Dr Beecher’s September 2 Weekly Chiropractic Newsletter

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Week of Monday, September 2nd, 2013


Mental Attitude: Live To Be 120? When people were asked whether they would want medical treatments to extend their lives by decades so they could live to be 120 or more, 56% of adult Americans aged 18 and over declined the offer. When asked how long they would like to live, 69% gave an answer of between 79 and 100 years. The median ideal age is 90 years, about 11 years longer than the current life expectancy of Americans. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, August 2013


Health Alert: Destroy Your IQ? Two serious fight-related head injuries can impact a teenage boy’s IQ to the equivalent of losing a whole year of school. For girls, a similar loss of IQ is possible after just one serious fight-related head injury. Falls in IQ are linked to lower academic and professional performance, behavioral problems, mental disorders, and decreased life spans. Each fight-related injury resulted in a drop of 1.62 IQ points for boys and a fall of 3.02 IQ points for girls. Missing a whole academic year is equivalent to a loss of between 2 and 4 IQ points. Journal of Adolescent Health, August 2013


Diet: Antioxidents and Conception. Women undergoing fertility treatment often take dietary supplements, including antioxidents, to improve their chances of becoming pregnant. However, a study of over 3,500 women who attended fertility clinics found that antioxidents had no effect on conception, either in improving pregnancy rates or hindering them. The Cochran Library, August 2013


Exercise: Little Girls Not Exercising Enough. Just 38% of seven-year-old girls in the United Kingdom (UK) get the recommended amount of daily exercise, compared to 63% of boys in the same age group. UK guidelines call for children to exercise just one hour per day. BMJ Open, August 2013


Chiropractic: Chiropractic and Chest Pain. Over six million Americans suffer from angina pectoris (chest pain), the most common form being stable angina pectoris. A study of 50 patients with cervicothoracic angina (a form a stable angina pectoris) found that 70% benefited from eight chiropractic treatments over a four week period with improvements in chest pain, emotional health, mental health, and vitality. Patients in a control group who received no treatment reported no such improvements. Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics, November 2005


Wellness/Prevention: Resetting Your Clock. According to new research, camping in the wilderness for a week can synchronize our internal clocks to the solar day, allowing our bodies to normalize melatonin levels. On average, study participants went to bed and awoke two hours earlier when only exposed to sunlight and campfire light. All of the participants’ sleep patterns synchronized with sunset and sunrise, despite the fact that the study included both early birds and night owls. Current Biology, August 2013


Quote: “Eat healthily, sleep well, breathe deeply, move harmoniously.” ~ Jean-Pierre Barral


This Weekly Health News Update is compliments of Dr. Ward Beecher and Beecher Chiropractic Clinic. If you have any questions or comments, please contact us at 281-286-1300 or BeecherChiropractic.com .

Dr Beecher’s August 26 Weekly Chiropractic Newsletter

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Week of Monday, August 26th, 2013

Mental Attitude: Healthcare Incentives? When faced with paying higher health insurance premiums for not exercising, a study found that 97% of enrollees met or exceeded a set fitness goal of 5,000 steps per day within one year. Behavioral Translational Medicine, May 2013


Health Alert: Painkiller Drug Overdoses! From 1999 to 2010 there was a five-fold increase (48,000 deaths) in women dying from prescription painkiller overdoses. Painkiller deaths greatly outnumbered overdoses from illegal drugs and from motor vehicle crashes. Overall, drug overdose suicide deaths accounted for 34% of all suicides among women, compared with 8% among men in 2010.

Centers of Disease Control and Prevention, June 2013


Diet: Western Diet? Children of women with a “Western dietary pattern” (characterized by high intakes of organ meat, red meat, processed meat, pizza, legumes, potatoes, French fries, condiments, and mayonnaise, but low intakes of fruits) had a higher risk of giving birth to a child with a cleft lip or cleft palate. Women who consumed the greatest amount of these foods had nearly double the risk compared with those who consumed the least. Obstetrics & Gynecology, 2007


Exercise: Good Reasons. Exercise makes your heart a more efficient pump and helps to decrease left ventricular hypertrophy (a thickening of the walls of the left ventricle) in people with hypertension. Surgeon General’s Report on Physical Activity and Health, 1996


Chiropractic: Effective Care! Many companies say chiropractic coverage has lowered their medical and workers’ comp costs while also raising overall health and productivity. Work time lost for employees with back injuries who used chiropractic care was only nine days as compared with 34.5 days for workers who used medical care. Agency for Health Care Policy and Research, December 1997


Wellness/Prevention: Lower Your Risk. During a decade long study, participants who slept 7 hours or more per night, exercised 3.5 hours or more per week, ate a healthy Mediterranean-style diet, consumed only moderate amounts of alcohol, and didn’t smoke had a 65% lower risk of a cardiovascular disease event and an

83% lower risk of dying from one. European Journal of Preventive Cardiology, July 2013


Quote: “Our greatest happiness does not depend on the condition of life in which chance has placed us, but is always the result of a good conscience, good health, occupation, and freedom in all just pursuits.”

~ Thomas Jefferson


This Weekly Health News Update is compliments of Dr. Ward Beecher and Beecher Chiropractic Clinic. If you have any questions or comments, please contact us at 281-286-1300 or BeecherChiropractic.com .



Dr Beecher’s August 5 Weekly Chiropractic Newsletter

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Week of Monday, August 5th, 2013

Mental Attitude: A Happy Marriage. People in happy marriages live less “in sickness” and enjoy more of life “in health.” Couples in positive marital relationships sustain health over the long run. Those with higher marital conflict are more likely to report poor health. The implication is that marital conflict is a risk factor for poor health. Couples who fight or frequently argue should seek professional help to reduce their conflict because it is affecting their health. Happily married spouses encourage one another to stay current on doctor’s appointments, sleep better, drink less alcohol, and participate more in healthy activities. In a happy marriage, when spouses have a bad day, they’re more likely to support each other and empathize with each other. This support reduces stress and helps buffer against a decline in health. Journal of Marriage and Family, June 2013


Health Alert: Tobacco Control! Tobacco control measures put in place in 41 countries between 2007 and

2010 will prevent some 7.4 million premature deaths by 2050. These policies can lead to other benefits such as fewer adverse birth outcomes related to maternal smoking (including low birth weight), reduced healthcare costs, and increased productivity due to less smoking-related disease. World Health Organization, July 2013


Diet: Fish Oil DHA. Chronic inflammation is a major factor in a wide range of health issues from arthritis to cardiovascular disease, and DHA (found in fish oil) is known to temper this problem. Researchers found that macrophages (a type of white blood cell) use DHA to produce “maresins,” which serve as the “switch” that turns inflammation off. The FASEB Journal, July 2013


Exercise: Good Reasons. Exercise improves your mood and helps to increase your overall health awareness.

Surgeon General’s Report on Physical Activity and Health, 1996


Chiropractic: Drop That Blood Pressure. Patients who had upper thoracic chiropractic adjustments showed statistically significant decreases in both systolic and diastolic blood pressure. Placebo and control groups demonstrated no such changes. Journal of Manipulative Physiological Therapeutics, 1988


Wellness/Prevention: Tea Tree Oil. Treating fungal infections of the nails (onychomycosis) with a cream containing 2% butenafine and 5% tea tree oil cured 80% of patients. Topical application of tea tree oil cream for athlete’s foot (tinea pedis) reduces the symptoms of tinea pedis as effectively as tolnaftate, an over the counter antifungal medication. Australasian Journal of Dermatology, July 2013


Quote: “I never did a day’s work in my life. It was all fun.” ~ Thomas A. Edison


This Weekly Health News Update is compliments of Dr. Ward Beecher and Beecher Chiropractic Clinic. If you have any questions or comments, please contact us at 281-286-1300 or BeecherChiropractic.com .


Dr Beecher’s July 29 Weekly Chiropractic Newsletter

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Week of Monday, July 29th, 2013

Mental Attitude: The Future You and Smoking. Smokers in their early twenties who viewed a simulation of what they would look like after 20 years of smoking were more likely to have negative views of smoking and were more willing to try to quit. University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, June 2013


Health Alert: Painkillers and Heart Attack! High doses of some of the most common painkillers, including ibuprofen and diclofenac, can increase the risk of heart problems by 30%. Of all the NSAIDs analyzed, “Naproxen” didn’t appear to increase major vascular events or vascular deaths. The Lancet, June 2013


Diet: Artificial Sweeteners? The artificial sweetener sucralose can change the body’s insulin response. When study participants drank sucralose, their blood sugar peaked at a higher level than when they drank only water before consuming glucose. Insulin levels also rose 20% higher. This could be detrimental because when people constantly secrete high levels of insulin, it can lead to type 2 diabetes. Diabetes Care, June 2013


Exercise: Active Commuting? Active commuting (physical exercise, such as bicycling or walking, as a way to travel to and from work) is one way to help adults integrate activity into their daily routine. People who walk or bike to work are likely to influence their co-workers and partners to do the same. 80% of American adults do not meet government guidelines for aerobic and muscle-strengthening activities. The US Department of Health and Human Services recommends at least 2.5 hours of moderate-intensity aerobic activity a week or one hour and 15 minutes of vigorous-intensity activity a week. American Journal of Health Behavior, June 2013


Chiropractic: Cost Effectiveness. According to a study that analyzed data from 85,000 Blue Cross / Blue Shield beneficiaries over a 2-year span, low back pain treatment initiated with a Doctor of Chiropractic (DC) saved 40% on health care costs when compared with care initiated through a Medical Doctor (MD). The study population had open access to MDs and DCs through self-referral, and there were no limits applied to the number of MD/DC visits allowed and no differences in co-pays. Researchers estimated that allowing DC-initiated episodes of care would have led to an annual cost savings of $2.3 million.

Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics, December 2010


Wellness/Prevention: Sunscreen Use. Daily sunscreen use slows skin aging. After a 4 year study, the daily sunscreen group showed 24% less skin aging. The skin-saving effect of sunscreen was observed in all daily-use participants, regardless of age. Annals Of Internal Medicine, June 2013


Quote: “I promise you nothing is as chaotic as it seems. Nothing is worth your health. Nothing is worth poisoning yourself into stress, anxiety, and fear.” ~ Steve Maraboli


This Weekly Health News Update is compliments of Dr. Ward Beecher and Beecher Chiropractic Clinic. If you have any questions or comments, please contact us at 281-286-1300 or BeecherChiropractic.com .


Dr Beecher’s July 15 Weekly Chiropractic Newsletter

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Week of Monday, July 15th, 2013

Mental Attitude: Brain Health. A recent study recommends that doctors treating patients for type 2 diabetes also take cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk factors into consideration. The combination of type 2 diabetes and CVD can put patients at a higher risk for long-term cognitive dysfunction, even with CVD at subclinical levels.

Journal of Diabetes and Its Complications, June 2013


Health Alert: Summer Heat! Extreme heat causes 658 deaths a year. That’s more than tornadoes, hurricanes, floods, and lightning combined. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention urges Americans to take measures to stay cool, remain hydrated, and to keep informed. When the weather gets extremely hot, body temperatures can rise, causing brain damage, organ damage, and even death. When the human body cannot compensate and cool itself properly, it is more susceptible to heat-related illness. 69% of deaths from heat exposure occur at home, and in 91% of these homes there is no air-conditioning. Most of the victims live alone or are unmarried and 72% of them are male. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, June 2013


Diet: Cholesterol-Lowering Diet. People who ate a Nordic diet had lower levels of harmful LDL cholesterol, higher levels of “good” HDL cholesterol, fewer fat particles in the blood, and therefore, had a decreased risk of cardiovascular disease. The healthy ‘Nordic diet’ contains berries, root vegetables, legumes, cabbage, nuts, game, poultry, fish, whole grains, rapeseed oil, and low-fat dairy products. Lund University, June 2013


Exercise: 12 Minutes? Only 20% of American adults get enough exercise. Just 12 minutes of exercise each week is enough to stay fit! Four minute bursts of vigorous physical activity three times each week can elevate oxygen intake levels, lower blood pressure, and decrease glucose levels. PLOS One, June 2013


Chiropractic: Neck Pain Relief. Three groups received either spinal manipulative therapy from a chiropractor, pain medication (over-the-counter pain relievers, narcotics and muscle relaxants), or exercise recommendations. After 12 weeks, 57% of those who met with a chiropractor and 48% who exercised reported at least a 75% reduction in pain, compared to 33% of the people in the medication group. Annals of Internal Medicine, January 2012


Wellness/Prevention: Lifestyle Changes. The four lifestyle factors that lead to a healthy heart are regular exercise, eating a Mediterranean-style diet, maintaining a normal weight, and not smoking. Adopting these four lifestyle behaviors protected against coronary heart disease as well as the early buildup of calcium deposits in heart arteries, and reduced the chance of death from all causes by 80 percent over an eight-year period.

American Journal of Epidemiology, June 2013


Quote: “He who has health, has hope; and he who has hope, has everything.” ~ Thomas Carlyle


This Weekly Health News Update is compliments of Dr. Ward Beecher and Beecher Chiropractic Clinic. If you have any questions or comments, please contact us at 281-286-1300 or BeecherChiropractic.com .


Dr Beecher’s July 8 Weekly Chiropractic Newsletter

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Week of Monday, July 8th, 2013

Mental Attitude: The First Three Years and Aggression. Children who witnessed domestic violence before age three were more likely to show aggression when they reached grade school, even if they were removed from their home and witnessed no domestic violence in the interim. According to Dr. Megan Holmes, the study’s lead author, “[This] gives social workers a window of opportunity between ages 3 and 5 to help the children socialize and learn what is appropriate behavior.” Psychology and Psychiatry, March 2013


Health Alert: Alarming Cancer Rates! By 2020, nearly 47% of people will get cancer in their lifetime, but almost

38% will survive the disease. One reason more people are getting cancer is because we are living longer and the incident rate of cancer increases with an aging population. The reduction in the number of people dying of cancer is

because more cases are diagnosed earlier and treatments and care are improving.

Macmillan Cancer Support, June 2013


Diet: TV Exposure? More time in front of the TV set and higher exposure to TV ads leads to increased consumption of sweetened beverages among children. Each additional hour in front of the TV increased the likelihood of regular sweetened beverage consumption by 50%. Only one parent in seven indicated that they tried to reduce their children’s exposure to TV ads. The same parents stated that their children were less prone to drink soft drinks and other sweetened beverages. Children of parents who were less strict about TV ads were twice as likely to consume sweetened beverages every week. University of Gothenburg, Sweden, June 2013


Exercise: Soccer and Diabetes. After three months of soccer training, the hearts of diabetic men appeared to be 10 years “younger”. On average, soccer training reduced the systolic and diastolic blood pressure by 8 mmHg. Maximal oxygen uptake was increased by 12% and that their intermittent exercise capacity was elevated by 42%.

University of Copenhagen, June 2013


Chiropractic: No Headaches! Cervical spine manipulation was associated with significant improvement in reducing headache symptoms involving patients with neck pain and/or neck dysfunction and headache.

Duke Evidence Report, 2001


Wellness/Prevention: Not So Smart. Smartphones and tablets can disturb sleep. The cause is due to the bright light-emitting diodes that can interfere with melatonin, a hormone that controls the natural sleep-wake cycle. Dimming the smartphone or tablet brightness settings and holding the device at least 14 inches (~.36m) from your face while using it will reduce these negative effects. Mayo Clinic, June 2013


Quote: “Healthy citizens are the greatest asset any country can have.” ~ Winston Churchill


This Weekly Health News Update is compliments of Dr. Ward Beecher and Beecher Chiropractic Clinic. If you have any questions or comments, please contact us at 281-286-1300 or BeecherChiropractic.com .


Dr Beecher’s June 24 Weekly Chiropractic Newsletter

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Week of Monday, June 24th, 2013

Mental Attitude: Depression and Stroke Risk in Middle-Aged Women. A 12-year study of over 10,000 middle- aged Australian women found that those who suffered from depression had nearly double the risk of stroke compared to non-depressed women in their same age group. The American Heart Association encourages everyone to learn how to recognize a stroke. Think F.A.S.T: F-Face Drooping. A-Arm Weakness. S-Speech Difficulty. T- Time To Call 9-1-1 (or the appropriate emergency services number if you’re outside the United States).

American Heart Association, May 2013


Health Alert: Childhood Disability On The Rise! In the United States, disabilities due to neurodevelopmental and mental health problems increased 16.3% during the first decade of the current century. Six million kids had a disability in 2009-2010, that’s almost 1 million more than in 2001-2002. Pediatric Academic Society, May 2013


Diet: Brain Rewards. Restricting food intake increases the reward value of food, particularly high-calorie and appetizing food. The more successful people are at caloric-restriction dieting, the greater difficulty they will face in maintaining the restriction. Dieting by skipping meals and fasting is less successful than weight loss efforts characterized by intake of low energy, dense, healthy foods. If people want to lose excess weight, it would be more effective to consume healthy, low-fat/low-sugar foods during regular meals, rather than go for long periods of time without eating. NeuroImage, May 2013


Exercise: It’s Not Too Late To Cut Heart Failure Risk! In an eight year study, middle-aged participants drastically reduced their risk of heart failure up to 40% by increasing their cardiovascular fitness level. American Heart Association, May 2013


Chiropractic: No Headaches! Spinal manipulative therapy (SMT) is an effective treatment for tension headaches. In a study, patients who received SMT continued to benefit from care even four weeks after treatment concluded. This is in contrast to patients who received pharmaceutical therapy; they reverted to baseline values when checked a month after treatment ended. Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics, 1995


Wellness/Prevention: Fish Oil, Your Heart, and Stress. A new study finds that regular consumption of Omega-3 fatty acids (most commonly found in cold water fish like Salmon) improves cardiovascular health by dulling the connection between mentally stressful events and cardiovascular functions like heart rate, blood pressure, the fight- or-flight response, and blood flow. Those who frequently find themselves in stressful situations may benefit from adding Omega-3s to their diet. American Physiological Society, May 2013


Quote: “It is health that is real wealth and not pieces of gold and silver.” ~ Mahatma Gandhi


This Weekly Health News Update is compliments of Dr. Ward Beecher and Beecher Chiropractic Clinic. If you have any questions or comments, please contact us at 281-286-1300 or BeecherChiropractic.com .


Dr Beecher’s June 10 Weekly Chiropractic Newsletter

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Week of Monday, June 10th, 2013

Mental Attitude: Depression and Dementia. Those with late-life depression are 1.85 times more likely to develop all-cause dementia, 1.65 times more likely to develop Alzheimer’s disease, and 2.52 times more likely to develop vascular dementia. The phrase “all-cause dementia” refers to all dementia syndromes, the most common of which is Alzheimer’s disease. Alzheimer’s disease accounts for 60-80% of all dementia cases. Alzheimer’s is associated with memory problems and apathy in early stages, and impaired judgment, confusion, disorientation, behavior changes, and difficulty speaking in later stages. Vascular dementia is the second most common cause of dementia, and is associated with impaired judgment or ability to plan and complete tasks, as

opposed to memory loss that is common in early stages of Alzheimer’s. British Journal of Psychiatry, May 2013


Health Alert: What Concussion? Many United States high school football players think it’s okay to play with a concussion even though they know they are at risk of serious injury. Over 90% of players polled recognized a risk of serious injury if they returned to play too quickly, but only 54% would always or sometimes report their concussion symptoms to their coach. Pediatric Academic Society, May 2013


Diet: Fight Inflammation! Chronic inflammation is a condition that can be triggered by obesity and can ultimately lead to both cardiovascular and metabolic disease. Some foods that are known to combat unhealthy inflammation are citrus fruits, leafy greens, tomatoes, wild salmon, and whole foods high in fiber.

University of Alabama at Birmingham, March 2013


Exercise: ‘Walkable’ Neighborhoods. Preschool children are less likely to be obese if they live in a neighborhood that is safe and within walking distance of parks and retail services.

Pediatric Academic Society, May 2013


Chiropractic: I Like Those Odds! Patients who went to a chiropractor first had were less likely to undergo surgery than those who went to a surgeon first. 42.7% of workers with back injuries who first saw a surgeon had surgery, in contrast to only 1.5% of those who initially saw a chiropractor. Spine, December 2012


Wellness/Prevention: Brain Power Boost. Regularly consuming the healthy fats found in fish, extra virgin olive oil, and nuts may assist in maintaining cognitive functions in older individuals.

British Medical Journal, May 2013


Quote: “Without the benefits of Chiropractic, I don’t think I would be able to remain as fit and active today.”

~ Joe Morgan, Professional Baseball Hall of Fame Member


This Weekly Health News Update is compliments of Dr. Ward Beecher and Beecher Chiropractic Clinic. If you have any questions or comments, please contact us at 281-286-1300 or BeecherChiropractic.com .


Dr Beecher’s June 3 Weekly Chiropractic Newsletter

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Week of Monday, June 3rd, 2013

Mental Attitude: Suicide Rates Rise! Suicide rates among middle-aged (35-65) Americans have risen 28% in the past 10 years with the largest increase among people in their 50s at nearly 50%. Suicide deaths have become more common than deaths from car crashes. In 2010, there were 33,687 deaths from car crashes and 38,364 suicides in the United States. Suicide prevention strategies include improving social support and community connectedness, increasing access to mental health and preventive services, and decreasing the stigma and barriers linked to asking for help. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, May 2013


Health Alert: Heart and Brain Function. People with the greatest risk for heart disease performed 50% worse on cognitive tests when compared to people with the lowest risk profile. Diabetes, bad cholesterol, and smoking were all negatively linked to poor cognitive scores. Stroke, May 2013


Diet: Just One Meal. A single fatty meal can cause the heart to beat harder and increase blood pressure. Researchers analyzed the effects of eating a high-fat fast food meal (42 grams of fat) and eating a meal with no more than 1.3 grams of fat. When subjected to a series of standard stress tests, those who ate the high-fat meal saw their blood pressure go up 1.25 to 1.5 times higher than those who ate the low-fat meal. Journal of Nutrition, April 2007


Exercise: Only 1 in 5 Adults… Only 20% of American adults perform the recommended amount of exercise as outlined in federal guidelines. Adults should get at least two and a half hours each week of moderate-intensity aerobic activity (like walking), or one hour and 15 minutes each week of vigorous-intensity aerobic activity (like jogging), or a mixture of both. Adults should also engage in muscle strengthening activities, including sit-ups, push- ups, or exercise using resistance bands or weights. All major muscle groups should be involved in these activities and should be done at least two days every week. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, May 2013


Chiropractic: Asthma? A review of published literature shows that patients with asthma who incorporate chiropractic care into their current asthma treatment plan may experience a decrease in the severity of their symptoms. Logan College of Chiropractic, December 2012


Wellness/Prevention: Celery and Cancer Cells Mortality. One way cancer cells thrive is by simply not dying as other cells are pre-programmed to do. Apigenin, a compound found in plant based foods like parsley and celery, has been observed in a laboratory setting to re-educate breast cancer cells to die as scheduled.

Ohio State University, May 2013


Quote: “I never did anything by accident, nor did any of my inventions come by accident; they came by work.”

~ Thomas A. Edison


This Weekly Health News Update is compliments of Dr. Ward Beecher and Beecher Chiropractic Clinic. If you have any questions or comments, please contact us at 281-286-1300 or BeecherChiropractic.com .


Dr Beecher’s May 27 Weekly Chiropractic Newsletter

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Week of Monday, May 27th, 2013


Mental Attitude: Happily Married? A recent study concludes that young and happily married newlyweds are more

likely to gain weight than their young and unhappily married counterparts. For each unit increase in satisfaction, on

average, males and females both gained one tenth of a BMI unit every 6 months – or about one pound a year.

According to Dr. Andrea Meltzer, lead author of the study, “These findings challenge the idea that quality

relationships always benefit health, suggesting instead that spouses in satisfying relationships relax their efforts to

maintain their weight because they are no longer motivated to attract a mate. Interventions to prevent weight gain in

early marriage may therefore benefit from encouraging spouses to think about their weight in terms of health rather

than appearance.” Health Psychology, April 2013


Health Alert: Less Salt, More Potassium. Reducing salt intake can lower blood pressure, which ultimately reduces

the risk of heart disease and stroke. Results show that four or more weeks of modest salt reduction leads to notable

decreases in blood pressure. Increased potassium intake was associated with a 24% reduced probability of stroke in

adults and may also have an advantageous impact on blood pressure in kids. British Medical Journal, April 2013


Diet: So How Much Salt and Potassium Should You Consume? The World Health Organization recommends

adults should reduce salt intake to 5g per day and consume at least 3510mg of potassium per day.

World Health Organization, January 2013


Exercise: More Reasons. Exercise helps to retard bone loss as you age, thereby reducing your risk of developing

osteoporosis. Exercise also helps improves pain tolerance and mood if you already suffer from osteoarthritis.

Surgeon General’s Report on Physical Activity and Health, 1996


Chiropractic: Satisfied Low Back Pain Patients. Patients with chronic low-back pain treated by chiropractors

showed greater improvement and satisfaction after one month of care than patients treated by family physicians.

Satisfaction scores were higher for chiropractic patients. A higher proportion of chiropractic patients (56% vs. 13%)

reported that their low-back pain was better or much better, whereas nearly one-third of medical patients reported

their low-back pain was worse or much worse. Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics, 2000


Wellness/Prevention: Sleep Well. Increasing the number of hours adolescents sleep each night may reduce the

prevalence of adolescent obesity. A recent study shows that fewer hours of sleep is associated with greater increases

in adolescent body mass index (BMI) for participants between 14 and 18 years old. Increasing sleep from 8 to 10

hours per day at age 18 could result in a 4% reduction in the number of adolescents with a BMI above 25. This

would translate to 500,000 fewer overweight adolescents. Pediatrics, April 2013


Quote: “Chiropractic is a wonderful means of natural healing.” ~ Bob Hope