Dr Beecher’s December 26 Weekly Chiropractic Newsletter

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Week of Monday, December 26th, 2011


Mental Attitude: Resist Temptation? How do you defeat the impulse to gratify desire and stick to your long- term goals of slimness or sobriety? Just say, “No thanks” and move on. Don’t stop and think about it.  The presence of temptation twists your cognitive abilities in ways that promote impulsive behavior.

Psychological Science, Oct 2011


Health Alert: Prescription Painkiller Abuse Epidemic! According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, overdoses involving prescription painkillers have tripled in the past 10 years and now kill more Americans than heroin and cocaine combined. A significant proportion of deaths are from people who obtain prescription painkillers without a prescription and use them for recreational use. CDC Vital Signs, Oct 2011


Diet: The Skinny On Coffee. The more coffee an adult drinks, the lower the risk seems to be for developing basal cell carcinoma (BCC), a common type of skin cancer. Women who had at least 3 cups of coffee daily had a 20% lower chance of developing BCC, compared to those who consumed less than one cup per month. Men who consumed at least three cups of coffee per day had a 9% lower risk of BCC.

Harvard Medical School, Oct 2011


Exercise: Good Reasons. Exercise gives you more energy to meet the demands of daily life, and provides you with a reserve to meet the demands of unexpected emergencies.

Surgeon General’s Report on Physical Activity and Health, 1996


Chiropractic: Posture and Health. Posture and normal physiology are interrelated. Posture affects and moderates every physiological function from breathing to hormonal production. Abnormal posture is evident in patients with chronic and stress related illnesses. Observe people over 50 and you will see that people with bad posture look unhealthy. American Journal of Pain Management, 1994


Wellness/Prevention: Preventable Strokes. One in six people will suffer a stroke and someone dies from a stroke every 6 seconds. 85% of these people have risk factors that can prevent a stroke, if identified. 6 steps to reduce stroke risk: 1) Learn the warning signs of a stroke: sudden numbness, in particular if it only affects one side of the body, loss of balance or sudden vertigo, sudden difficulty in speaking or seeing, and severe headaches with no apparent cause. 2) Check your personal risk factors: high blood pressure, high cholesterol levels and diabetes. 3) Exercise regularly and keep physically active. 4) Eat a healthy diet and avoid becoming obese. 5) Avoid cigarette smoke and seek help to stop if you are a smoker. 6) Restrict your alcohol consumption. World Stroke Organization, Oct 2011


Quote: “To keep the body in good health is a duty, otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear.”  ~ Gautama the Buddha, 563 BC


This Weekly Health News Update is compliments of Dr. Ward Beecher and Beecher Chiropractic Clinic. If you have any questions or comments, please contact us at 281-286-1300 or www.BeecherChiropractic.Com.



For More Information, please download this week’s newsletter, here.


Week of Monday,  June 13th, 2011



Mental Attitude: Stress And Cellular Health. University of California San Francisco (UCSF) scientists report psychological stress leads to shorter telomeres – the protective caps on the ends of chromosomes that are a measure of cell age and thus, health. Their findings also suggest exercise may prevent this damage. They examined telomeres in leukocytes, or white blood cells, which defend the body against both infectious agents and cell damage. “Our findings suggest that traumatic and chronic stressful life events are associated with shortening of telomeres in cells of the immune system, but that physical activity may moderate this impact,” said co-author Jue Lin, PhD, associate research biochemist

in the laboratory of senior author and Nobel laureate Elizabeth Blackburn, PhD, professor of biochemistry and biophysics at UCSF. UCSF, April 2011


Health Alert: A Natural Therapy? An environment of pure oxygen at three-and-a-half times normal air pressure adds significantly to the effectiveness of artemisinin, a natural compound already shown to kill cancerous cells. In a new study, using artemisinin or high-pressure oxygen alone on a culture of human leukemia cells reduced the cancer cells’ growth by

15%. Using them in combination reduced the cells’ growth by 38%! Anticancer Research, April 2011


Diet: Skeletal Muscles Affected By Obesity. This new study shows obesity involves more than accumulating excess fat and carrying excess weight. During the development of obesity, skeletal muscles fail to adjust their molecular composition appropriately to the increasing body weight. Consequently, the muscles of obese mammals are not properly

‘tuned’ to the higher body weight they carry. This may explain why muscle strength and locomotion are impaired in obese humans and why it is difficult to lose excess weight. Journal of Experimental Biology, May 2011


Exercise: Benefits of Exercise. Exercise increases your level of muscle strength, improves athletic performance, can help relieve the pain of tension headaches, allows you to consume greater quantities of food (while still maintaining caloric balance) and helps you sleep easier (and better). Surgeon General


Chiropractic: Patients Are More Immune? The chiropractic immunology connection was strengthened in 1991 when Patricia Brennan, Ph.D. and other researchers found improved immune response following chiropractic treatment. Specifically, the study demonstrated the “phagocytic respiratory burst of polymorphnuclear neutrophils and monocytes were enhanced in adults [who] had been adjusted by chiropractors.” In other words, the cells that act like “Pac-Man”, eating and destroying bad cells, are enhanced through chiropractic care. Circulation, 1992


Wellness/Prevention: Breast Cancer Risk Lower Among Regular Coffee Drinkers. Women who drink coffee regularly have a significantly lower risk of developing antiestrogen-resistant estrogen-receptor (ER)-negative breast cancer. Breast cancer may be sub-divided into hormone-responsive (ER-positive) and non-hormone-responsive subtypes (ER-negative). They discovered regular coffee drinkers were less likely to develop breast cancer compared to women who either never or rarely drank coffee. Breast Cancer Research, May 2011


Quote: “A child miss-educated is a child lost.” ~ John F. Kennedy

This Weekly Health News Update is compliments of Dr. Ward Beecher and Beecher Chiropractic Clinic. If you have any questions or comments, please contact us at 281-286-1300 or www.BeecherChiropractic.Com.