researchers at the University of Missouri have discovered that people with type 2 diabetes can reduce their risk of cardiovascular disease by exercising after eating supper. Participants in the study performed resistance exercises such as leg curls, calf raises, and abdominal crunches either before dinner, after dinner, or not at all. Compared with blood sugar tests conducted on non-exercise days, the researchers found that exercising either before or after dinner led to reductions in blood glucose levels. However, only exercise conducted after dinner was associated with reductions in cholesterol and triglyceride levels. Researcher Dr. Jill Kanaley explains, “This study shows that it is not just the intensity or duration of exercising that is important but also the timing of when it occurs… Results from this study show that resistance exercise has its most powerful effect on reducing glucose and fat levels in one’s blood when performed after dinner.” Journal of Applied Physiology, December 2014


Chiropractic: Manual Therapies Reduce Foot Pain. A new study that combined treatment involving ischemic compression of trigger points and joint mobilization for chronic foot pain resulted in significant improvements in function and self-perceived improvements in pain up to six months post treatment. Further research on this approach of treatment is needed, but these findings are supportive of commonly used chiropractic care to treat foot disorders. The Journal of the Canadian Chiropractic Association, March 2015


Wellness/Prevention: Are 80% of Strokes Preventable? According to an article in the Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, four out of every five strokes could be prevented if individuals took measures to avoid cigarette smoke, eat a heart-healthy diet, exercise on a regular basis, and better control their blood pressure and cholesterol levels, among other strategies. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, March 2015


Quote: “Always remember, your focus determines your reality.” ~ George Lucas


This Weekly Health News Update is compliments of Dr. Ward Beecher and Beecher Chiropractic Clinic. If you have any questions or comments, please contact us at 281-286-1300 or BeecherChiropractic.com .


Dr Beecher’s April 2015 Monthly Chiropractic Newsletter

To download Dr. Beecher’s Monthly Newsletter, please click here!

“Try not to become a man of success but rather to become a man of value.” ~ Albert Einstein

New Research Claims Treating Back Pain Quickly and Effectively May Help Reduce

Future Pain, Suffering, and Even Disability.


Also this month:

  • Does eating organic make a difference? A new study compared insecticide exposure among organic and non-organic produce consumers.  The results might surprise you.
  • Another study shows meditation helps brain function: Brain function starts to decrease in individuals in their mid-to-late 20s… meditation may dramatically slow this aging process.
  • Man Walks 21 Miles Every Day to and from Work for 12 Years… But What Happened Next Is the Best Part of the Story!

Houston – If you have ever had low back pain, then you will find this information very useful… especially if you do not want your back pain to come back!

New research published in the Journal of Pain (a peer-reviewed publication of the American Pain Society) indicates that pain severity during an episode of back pain is correlated with future pain and disability.

The authors of the study write, “After six months, the results showed that baseline pain intensity was associated with a 12 percent higher risk for developing chronic low back pain and patient beliefs that pain would persist conveyed a 4 percent risk increase. After five years, baseline pain intensity yielded a 9 percent increased risk for chronic pain, while believing that pain would persist had increased the risk by 6 percent.”

According to Science Daily:  “The authors noted that their research confirms previous studies concluding that baseline pain intensity is a key predictor of future pain and disability.

            “Clinically, the study confirms that effective pain relief in the initial management of low-back pain has implications for long-term improvement.”

Based on this research, it is clear that all back pain should be taken seriously and treated appropriately because treating back pain quickly and effectively may help reduce future pain, suffering, and even disability.

What About Preventing Back Pain?

If you want to prevent low back pain, then you must first understand its cause.  A 2008 study found that the majority of low back pain (97%) is mechanical in nature.  Mechanical low back pain is the general term that refers to any type of back pain caused by injury to the spinal structures (bones, ligaments, and disks, for example).

In other words, if you have low back pain, the odds are the cause is NOT a tumor or anything life-threatening.  But… and this is a very big BUT… every case of low back pain should be evaluated by an appropriate physician to rule out non-mechanical causes.  This is why chiropractors are trained in differential diagnosis to determine when low back pain is mechanical and when it is something more serious.

What Treatments Help

Mechanical Low Back Pain?

Chiropractic has been shown to be both safe and effective for the treatment of mechanical low back pain.  For example, a study published back in 1990 in the British Medical Journal (BMJ) compared Chiropractic care to hospital outpatient treatment and found:  “Chiropractic treatment was more effective than hospital outpatient management, mainly for patients with chronic or severe back pain.  A benefit of about 7% points on the Oswestry scale was seen at two years.  The benefit of chiropractic treatment became more evident throughout the follow-up period.  Secondary outcome measures also showed that chiropractic was more beneficial.”

The study concluded, “For patients with low back pain in whom manipulation is not contraindicated, chiropractic almost certainly confers worthwhile, long-term benefit in comparison with hospital outpatient management. The benefit is seen mainly in those with chronic or severe pain.”

It is great that Chiropractic care can help low back pain, but the main goal of any treatment should be to get you out of pain AND prevent your pain from coming back.

New research published in Arthritis Care & Research, the journal of the American College of Rheumatology, shows that being engaged in manual tasks involving awkward positions can increase an individual’s risk for a low back injury by up to 800%. Researchers also found that those who are distracted or fatigued while performing physical tasks are also at significantly higher risk for a low back injury.

What’s the Take-Home Message Here?

First, the majority of low back pain is mechanical and can be treated with chiropractic care.  Second, many cases of low back pain can be prevented in the first place by avoiding awkward positions, distractions, and fatigue while performing physical activities.

Learning proper posture while sitting can help prevent the abnormal stress and strain that lead to low back pain over time. If you develop low back pain, seek the proper treatment, one that has a proven track record.              Getting the best care to get out of pain as fast as possible is extremely important.  Also, make sure your treatment plan includes information on how you can prevent your low back pain from coming back (such as learning proper lifting technique) because relapses are often worse than the original injury.

Study Shows Meditation Helps Brain Function!

A new study by UCLA researchers found that meditation appears to help preserve the brain’s gray matter, the tissue that contains neurons.  This is extremely important because at some time in the mid-to-late 20s, the brain begins to decrease in size and can often lose some function.

According to the study, the effects of meditation were greater than expected. Study co-author Dr. Florian Kurth writes, “We expected rather small and distinct effects located in some of the regions that had previously been associated with meditating… Instead, what we actually observed was a widespread effect of meditation that encompassed regions throughout the entire brain.”

Dr. Kurth warns that this study does not “prove” meditation preserved gray matter in the brain.  There are many other factors such as lifestyle and genetics that can have an effect, but the results are promising and hopefully more research will give more definitive answers.


Don’t forget, if you ever have any questions or concerns about your health, talk to us. Contact us with your questions. We’re here to help and don’t enjoy anything more than participating in providing you natural pain relief.

Inspirational Story Of The Month

(Names And Details May Have Been Changed To Protect Privacy)



Man Walks 21 Miles Every Day

to and from Work for 12 Years!

But What Happened Next Is the Best Part of the Story…


James Robertson is a 56-year-old man who ran into a little problem twelve years ago when his 1988 Honda Accord stopped working.  He lived 23 miles from the factory he worked at and could not afford another car.  For most people, this would be enough for them to quit, roll over, and play dead, but not James Robertson.

He decided to do whatever it took to get to work and “whatever it took” turned out to be quite shocking.

Every workday, Robertson would walk most of an astounding 21-mile round trip from home to work and back to home.

Here is another amazing fact about this:  Robertson made this journey every day for a $10.55 an hour job.  Since this is barely enough to pay for rent and food, he continued this for twelve years because he was unable to buy another car.

What does Robertson’s boss have to say about him?  “I set our attendance standard by this man,” says Todd Wilson, Plant Manager at Schain Mold & Engineering.  “I say, if this man can get here, walking all those miles through snow and rain, well I’ll tell you, I have people in Pontiac 10 minutes away and they say they can’t get here – bull!”

Wilson also said that Robertson comes in his office every morning to talk sports, and Wilson’s wife makes dinner for Robertson every night.

Here’s where the story gets good…  One day, a banker by the name of Blake Pollock saw Robertson making his daily journey and offered him a ride. The two traveled together for work for a few months until Pollock shared Robertson’s amazing story with the Free Press. Then, Robertson’s story went viral.  That’s when a 19-year-old college student, Evan Leedy, changed the 56-year-old factory worker’s life forever.

Leedy started a GoFundMe drive for Robertson that raised over $300,000 from 11,400 donors in just four days!  At the time of this writing, the campaign has raised over $350,000!  So much for living in a cruel world filled with people who only care about themselves!

But it gets even better…  A local car dealership, Suburban Ford of Sterling Heights, gave Robertson a fully loaded 2015 Ford Taurus.

According to USA Today, the dealership’s manager, Jim Elder, said getting his own employees to work on time is often difficult, and they live in the same town as the dealership.  Then there’s Robertson, who lives miles from work and hasn’t been late in a decade.

While Robertson’s dedication to his job and the work of Leedy and Pollock to help him could cause one to label them as heroes, so are the 11,400 people who donated money to a man they have never met.  Here is something to think about:  11,400 people donated to reach $300,000.  That means the average donation was just $26.32.  It’s amazing how a seemingly insignificant act and amount of money can have such a massive impact on someone’s life.

Just imagine what kind of impact we could make on the world if everyone gave just a little time, energy, or money to help someone they didn’t know each and every day!


We love helping our patients and their friends and relatives through their tough times and

getting them feeling better! We are here to help you stay feeling better and looking younger!

Don’t be a stranger. You really can afford Chiropractic care! Don’t wait until you can no longer move!

Did You Know?…


5 Ways Exercise Can Enhance Your Brainpower and Mood!


  1. Exercise reverses the detrimental effects of stress. Exercise boosts levels of soothing brain chemicals like serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine.  On a cellular level, exercise may even reverse some of the damage caused by stress that can accelerate the aging process.
  2. Exercise lifts depression. Sustained, sweat-inducing activity can reduce symptoms of depression about as effectively as antidepressants, according to a recent study.
  3. Exercise improves learning. Exercise increases the level of the chemicals in the brain — called growth factors — that help make new brain cells.
  4. Exercise builds self-esteem and improves body image. Even simply seeing fitness improvements, like running a faster mile or lifting more weight, can improve your self-esteem and body image.
  5. Exercise leaves you feeling euphoric. High-intensity exercise can leave you with a feeling of euphoria.  Try running, biking, or swimming as fast as you can for 30 to 40 seconds and then reduce your speed to a gentle pace for five minutes before sprinting again.



Tip Of The Month


Does Eating Organic Food Make a Difference?    


Eating organic food is a very hot topic.  It seems like everyone is talking about it, and everyone has a strong opinion one way or the other.  Some swear by it and say you are poisoning yourself if you do not eat organic foods.  Others say eating organic is nothing more than a waste of money.  Is there really a benefit to eating organic food over non-organic food in regards to actual pesticide levels in the body?

A study published in Environmental Health Perspectives analyzed the dietary exposure of nearly 4,500 people from six cities across the United States to organophosphates (OPs), the most common insecticides used on conventionally grown produce in the country.  OPs are linked to a number of detrimental health effects, particularly among agricultural workers who are regularly exposed to this class of chemicals.  The results of the study showed that among individuals eating similar amounts of fruits and vegetables, those who reported eating organic produce had significantly lower OP pesticide exposures than those consuming conventionally grown produce.  In addition, consuming conventionally grown foods typically treated with greater amounts of pesticides during production (such as apples, nectarines, and peaches) was associated with significantly higher levels of exposure.

Lead author Dr. Cynthia Curl adds, “For most Americans, diet is the primary source of OP pesticide exposure… The study suggests that by eating organically grown versions of those foods highest in pesticide residues, we can make a measurable difference in the levels of pesticides in our bodies.” 

According to this research, it seems like eating organic fruits and vegetables is not a waste of money.  As always, more research needs to be done to determine how much OP exposure may be bad for you and if there are ways to mitigate exposure if you do purchase non-organic produce. But, when in doubt, organic might be the way to go, at least when it comes to apples, nectarines, and peaches.


Remember, we’re always here to help your body heal

and maintain the pain free body you deserve.


This information should not be substituted for medical or chiropractic advice. Any and all health care concerns, decisions, and actions must be done through the advice and counsel of a health care professional who is familiar with your updated medical history.

Dr Beecher’s April 13 Weekly Chiropractic Newsletter

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Week of Monday, April 13th, 2015


Mental Attitude: Anxious People Make Poor Decisions in the Midst of Uncertainty. University of Oxford researchers have found that individuals who are prone to high anxiety have a more difficult time reading the environmental cues that may help them avoid a bad outcome. Participants played a computerized “two-armed bandit-style” game in which they chose between two shapes, one of which, if selected, would deliver a mild to moderate electrical shock. To avoid getting shocked, participants needed to keep track of the shape that most frequently delivered electrical jolts. The researchers noted that highly anxious people had more trouble than their less anxious counterparts adjusting to avoid shocks. Study lead author Dr. Sonia Bishop writes, “Our results show that anxiety may be linked to difficulty in using information about whether the situations we face daily, including relationship dynamics, are stable or not, and deciding how to react.” Nature Neuroscience, March 2015


Health Alert: 20% of Teen Girls Physically or Sexually Abused While Dating. In the past year, it’s estimated that one in five girls and one in ten boys fell victim to either dating-related physical or sexual abuse. The researchers find these numbers to be both high and very troubling and add that these victims also have a higher risk for suicidal behavior, bullying, risky sexual behavior, and substance use. Lead author Dr. Kevin Vagi adds, “Parents and caregivers can help shape the relationship decisions that teens make by talking early about healthy and unhealthy relationships, and the need for respect.” JAMA Pediatrics, March 2015


Diet: Can Eating Nuts Extend Your Life? Three large prospective studies have discovered that a diet high in nuts is linked to greater longevity. Researchers found that those who ate the most nuts were 17-21% less likely to die during the 5-12 years they followed-up with study participants. They add, “We found consistent evidence that high nut/peanut consumption was associated with a reduced risk of total mortality and cardiovascular disease mortality.” JAMA Internal Medicine, March 2015


Exercise: Are High-Intensity Workouts Better for Obese Adults? Research involving 300 abdominally obese adults investigated the effects of short, high-intensity exercise versus long, low-intensity workouts. Both types of workouts resulted in similar weight loss after 24 weeks, but the high-intensity group also experienced a reduction in blood glucose levels in the hours following their workout. The results show a clear benefit for engaging in high-intensity workouts, especially for those who wish to more effectively manage their blood sugar levels. Lead study author Dr. Robert Ross explains, “Higher intensity can be achieved simply by increasing the incline while walking on a treadmill or walking at a brisker pace.” Annals of Internal Medicine, March 2015


Chiropractic: Dizzy? Chiropractic May Help. Dizziness is a common risk factor for falls among the elderly. After reviewing past literature, studies, and clinical trials, the authors of a new report conclude that chiropractic manipulation may have a role in the prevention of falls in elderly who suffer from mechanical pain or dysfunction and non-specific dizziness. Journal of Canadian Chiropractic Association, March 2015


Wellness/Prevention: Size Checks Among Children May Spot Celiac Disease. Researchers from the University of Eastern Finland believe that checking children for growth problems may help indentify those with celiac disease much faster. They found that screening children for five height- and weight-related differences in growth is an effective strategy for spotting those with celiac disease, as girls in the study with the disorder were below-average in height two years before their diagnosis and the boys in the study were below-average in height just one year before diagnosis. The research team writes, “Growth failure remains an early and common feature in patients with celiac disease and an up-to-date growth reference and well-established growth-monitoring program could facilitate the early diagnosis of celiac disease.” JAMA Pediatrics, March 2015


Quote: “It’s so freeing, it’s beautiful in a way, to have a great failure, there’s nowhere to go but up.” ~ David Lynch


This Weekly Health News Update is compliments of Dr. Ward Beecher and Beecher Chiropractic Clinic. If you have any questions or comments, please contact us at 281-286-1300 or BeecherChiropractic.com .


Dr Beecher’s April 6 Weekly Chiropractic Newsletter

To download Dr. Beecher’s Weekly Newsletter , please click here!


Week of Monday, April 6th, 2015


Mental Attitude: 7% of Children Worldwide Have ADHD. Data from 175 published studies conducted over four decades indicates that about 7% of kids worldwide have attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Children with ADHD tend to be inattentive, impulsive, and hyperactive and this disorder can cause them to struggle both academically and socially. These findings may help health officials determine if ADHD is over or under diagnosed in their country, state, or community. Pediatrics, April 2015


Health Alert: Acetaminophen Risks May Be Underestimated. A new study suggests that the risks of using acetaminophen may be underestimated by doctors. A systematic review of eight studies investigated the association between acetaminophen use and adverse health effects. One study found an increased rate of mortality among individuals who had been prescribed acetaminophen compared with those who had not. Four of the studies found an elevated risk of adverse cardiovascular and renal events linked to acetaminophen use, and one study found a link to gastrointestinal events. Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases, March 2015


Diet: Eat Peanuts Early in Childhood to Avoid Allergy? For years, parents have been advised to avoid giving foods that contain peanuts to their babies as it may trigger an allergy. Now, a new groundbreaking study suggests that the opposite is true. Researchers claim that feeding babies food containing peanuts before their first birthday may actually prevent the onset of peanut allergies. They found that around 3% of children who ate peanut butter or peanut snacks before their first birthday developed an allergy, compared with 17% of children who didn’t eat such foods during infancy. New England Journal of Medicine, February 2015


Exercise: Kids More Likely to Exercise When Friends Do. Friends appear to play a significant role in youngsters’ levels of physical activity. In a new study, over one-hundred children and teens were asked to rank benefits and barriers to physical activity. The findings revealed that those who did physical activities with a friend were less likely to cite barriers to not exercising, while family participation or encouragement failed to have the same effect. Study author Dr. Jessica Graus Woo notes, “We speculate that the social network of friendships is increasingly important in influencing behaviors as children get older… Having physically active friends may make it easier for obese children to get involved with activities and lower the perceived barriers for doing so, while having a physically active family may not be as inspiring.” American Heart Association, March 2015


Chiropractic: Women Benefit from Chiropractic Care During Pregnancy. Chiropractors often provide treatment for women during pregnancy to ease pregnancy-related musculoskeletal pain. A recent study published in the journal Chiropractic & Manual Therapies followed 115 pregnant women who sough out chiropractic care and found that 52% reported significant improvements in their pain after just one week of treatment. After one month, the researchers note that more than 70% of the expectant mothers in the study achieved clinically significant improvements in pain based on outcome assessments. Chiropractic & Manual Therapies, February 2015


Wellness/Prevention: Over a Billion Young Adults at Risk of Hearing Loss. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), over one-billion teenagers and young adults are at risk of hearing loss due to unsafe levels of sound. The risk is primarily due to exposure to high levels of recreational noise from personal audio devices and loud entertainment venues. The WHO recommends restricting the use of personal audio devices to less than 60 minutes per day. Dr. Etienne Krug, WHO director for the Department for Management of Noncommunicable Diseases, Disability, Violence, and Injury Prevention writes, “[Adolescents and young adults] should be aware that once you lose your hearing, it won’t come back. Taking simple preventive actions will allow people to continue to enjoy themselves without putting their hearing at risk.” World Health Organization, March 2015


Quote: “The best revenge is massive success.” ~ Frank Sinatra


This Weekly Health News Update is compliments of Dr. Ward Beecher and Beecher Chiropractic Clinic. If you have any questions or comments, please contact us at 281-286-1300 or BeecherChiropractic.com .


Dr Beecher’s March 30 Weekly Chiropractic Newsletter

To download Dr. Beecher’s Weekly Newsletter , please click here!


Week of Monday, March 30th, 2015

Mental Attitude: Loneliness & Depression Associated with TV Binge-Watching. A recent study has found that the more lonely and depressed a person is, the more likely he or she will binge-watch TV. Researchers say that depressed individuals use this activity to move away from negative feelings and those who lack the ability to control themselves are more likely to binge-watch. This is of concern as past research has shown that obesity and other health problems are related to excessive television viewing, suggesting that binge-watching may be more than a harmless addiction.

65th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association, February 2015


Health Alert: Prescription Combo Can Be Fatal for Seniors. Combining commonly prescribed antibiotics with a widely used heart medication appears to more than double the risk of sudden death in seniors, finds a new study published in the Canadian Medical Association Journal. Spironolactone (Aldactone) is a common diuretic widely used in the treatment of heart failure. However, investigators have found that when trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole (Septra, Bactrim) is prescribed to someone on Spironolactone, it can cause blood potassium to rise to potentially life-threatening levels. Over a 17-year period, almost 12,000 people died suddenly after taking this combination of medicines and most of the patients who died were over the age of 85. The authors conclude that pharmacists and physicians must be made aware of this interaction, as it does not appear widely known at present time. Canadian Medical Association Journal, February 2015


Diet: Toddler Snacks & Meals Have Plenty of Salt & Sugar. Many prepackaged meals for toddlers contain high levels of salt, and many snacks, desserts, and juices for infants and toddlers contain added sugar. Researcher Dr. Mary Cogswell writes, “It was surprising that more than seven of ten packaged toddler meals contained too much sodium (salt)… Some parents might be surprised that a majority of infant and toddler snacks and sides, such as flavored crackers and rice cakes, contained added sugar. About half the analyzed ready-to-serve mixed grains and fruits products, such as oatmeal and fruit in a jar, contained added sugar.” She recommends preparing food for infants and toddlers as a healthier choice over prepackaged foods. Pediatrics, February 2015


Exercise: You May Want to Take it Easy When Jogging. After following 1,000 healthy joggers and 4,000 healthy non-joggers for a decade, researchers claim that those who jog 1-2.4 hours per week were 71% less likely to die during the study period than non- joggers. However, they found no mortality benefits when comparing more strenuous joggers to the non-joggers in the study. Study researcher Dr. Jacob Marott adds, “We believe that long-term strenuous endurance exercise may induce pathological structural remodeling of the heart and large arteries.” Journal of the American College of Cardiology, February 2015


Chiropractic: Improvement in Chronic Hypertension Following Cervical Adjustment. A 55-year-old male with a history of chronic hypertension that did not respond to medical management presented for a trial of chiropractic care. After receiving an upper cervical adjustment using a specific chiropractic protocol, his blood pressure progressively lowered. The findings support the possible use of chiropractic care in the management of unresolved chronic hypertension.

Journal of Upper Cervical Chiropractic Research, January 2015


Wellness/Prevention: Probiotic Pill May Help Diabetics. Researchers claim that a study involving rats demonstrates that a modified strain of “friendly” human gut bacteria called Lactobacillus appears to have instigated a process that converted cells in the intestinal lining to behave like pancreatic beta cells and release insulin to regulate blood sugar levels. In the study, the rats that received the modified probiotic had blood glucose levels up to 30% lower than rats that did not receive the probiotic. The researcher’s hopes to one day develop a probiotic pill for human use that diabetic patients could take each morning to help manage and possibly cure their condition. Diabetes, February 2015


Quote: “The scariest moment is always just before you start.” ~ Stephen King


This Weekly Health News Update is compliments of Dr. Ward Beecher and Beecher Chiropractic Clinic. If you have any questions or comments, please contact us at 281-286-1300 or BeecherChiropractic.com .