Dr Beecher’s May 6 Weekly Chiropractic Newsletter

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Week of Monday, May 6th, 2013


Mental Attitude: Teenaged Smoking, Depression, and Osteoporosis. Osteoporosis is a costly health problem. Although it is primarily evident in postmenopausal women, its roots can be traced to periods of growth, including adolescence. A recent study showed that smoking and depressive symptoms in adolescent girls had a negative impact on adolescent bone growth and may lead to future low bone mass or osteoporosis and higher fracture rates in postmenopausal years. Journal of Adolescent Health, April 2013


Health Alert: World’s Population To Stop Growing? A research team predicts that the Earth’s population will stabilize by 2050. The world population in 2100 will be within a range of 15.8 billion people (according to the highest estimates with a high fertility variant) and 6.2 billion (according to the lowest estimates with a low fertility variant). The lowest estimate is actually lower than the current world population of 7 billion. In fact, the world-wide fertility rate has already fallen by more than 40% since 1950. United Nations, February 2013


Diet: Heart Disease and Red Meat. Carnitine, a compound abundant in red meat and added as a supplement to popular energy drinks, has been found to promote atherosclerosis (hardening or clogging of arteries).

Nature Medicine, April 2013


Exercise: Walking and Smoking. Teens who increased the amount of time they exercised by at least 20 minutes

(equivalent to a short walk) were more likely than their peers to resist lighting up a cigarette.

Journal of Adolescent Health, April 2013


Chiropractic: Neck Pain Relief! 75% of Americans deal with neck pain at some point in their lives. In a study comparing spinal manipulation therapy (SMT) and prescription medication as treatment options, researches concluded that SMT was more effective both in the short and long-term. At the end of 12 weeks, 57% of participants in the SMT group reported at least a 75% reduction in pain, while only 33% of the medication group had similar results. One year later, patients in the chiropractic group were still experiencing benefits, as 53% still saw at least a

75% reduction in pain. Annals of Internal Medicine, January 2012


Wellness/Prevention: Kidney Disease and Being Overweight. Being overweight in young adulthood may significantly increase individuals’ risks of developing chronic kidney disease (CKD) by the time they become seniors. Those who were overweight in their late 20s and early 30s were twice as likely to have CKD at age 60-64 years compared with those who first became overweight at age 60-64 years or never became overweight. Larger waist-to-hip ratios (“apple-shaped” bodies) at ages 43 and 53 years were also linked with CKD at age 60-64 years. Researchers estimate that 36% of CKD cases at age 60-64 in the United States population could be avoided if nobody became overweight until at least that age. Journal of the American Society of Nephrology, April 2013



Quote: “A fit, healthy body—that is the best fashion statement.” ~ Jess C. Scott





Dr Beecher’s April 29 Weekly Chiropractic Newsletter

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Week of Monday, April 29th, 2013


Mental Attitude: Negativity Online. Simply reading angry rants online can cause a negative mood shift within five minutes of doing so, even if you find them entertaining, interesting, or funny.

Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, March 2013


Health Alert: Superbug Hits United States Hospitals! Untreatable, antibiotic-resistant infections from a rare but life-threatening super bug are on the rise in United States hospitals. Early in 2012, close to 200 hospitals and long-term care facilities treated at least one person infected with bacteria from the Carbapenem-Resistant Enterobacteriaceae (CRE) family, and 50% of patients who contract bloodstream CRE infections will die. These bacteria can spread among patients and on the hands of health care workers. This kind of transmission can produce new deadly infections for hospital patients, and potentially for normally healthy people as well. To

date, nearly all CRE infections occur in people receiving medical care in hospitals, long-term care facilities, or nursing homes. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, March 2013


Diet: Olive Oil and Satiety. Consuming olive oil as part of your normal diet may help increase satiety (the feeling of fullness) following a meal. Technical University of Munich, March 2013


Exercise: More Reasons. Exercise helps reduce and prevent the immediate symptoms of menopause (hot flashes, sleep disturbances, irritability) and decrease the long-term risks of cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis, and obesity. Surgeon General’s Report on Physical Activity and Health, 1996


Chiropractic: Bone Demineralization. With lack of proper motion (joint immobilization), vertebral bone density will decrease if the vertebrae do not bear normal weight (think of osteoporosis). On the other hand, bone density will increase when coupled with lack of proper motion and the vertebrae bearing too much weight

(think of degeneration and bone spurs). Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics, 1992


Wellness/Prevention: Prevent Tobacco Deaths. By the end of this century, tobacco smoking is projected to

kill one billion people! To reduce the prevalence of smoking to less than 5% worldwide by 2048, world officials are attempting to implement plain packaging, high taxation, smoke-free public places, and educational non- smoking and stop smoking campaigns. Governance of Tobacco in the 21st Century, March 2013


Quote: “Keep your best wishes close to your heart and watch what happens.” ~ Tony DeLiso


This Weekly Health News Update is compliments of Dr. Ward Beecher and Beecher Chiropractic Clinic. If you have any questions or comments, please contact us at 281-286-1300 or BeecherChiropractic.com .


Dr Beecher’s April 15 Weekly Chiropractic Newsletter

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Week of Monday, April 15th, 2013

Mental Attitude: Video Games and Happiness? Older adults who play video games are more likely to be happier and have better emotional health. Those who played video games (even those who said they just played occasionally) reported a greater sense of well-being. The seniors who did not play video games reported more negative emotions and a likelihood toward increased levels of depression.

Computers in Human Behavior, March 2013


Health Alert: Dementia Death Rate Soars! Dementia and Alzheimer’s disease have risen from the 24th

leading cause of death in the United Kingdom to the 10th in the last 20 years. Dementia is now one of the top 10 (and fastest rising) causes of death. Not including the untold human cost, dementia costs the UK economy £23 billion a year. The Lancet, March 2013


Diet: Heart Healthy Lifestyle Also Lowers Cancer Risk. People who adhere to 6 out of the 7 factors from The American Heart Association’s “Life’s Simple 7 Steps” to reduce heart attack risk also reduced their risk of cancer by 51%. Those who followed at least four of the 7 factors decreased their cancer risk by 33%. The seven factors include: being physically active, keeping a healthy weight, eating a healthy diet, maintaining healthy cholesterol levels, keeping blood pressure down, regulating blood sugar levels, and not smoking.

American Heart Association March, 2013


Exercise: Exercise and Sleep. Light, moderate, and vigorous exercisers are more likely to experience restful sleep than non-exercisers (67% vs. 39%). If you are inactive, taking a ten minute daily walk could improve your likelihood of a good night’s sleep. National Sleep Foundation, March 2013


Chiropractic:  Don’t Wait. While patients with chronic (>3 months) low back pain generally report good outcomes following chiropractic care, patients with acute pain (<4 weeks) recover faster.

Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics, July 2012


Wellness/Prevention: Prevent Visceral Fat. Visceral fat (fat stored in the abdominal cavity) is directly linked to an increased risk for colon cancer. Loss of fat by surgery or a calorie restricted diet reduced the risk of developing intestinal tumors. Cancer Prevention Research, March 2013


Quote: “If we did all the things we are capable of, we would literally astound ourselves.” ~ Thomas A. Edison


This Weekly Health News Update is compliments of Dr. Ward Beecher and Beecher Chiropractic Clinic. If you have any questions or comments, please contact us at 281-286-1300 or BeecherChiropractic.com .


Dr Beecher’s March 11 Weekly Chiropractic Newsletter

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Week of Monday, March 11th, 2013

Courtesy of Ward Beecher, D.C.  (281) 286-1300


Mental Attitude: The Elderly and Facebook. Elderly adults who learned to use Facebook on a daily basis scored 25% better on tests measuring their cognitive abilities than their peers who did not. University of Arizona, February 2013


Health Alert: Baby Boomers Vs. Preceding Generation! As each generation grows older, they believe they are healthier than the previous generation. However, the baby boomers are unable to make this claim. Compared to the preceding generation at the same stage of their lives, fewer have “excellent” health (13% vs. 32%), more have high blood pressure (75% vs. 35%), and more are obese (36% vs. 25%). JAMA Internal Medicine, February 2013


Diet: The Southern Diet and Stroke. People from the American South are 20% more likely to have a stroke than those from other parts of the country, and the Southern diet may be to blame. People who eat Southern style food high in fat, sugar, and salt at least 6 times a week were at 41% higher risk for a stoke. People whose diets consisted of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains at least 5 times a week were 29% less likely to have a stroke. American Stroke Association, February 2013


Exercise: Tai Chi? Tai Chi may reduce falls among adult stroke survivors. Tai Chi is a martial art dating back to ancient China that includes physical movements, mental concentration, and relaxed breathing. American Stroke Association, February 2013


Chiropractic: Recommended For Back Pain. The Royal College of General Practitoners’ 2009 recommendation for treating non-specific low back pain advises doctors to advocate exercise and manipulation (such as chiropractic care) before pharmacological (drug) therapies and more invasive treatments (like surgery). National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellences, 2009


Wellness/Prevention: Sunshine and Rheumatoid Arthritis. Routine exposure to the sun, especially ultraviolet B (UVB) rays, may decrease the risk of rheumatoid arthritis. Those with the most elevated rates of exposure were 21% less likely to develop rheumatoid arthritis than who had less exposure. Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases, February 2013


Quote: “If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion.” ~ Unknown


This Weekly Health News Update is compliments of Dr. Ward Beecher and Beecher Chiropractic Clinic. If you have any questions or comments, please contact us at 281-286-1300 or BeecherChiropractic.com .

Dr Beecher’s March 4 Weekly Chiropractic Newsletter

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Week of Monday, March 4th, 2013

Mental Attitude: Young Adults Are Stressed-Out! A recent study shows adults ages 18-33 years old are more likely to report higher stress levels than those outside of their age range. Furthermore, 53% said they received little or no support for stress management from their health care provider.

American Psychological Assoc, February 2013


Health Alert: Mini Stroke? Each year 500,000 Americans experience mini strokes called transient ischemic attacks (TIAs). Symptoms usually go away within an hour, but 10-15% of people who experience TIAs will experience full-blown strokes within 3 months, and 40% of these strokes will occur within the first 24 hours! A TIA is caused by a temporary blockage, typically a blood clot, in a blood vessel in the brain. Symptoms are similar to a stroke and include numbness or paralysis on one side of the body, vision changes, trouble speaking, difficulty with balance or walking, and sudden severe headache.

Expert Review of Neurotherapeutics, February 2013


Diet: Low-Calorie Meals and Restaurant Finances. Restaurants that introduced more low-calorie options had a 5.5% increase in sales compared to a 5.5% decline among the restaurants that didn’t offer such options. In

fact, they had a 10.9% growth in customer traffic versus a 14.7% decline in the other restaurants.

Hudson Institute, February 2013


Exercise: More Reasons. Regular exercise reduces the likelihood of developing low-back problems, as well as improving balance and coordination. Surgeon General’s Report on Physical Activity and Health, 1996


Chiropractic: Colic and Chiropractic. A review of six randomized trials involving 325 infants suggests infants who received gentle, low-velocity manipulation treatments had a reduction in crying an average of one hour and twelve minutes a day, and had no adverse effects. Cochrane Review, December 2012


Wellness/Prevention: Tea and Wine. Natural chemicals found in green tea and red wine may disrupt a key step of the Alzheimer’s disease pathway. In early-stage experiments, researchers identified the process which allows harmful clumps of protein to latch on to brain cells, causing them to die. They were able to interrupt this pathway using the purified extracts of EGCG from green tea and resveratrol from red wine.

Journal of Biological Chemistry, February 2013


Quote: “Do not complain about growing old. It is a privilege denied to many.” ~ Mark Twain


This Weekly Health News Update is compliments of Dr. Ward Beecher and Beecher Chiropractic Clinic. If you have any questions or comments, please contact us at 281-286-1300 or BeecherChiropractic.com .


Dr Beecher’s February 25 Weekly Chiropractic Newsletter

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Week of Monday, February 25th, 2013

Mental Attitude: No Interruptions Please. Short interruptions (such as the few seconds it takes to silence that buzzing smart phone) have a surprisingly large effect on one’s ability to accurately complete a task. Interruptions of just three seconds can double your chances for making errors.

Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, January 2013


Health Alert: American Health. Americans have shorter life expectancy and higher rates of injury and disease than citizens of other industrialized countries. A 2011 report showed that the US ranked 50th in life expectancy. In most health issues (infant mortality, teenage pregnancies, sexually transmitted diseases, heart disease, chronic lung

disease, disability, obesity, diabetes, drug-related deaths, homicides, injuries, and HIV/AIDS), the US is either at the bottom or near the bottom of the list of industrialized nations.

Institute of Medicine and the National Research Council, January 2013


Diet: Diet Linked To Depression? Though there is plenty of evidence for an association between diet and depression, and that fast food increases risk of depression (while the Mediterranean diet decreases it), most studies do not show causality. It is difficult to be sure if diet is responsible for depression. It’s just as likely that depressed people simply make bad food choices. BMC Medicine, January 2013


Exercise: Not At School! In the 1920s, 97% of US college students were required to take Physical Education (PE); today, that number is at an all-time low of 39%. 34% of adolescents and teens ages 12-19 are overweight and 17% are obese. These rates have roughly doubled since 1980. The median PE budget for schools in the US is $764 per school year in K-12 and 61% of PE teachers report an annual budget of less than $1,000. Obesity will cost the US

$344 billion in medical-related expenses by 2018, about 21% of the nation’s total health-care spending.

Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, January 2013


Chiropractic: Inflammation! Inflammation is your body’s natural response to injury and is part of the healing process. However, if proper care is not received, inflammation can hinder the healing process and may lead to scarring, improper motion, and additional pain. Signs of inflammation include: pain, heat, redness, swelling, and loss of function. Chiropractic adjustments and care can reduce inflammation and pain naturally!


Wellness/Prevention: Obesity and Car Accident Fatalities. An analysis of over 57,000 automobile collisions concluded obese drivers are 21-80% more likely to die after the accident, depending on the severity of their obesity. Two possible reasons for the increase include: vehicle design and safety features that are optimized for normal weight adults, and the greater likelihood of underlying health problems that accompany obesity.

British Medical Journal, January 2013


Quote: “A healthy attitude is contagious but don’t wait to catch it from others. Be a carrier.” ~ Tom Stoppard


This Weekly Health News Update is compliments of Dr. Ward Beecher and Beecher Chiropractic Clinic. If you have any questions or comments, please contact us at 281-286-1300 or BeecherChiropractic.com .


Dr Beecher’s February 18 Weekly Chiropractic Newsletter

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Week of Monday, February 18th, 2013

Mental Attitude: Unaware? Only 5% of Americans realize obesity raises cancer and respiratory disease risk! The majority of the public believes obesity to be the second most serious health issue in the country, after cancer. When asked whether their weight was normal, 50% said, “Yes.” According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 67% of American adults are either overweight or obese. This means many people are probably not completely aware of their own physical health.

The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research, January 2013


Health Alert: Less Weight Counseling? 145 million adult Americans are overweight or obese, and while the number of overweight and obese Americans has increased, the amount of weight counseling offered by primary care physicians has decreased, especially for patients with high blood pressure and diabetes. Despite the current obesity epidemic, overweight patients seen in 2007-2008 had a 46% lower chance of receiving weight counseling than other patients, and counseling occurred in only 6.2% of doctor office visits. At the same time, the percentage of adults who were overweight or obese increased from 52% in 1995 to 63% in 2008. Medical Care, January 2013


Diet: Sugary Drinks. People who regularly consume sugary drinks are more susceptible to becoming obese or overweight. Annually, the average American consumes 100 lbs of sugar from drinks. Regularly drinking sugary beverages may amplify obesity in those genetically predisposed to being overweight.

New England Journal of Medicine, September 2012


Exercise: Walking. Women who walked more than 3 hours a week were 43% less likely to suffer a stroke compared to those who didn’t do any physical activity. Stroke, January 2013


Chiropractic: Why Did You Wait? Patients often wait before seeking Chiropractic care. They hope the problem will go away on its own or they try home remedies (drugs, ice, heat, other therapies, etc.) first. Injuries are almost always slower to recover when care is put off, so the longer you wait, the harder it may be to “fix” your problem. Optimum care should start right away. As you wait, muscles become tighter, muscles atrophy, muscles weaken, soft tissue adhesions form, proprioceptive function decreases in the joint, and fluid flow to and from the cells decreases. This usually results in the pain lasting longer. Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics, 1992


Wellness/Prevention: Alcohol and Calories. Alcohol contains 7 kcal/g (second only to fat, which contains 9

kcal/g). A glass of wine has 178 calories and takes 38 minutes of brisk walking to burn off. A regular alcohol drinker may get up to 10% of their total calorie intake from alcohol. World Cancer Research Fund, January 2013


Quote: “I’ve made a promise to myself to be a 100% healthy person if nothing else.” ~ Picabo Street


This Weekly Health News Update is compliments of Dr. Ward Beecher and Beecher Chiropractic Clinic. If you have any questions or comments, please contact us at 281-286-1300 or BeecherChiropractic.com .


Dr Beecher’s May 28 Weekly Chiropractic Newsletter

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Week of Monday, May 28th, 2012

Mental Attitude: Bad Obligation? Ever stay on a job longer than you wanted because you felt obligated? Staying in an organization out of a sense of obligation or for lack of alternatives can lead to emotional exhaustion, a chronic state of physical and mental depletion resulting from continuous stress and excessive job demands.

Human Relations, April 2012


Health Alert: Chronic Stress! Psychological stress is associated with greater risk for depression, heart disease and infectious diseases. Until now, it has not been clear exactly how stress influences disease and health. Chronic psychological stress is associated with the body losing its ability to regulate the inflammatory response. Inflammation is partly regulated by the hormone cortisol and when cortisol is not allowed to serve this function, inflammation can get out of control. Prolonged stress alters the effectiveness of cortisol to regulate the inflammatory response because it decreases tissue sensitivity to the hormone. Specifically, immune cells become insensitive to cortisol’s regulatory effect. In turn, runaway inflammation is thought to promote the development and progression of many diseases. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, April 2012


Diet: Your Knees! The supplement glucosamine sulfate taken at oral doses of 1500 mg a day is more effective than a placebo in treating symptoms for patients with osteoarthritis of the knee. Arthritis & Rheumatism, 2007


Exercise: Exercise Your Arthritis Away! Subjects with osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis who participated in aerobic conditioning exercise showed significant improvement over control subjects who participated in only range of motion exercises. Arthritis & Rheumatism, 1984


Chiropractic: Another Reason To Maintain Spinal Health! Whatever the cause, by age 50, 85-90% of adults show evidence of degenerative disk disease at autopsy. Arthritis & Rheumatism, 1979


Wellness/Prevention: What’s For Breakfast? Eating foods at breakfast that have a low glycemic index may help prevent a spike in blood sugar throughout the morning and after the next meal of the day. These breakfast foods can also increase feelings of satiety and fullness and may make people less likely to overeat throughout the day. The glycemic index ranks foods on the extent to which they raise blood sugar levels after eating. Foods with a high index are rapidly digested and result in high fluctuations in blood sugar levels. Foods with a low glycemic index produce gradual rises in blood sugar and insulin levels and are considered healthier, especially for people with diabetes. Low glycemic foods include rolled oats and groats, whole grains, nuts and seeds, sweet potato, barley b-glucan, yam

flour, glucomannan, durum pasta, vegetable flours, chia/flax seed and resistant starch.

Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism, April 2012


Quote: “To wish to be well is a part of becoming well.” ~ Seneca


This Weekly Health News Update is compliments of Dr. Ward Beecher and Beecher Chiropractic Clinic. If you have any questions or comments, please contact us at 281-286-1300 or www.BeecherChiropractic.Com.


Dr Beecher’s May 21 Weekly Chiropractic Newsletter

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Week of Monday, May 21st, 2012

Mental Attitude: Dementia! The number of people globally with dementia is set to rise from its current 35.6 million, to 65 million by 2030 and 115 million by 2050. Currently, $604 billion are spent each year worldwide on treating and caring for individuals with dementia. This toll includes the provision of health and social care, as well as loss of income of the dementia patients and their caregivers, as many caregivers have to give up their jobs to look after a person with dementia. World Health Organization, April 2012


Health Alert: America’s Obesity Epidemic. The scope of the obesity epidemic in the US has been greatly underestimated. Researchers found that the Body Mass Index (BMI) substantially under-diagnoses obesity when compared to the Dual Energy X-ray Absorptiometry (DXA) scan, a direct simultaneous measure of body fat, muscle mass, and bone density. The study found 39% of Americans who are classified as overweight based on BMI are actually obese as measured by DXA. The BMI is an insensitive measure of obesity, prone to under-diagnosis, while direct fat measurements are superior because they show distribution of body fat. PLoS ONE, April 2012


Diet: How Should You Take It? For reversing damage and promoting repair to cartilage, the supplements Chondroitin Sulfate and Glucosamine have been shown to be more effective if taken together, as the mixture of the two allows them to act synergistically. Osteoarthritis Cartilage, 2006


Exercise: Caffeine & Exercise? According to a 14-week study conducted on mice, caffeine and exercise may cut the risk of developing skin cancers caused by sun exposure. Researchers found 62% fewer non-melanoma skin tumors and the size of tumors reduced by 85% in the caffeine and exercise group when compared to the control

group (no caffeine, no exercise). The results of the caffeine and exercise group also exceeded the other two groups in the study (caffeine, no exercise and exercise, no caffeine).

American Association for Cancer Research Annual Meeting, April 2012


Chiropractic: Another Endorsement For Chiropractic! “I found the best way is to use Chiropractors, not only after injury, but also before injury.” ~ Arnold Schwarzenegger – Actor, Retired Body Builder and Former Governor


Wellness/Prevention: Still Smoke? 7,000 chemicals and chemical compounds are present in tobacco and tobacco smoke, including 93 HPHCs (harmful and potentially harmful constituents).

Food and Drug Administration, April 2012


Quote: “I look to the future because that’s where I’m spending the rest of my life.” ~ George Burns


This Weekly Health News Update is compliments of Dr. Ward Beecher and Beecher Chiropractic Clinic. If you have any questions or comments, please contact us at 281-286-1300 or www.BeecherChiropractic.Com.


Dr Beecher’s April 23 Weekly Chiropractic Newsletter

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Week of Monday, April 23rd, 2012


Mental Attitude: Get Your Sleep! Older adults with poor sleep habits have an altered immune system response to stress that may increase their risk for mental and physical health problems. Stress leads to significantly larger increases in a marker of inflammation in poor sleepers compared to good sleepers; a marker associated with poor health outcomes and death. Poor sleepers report more depressive symptoms, more loneliness and more global perceived stress relative to good sleepers. As people age, a gradual decline in the immune system occurs, along with an increase in inflammation. Heightened inflammation increases the risk for cardiovascular disease, diabetes and other illnesses, as well as psychiatric problems. American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, March 2012


Health Alert: Slow Down — You Move Too Fast? People who are considered ambitious, attend the best colleges and universities, have prestigious careers and earn high salaries don’t necessarily lead more successful lives. Ambition has its positive effects (in terms of career success, it certainly does) but ambitious people are only slightly happier than their less- ambitious counterparts and they actually live somewhat shorter lives.

Journal of Applied Psychology, March 2012


Diet: Fish Oil. Six weeks of supplementation with fish oil significantly increased lean mass and decreased fat mass in test subjects. International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism, October 2010


Exercise: Good Reasons. Exercise helps you maintain proper muscle balance, reduces the rate and severity of medical complications associated with hypertension, helps alleviate menstrual symptoms and lowers your heart rate response to submaximal physical exertion. Surgeon General’s Report on Physical Activity and Health, 1996


Chiropractic: Adjustment or Microdiskectomy for Sciatica? 60% of patients with sciatica (symptoms of unilateral lumbar radiculopathy secondary to lumbar disk herniation at L3-4, L4-5, or L5-S1) who had failed other medical management (patients must have failed at least 3 months of nonoperative management including treatment with analgesics, lifestyle modification, physiotherapy, massage therapy, and/or acupuncture) benefited from spinal manipulation to the same degree as if they underwent surgical intervention. JMPT, October 2010


Wellness/Prevention: Dark Chocolate Good For The Heart. A flavonoid called epicatechin, found in dark chocolate, enhances mitochondria structure in people with advanced heart failure and type 2 diabetes. Mitochondria are cellular structures that provide the energy a cell requires in order to move, divide, and contract. Both heart failure and type 2 diabetes impair these cells, resulting in abnormalities in skeletal muscle. In individuals with diabetes and heart failure, these abnormalities in the heart and skeletal muscle cause decreased functional capacity, resulting in difficulty walking even short distances, shortness of breath, and a lack of energy.

Clinical and Translational Science, March 2012


Quote: “Common sense is the collection of prejudices acquired by age eighteen.” ~ Albert Einstein


This Weekly Health News Update is compliments of Dr. Ward Beecher and Beecher Chiropractic Clinic. If you have any questions or comments, please contact us at 281-286-1300 or www.BeecherChiropractic.Com.