Dr Beecher’s July 20 Weekly Chiropractic Newsletter


Week of Monday, July 20th, 2015

To download a copy of this newsletter, click here.


Mental Attitude: Bullied Teens at Risk for Depression Later in Life. Teens who are bullied appear to be at a higher risk for depression when they reach early adulthood when compared with their peers who were not bullied during adolescence. The study involved 4,000 teens and found that teenagers who were frequently bullied at age 13 were twice as likely to be depressed at age 18. Of the 4,000 teens involved in the study, 700 reported being bullied more than once a week. BMJ, June 2015


Health Alert: Poorly Controlled Diabetes Results in Longer Hospital Stays. Two new studies presented at the 75th Scientific Sessions of the American Diabetes Association state that diabetics who fail to control their blood sugar levels tend to have longer and more costly hospital stays. According to researchers, hospital stays for diabetics with poor blood sugar control can last an average of three days longer at a total cost nearly $2,500 greater than diabetics who do a better job at managing their blood sugar levels. Scripps Health, June 2015


Diet: BPA in Canned Foods Less Common. A new report claims that up to 30% of canned foods contain the chemical bisphenol A (BPA) in their linings. According to previously published research, BPA exposure may be associated with abnormal fetal development, obesity, and reproductive health issues, among other health problems. The good news is that fewer food manufacturers are using BPA to line the inside of their cans when compared with the available historical data. Renee Sharp, a Director of Research at the Environmental Working Group adds, “Definitely the trend is moving away from BPA, but there is a long way to go.” Environmental Working Group, June 2015


Exercise: Certain Physical Activities Associated with Better Sleep. Participating in activities such as walking, aerobics, calisthenics, running, weight training, yoga, and Pilates may improve your sleeping habits. Researcher leader Dr. Michael Grandner adds, “Although previous research has shown that lack of exercise is associated with poor sleep, the results of this study were surprising. Not only does this study show that those who get exercise simply by walking are more likely to have better sleep habits, but these effects are even stronger for more purposeful activities, such as running and yoga, and even gardening and golf.” Associated Professional Sleep Societies, June 2015


Chiropractic: Back Pain Associated with Knee Pain. According to researchers at the Tabriz University of Medical Sciences in Iran, patients with knee complaints are significantly more likely to also have a history of lower back pain. Though the researchers were unable to conclude whether or not the relationship between back pain and knee pain is causative in either direction or if both may be secondary to another issue, they do recommend that doctors consider a patient’s back pain history when assessing and managing knee pain complaints. The Journal of the Pakistani Medical Association, June 2015


Wellness/Prevention: Bug Bites & Bee Stings. While most insect bites aren’t serious, experts advise going to the emergency room if you or your child develop the following ailments after a bite or sting: difficulty breathing, a feeling that your throat is closing, swelling lips, swelling tongue or face, chest pain, racing heartbeat, dizziness, headache, or vomiting. Also, beware of a red rash that looks like a bullseye target or a fever with a spreading red or black spotty rash. Dr. Margaret Parsons, an associate clinical professor of dermatology at the University of California writes, “Although most bug bites and stings do not turn into a severe or even fatal illness like Rocky Mountain spotted fever, it’s important to pay attention to your symptoms.” American Academy of Dermatology, May 2015


Quote: “True love is not so much a matter of romance as it is a matter of anxious concern for the well-being of one’s companion.” ~ Gordon B. Hinckley


This Weekly Health News Update is compliments of Dr. Ward Beecher and Beecher Chiropractic Clinic. If you have any questions or comments, please contact us at 281-286-1300 or BeecherChiropractic.com .


Dr Beecher’s May 25 Weekly Chiropractic Newsletter


Week of Monday, May 25th, 2015

To download Dr. Beecher’s Weekly Newsletter , please click here!

Mental Attitude: Leafy Greens May Protect Aging Brains. An evaluation of the eating habits and mental abilities of over 950 older adults revealed that eating a single serving of leafy green vegetables per day may reduce an individual’s risk for dementia. The study found that those who consumed one or two servings of spinach, kale, mustard greens, collards, or similar vegetables on a daily basis experienced slower mental deterioration than those who ate no leafy greens at all. Dr. Yvette Sheline, a professor of psychiatry and neurology at the University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine writes, “It makes sense that leafy green vegetables would have an effect on mental health… We know generally that what you eat, or don’t eat, can affect your risk for high blood pressure and vascular disease, which can both then worsen the course of dementia.” American Society for Nutrition Annual Meeting, March 2015


Health Alert: Depression and Diabetes Both Increase Dementia Risk! Previous research has shown that both type 2 diabetes and depression can independently increase an individual’s risk for dementia, but what happens when they co-occur? Danish researchers analyzed data collected from 2.4 million adults and found that while depression increases a person’s risk for dementia by 83% and the presence of type 2 diabetes results in a 20% greater risk, those with both type 2 diabetes and depression are 117% more likely to be diagnosed with dementia. This suggests that the presence of both conditions has a synergistic effect on dementia risk, not just an additive effect. JAMA Psychiatry, April 2015


Diet: New Broccoli Reduces Cholesterol. Eating ten or more weekly servings of a new variety of broccoli has been demonstrated to reduce Low-density lipoprotein (bad cholesterol) levels by about 6%. This new broccoli variety known as Beneforte was bred to contain two to three times more glucoraphanin, a compound that is converted to sulphoraphane inside the body. Previous research has observed that sulphoraphane activates genes that keep the body from converting excess dietary fat and sugar into bad cholesterol. Molecular Nutrition & Food Research, April 2015


Exercise: Exercise Helps Fibromyalgia Patients. An 18-week functional training program for women with fibromyalgia (FM) resulted in reductions in both pain and tender points along with a positive impact on their overall quality of life. If further studies verify these findings, such training (which consisted of two sessions of in-water exercise and one session of on-land exercise each week) could play an important role in helping FM patients maintain an independent lifestyle. Modern Rheumatology, April 2015


Chiropractic: Could Migraines and Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Be Linked? Researchers from the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center suggest that carpal tunnel syndrome can increase an individual’s risk for migraine headaches, and migraines may increase the likelihood of one developing carpal tunnel syndrome. Researchers analyzed data from nearly 26,000 Americans and found that the risk of migraine was 2.6 times higher in people with carpal tunnel syndrome. Similarly, the risk of carpal tunnel syndrome was 2.7 times higher among migraine sufferers. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, March 2015


Wellness/Prevention: What Part of the Day Do Teens Become Less Active? While adolescents have been observed to be less physically active and spend more time performing sedentary activities as they grow older, no previous studies have analyzed how these changes occur during the course of a teen’s average week. In this study, 363 teens wore accelerometers at both age 12 and age 15, and researchers recorded how much time was spent each day being inactive or performing either light physical activity or moderate-to-vigorous physical activity. They found that by age 15, participants were sedentary 7-8% more often during school hours and both after school and on weekends. Across the board, students spent about 7% less time performing light physical activities while moderate-to-vigorous activity levels remained largely unchanged. Due to the increase in sedentary time across all aspects of an adolescent’s week, the investigators recommend that future interventions intended to help teens become more active need to focus on both their in-school and after-school/weekend activities. Int’l Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, April 2015


Quote: “Go on with what your heart tells you, or you will lose all.” ~ Rick Riordan


Dr Beecher’s March 30 Weekly Chiropractic Newsletter

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Week of Monday, March 30th, 2015

Mental Attitude: Loneliness & Depression Associated with TV Binge-Watching. A recent study has found that the more lonely and depressed a person is, the more likely he or she will binge-watch TV. Researchers say that depressed individuals use this activity to move away from negative feelings and those who lack the ability to control themselves are more likely to binge-watch. This is of concern as past research has shown that obesity and other health problems are related to excessive television viewing, suggesting that binge-watching may be more than a harmless addiction.

65th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association, February 2015


Health Alert: Prescription Combo Can Be Fatal for Seniors. Combining commonly prescribed antibiotics with a widely used heart medication appears to more than double the risk of sudden death in seniors, finds a new study published in the Canadian Medical Association Journal. Spironolactone (Aldactone) is a common diuretic widely used in the treatment of heart failure. However, investigators have found that when trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole (Septra, Bactrim) is prescribed to someone on Spironolactone, it can cause blood potassium to rise to potentially life-threatening levels. Over a 17-year period, almost 12,000 people died suddenly after taking this combination of medicines and most of the patients who died were over the age of 85. The authors conclude that pharmacists and physicians must be made aware of this interaction, as it does not appear widely known at present time. Canadian Medical Association Journal, February 2015


Diet: Toddler Snacks & Meals Have Plenty of Salt & Sugar. Many prepackaged meals for toddlers contain high levels of salt, and many snacks, desserts, and juices for infants and toddlers contain added sugar. Researcher Dr. Mary Cogswell writes, “It was surprising that more than seven of ten packaged toddler meals contained too much sodium (salt)… Some parents might be surprised that a majority of infant and toddler snacks and sides, such as flavored crackers and rice cakes, contained added sugar. About half the analyzed ready-to-serve mixed grains and fruits products, such as oatmeal and fruit in a jar, contained added sugar.” She recommends preparing food for infants and toddlers as a healthier choice over prepackaged foods. Pediatrics, February 2015


Exercise: You May Want to Take it Easy When Jogging. After following 1,000 healthy joggers and 4,000 healthy non-joggers for a decade, researchers claim that those who jog 1-2.4 hours per week were 71% less likely to die during the study period than non- joggers. However, they found no mortality benefits when comparing more strenuous joggers to the non-joggers in the study. Study researcher Dr. Jacob Marott adds, “We believe that long-term strenuous endurance exercise may induce pathological structural remodeling of the heart and large arteries.” Journal of the American College of Cardiology, February 2015


Chiropractic: Improvement in Chronic Hypertension Following Cervical Adjustment. A 55-year-old male with a history of chronic hypertension that did not respond to medical management presented for a trial of chiropractic care. After receiving an upper cervical adjustment using a specific chiropractic protocol, his blood pressure progressively lowered. The findings support the possible use of chiropractic care in the management of unresolved chronic hypertension.

Journal of Upper Cervical Chiropractic Research, January 2015


Wellness/Prevention: Probiotic Pill May Help Diabetics. Researchers claim that a study involving rats demonstrates that a modified strain of “friendly” human gut bacteria called Lactobacillus appears to have instigated a process that converted cells in the intestinal lining to behave like pancreatic beta cells and release insulin to regulate blood sugar levels. In the study, the rats that received the modified probiotic had blood glucose levels up to 30% lower than rats that did not receive the probiotic. The researcher’s hopes to one day develop a probiotic pill for human use that diabetic patients could take each morning to help manage and possibly cure their condition. Diabetes, February 2015


Quote: “The scariest moment is always just before you start.” ~ Stephen King


This Weekly Health News Update is compliments of Dr. Ward Beecher and Beecher Chiropractic Clinic. If you have any questions or comments, please contact us at 281-286-1300 or BeecherChiropractic.com .

Dr Beecher’s May 12 Weekly Chiropractic Newsletter

To download Dr. Beecher’s Weekly Newsletter, please click here!

Week of Monday, May 12th, 2014

Mental Attitude: Depression Common After Surviving Intensive Care. A new report reveals that one-third of patients experience depression after leaving intensive care. Researchers note that this depression typically expressed itself as physical rather than psychological symptoms such as weakness, appetite change, and fatigue. Study leader Dr. James Jackson explains, “The physical symptoms of depression are often resistant to standard treatment with antidepressant drugs and we need to determine how best to enhance recovery with a new focus on physical and occupational rehabilitation.” Lancet Respiratory Medicine, April 2014


Health Alert: Not in the Pool! Experts warn that urinating in a swimming pool can pose a serious health risk. Researchers have found that uric acid in urine can generate volatile disinfection byproducts in the pool when it interacts with chlorine. The toxic compounds of concern are cyanogens chloride and trichloramine. Inhalation of cyanogens chloride can negatively affect the cardiovascular system, the pulmonary system, the central nervous system, and can potentially be fatal. Trichloramine is a compound linked to acute lung injury through exposure to chlorine-based disinfectants. The findings support the need to encourage proper pool hygiene. Environmental Science & Technology, February 2014


Diet: Drinking Milk Slows Knee Arthritis in Women. New research suggests that osteoarthritis of the knee slows in women who regularly consume low-fat or fat-free milk compared with their peers who do not. Though the study found an association between milk intake and knee health, it did not prove cause-and effect. Further research is needed to determine the role of milk in the delay of osteoarthritis progression, but the findings do suggest the milk consumption plays an important role in bone health. Arthritis Care & Research, April 2014


Exercise: Over-Training Counterproductive. Over-training occurs when you do not allow your body to adjust, adapt, and recuperate from the training regimen you take part in and can be detrimental to realizing your fitness goals. Signs of over-training include decreased performance, increased resting heart rate and blood pressure, increased muscle fatigue, gastro-intestinal problems, depression, irritability, apathy, and low self-esteem. Experts recommend starting slowly with your exercise routine and working with a trainer to assess your fitness level and determine a more personalized training program. Butler University, January 2010


Chiropractic: Chiropractic Care Improves Type I Diabetes. A four-year-old child with type I diabetes was able to better control her blood sugar after undergoing two months of chiropractic care. The patient’s hemoglobin A1C decreased from 7.2% to 6.5% and her insulin use decreased from 15 units to 11 units per day. This case study supports the optimizing effects of chiropractic care on function throughout the body. Journal of Pediatric, Maternal, & Family Health, November 2013


Wellness/Prevention: Alcohol is a Leading Cause of Preventable Cancer Death. Scientists from the Boston University School of Medicine and Boston University School of Public Health report that alcohol consumption leads to about 1 in 28.6 cancer deaths in the United States, including 15% of all breast cancer deaths. Although heavy drinking is linked to the greatest risk for alcohol-related cancer death, even 1.5 drinks per day or less accounts for nearly 30% of all alcohol-related cancer fatalities. Lead study author Dr. Timothy Naimi adds, “The relationship between alcohol and cancer is strong, but is not widely appreciated by the public and remains underemphasized even by physicians… Alcohol is a big preventable cancer risk factor that has been hiding in plain sight.” American Journal of Public Health, April 2013


Quote: “Talent is a wonderful thing, but it won’t carry a quitter.” ~ Stephen King


This Weekly Health News Update is compliments of Dr. Ward Beecher and Beecher Chiropractic Clinic. If you have any questions or comments, please contact us at 281-286-1300 or BeecherChiropractic.com .


Dr Beecher’s February 24 Weekly Chiropractic Newsletter

To download Dr. Beecher’s Weekly Newsletter, please click here!


Week of Monday, February 24th, 2014

Mental Attitude: Meditation Benefits. According to an analysis of 47 clinical trials involving over 3,500 patients, meditation offers benefits to people with depression, anxiety, and pain similar to antidepressant medications. The researchers behind the study also note that meditation does not have the potential negative side-effects of antidepressant drugs. JAMA Internal Medicine, January 2014


Health Alert: Hygiene and Diabetes? Researchers at the University of Helsinki Children’s Hospital believe the rise in auto-immune diseases, like type 1 diabetes and allergies, may be linked to a corresponding rise in hygiene standards. The so-called “hygiene hypothesis” suggests that less bacterial exposure during childhood may hinder the development of a child’s immune system. The researchers point out that Finland has the highest incidence of type 1 diabetes in the world but neighboring countries with lower hygiene stands have much lower reports of the auto-immune disease.

University of Helsinki Children’s Hospital, January 2014


Diet: Avocado Please. According to a new study, participants who ate half of a fresh avocado with lunch were 40% less hungry three hours later and 28% less hungry five hours later. Most of the fat content in avocados is monounsaturated fat and studies have shown that regularly consuming this type of fat can reduce levels of bad cholesterol in the blood, as well as reduce the risk of stroke and heart disease. Nutrition Journal, January 2014


Exercise: A Quick Walk? Walking at a moderate  pace for 180 minutes over the course of a week (30 minutes a day for five days or 60 minutes a day for three days) has been demonstrated to significantly improve mild to moderate depression. Harvard Medical School, November 2005


Chiropractic: Dare to Compare. Patients with chronic (>13 weeks) spinal pain were placed into one of three types of care: acupuncture, medication, or spinal manipulation. After 30 days of treatment, only the manipulation group showed significant reduction in pain intensity and improvements across all outcome measurements.

Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics, July 1999


Wellness/Prevention: Watch What You Eat! A study involving 224 adolescent females found that the increased consumption of dietary fat was significantly linked to an increase in abdominal fat, regardless of total calorie intake or physical fitness. The accumulation of abdominal fat is harmful as it increases the risk of suffering from cardiovascular problems, diabetes mellitus, arterial high blood pressure, high cholesterol level, etc. According to lead researcher Dr. Idoia Labayen, “Until now it was thought that even with an unbalanced diet, you somehow compensated for it if you got plenty of physical exercise. In this study we have shown that this is not the case.” Clinical Nutrition, January 2014


Quote: “Before you can think outside the box, you have to be smart enough to know that there is a box.”

~ A. Farthingsworth


This Weekly Health News Update is compliments of Dr. Ward Beecher and Beecher Chiropractic Clinic. If you have any questions or comments, please contact us at 281-286-1300 or BeecherChiropractic.com .


Dr Beecher’s July 8 Weekly Chiropractic Newsletter

To download Dr. Beecher’s Weekly Newsletter, please click here!


Week of Monday, July 8th, 2013

Mental Attitude: The First Three Years and Aggression. Children who witnessed domestic violence before age three were more likely to show aggression when they reached grade school, even if they were removed from their home and witnessed no domestic violence in the interim. According to Dr. Megan Holmes, the study’s lead author, “[This] gives social workers a window of opportunity between ages 3 and 5 to help the children socialize and learn what is appropriate behavior.” Psychology and Psychiatry, March 2013


Health Alert: Alarming Cancer Rates! By 2020, nearly 47% of people will get cancer in their lifetime, but almost

38% will survive the disease. One reason more people are getting cancer is because we are living longer and the incident rate of cancer increases with an aging population. The reduction in the number of people dying of cancer is

because more cases are diagnosed earlier and treatments and care are improving.

Macmillan Cancer Support, June 2013


Diet: TV Exposure? More time in front of the TV set and higher exposure to TV ads leads to increased consumption of sweetened beverages among children. Each additional hour in front of the TV increased the likelihood of regular sweetened beverage consumption by 50%. Only one parent in seven indicated that they tried to reduce their children’s exposure to TV ads. The same parents stated that their children were less prone to drink soft drinks and other sweetened beverages. Children of parents who were less strict about TV ads were twice as likely to consume sweetened beverages every week. University of Gothenburg, Sweden, June 2013


Exercise: Soccer and Diabetes. After three months of soccer training, the hearts of diabetic men appeared to be 10 years “younger”. On average, soccer training reduced the systolic and diastolic blood pressure by 8 mmHg. Maximal oxygen uptake was increased by 12% and that their intermittent exercise capacity was elevated by 42%.

University of Copenhagen, June 2013


Chiropractic: No Headaches! Cervical spine manipulation was associated with significant improvement in reducing headache symptoms involving patients with neck pain and/or neck dysfunction and headache.

Duke Evidence Report, 2001


Wellness/Prevention: Not So Smart. Smartphones and tablets can disturb sleep. The cause is due to the bright light-emitting diodes that can interfere with melatonin, a hormone that controls the natural sleep-wake cycle. Dimming the smartphone or tablet brightness settings and holding the device at least 14 inches (~.36m) from your face while using it will reduce these negative effects. Mayo Clinic, June 2013


Quote: “Healthy citizens are the greatest asset any country can have.” ~ Winston Churchill


This Weekly Health News Update is compliments of Dr. Ward Beecher and Beecher Chiropractic Clinic. If you have any questions or comments, please contact us at 281-286-1300 or BeecherChiropractic.com .


Dr Beecher’s June 2013 Monthly Chiropractic Newsletter

To download Dr. Beecher’s Monthly Newsletter, please click here!

“Never let the demands of tomorrow interfere with the pleasures and excitement of today.”

~ Meredith Wilson


Have you fallen prey to this “newlywed trap”


Study Finds Marriage

A Health Risk?

The Two Things You Can Do To

Be Happily Married Without The Risk

Also this month:

  • Harvard School of Public Health: What may be able to lower overall mortality risk by 27% and mortality risk from heart disease by 35% in older adults?
  • Study: Walking just as good as running for lowering risk of heart-related conditions.
  • Does weight lifting lower blood sugar? New study shocker!
  • Did Birth Paralysis Help Make Him One Of The Biggest Movie Stars EVER? Discover how this star turned a “handicap” into his calling card, and went from bum to World Champion!

 Houston – Most people dream about meeting someone, falling in love, getting married, and living happily ever after, but what if getting married was actually a health risk?

According to a new study published in the scientific journal Health Psychology, the common belief that being happily married is always beneficial to health may not be true.

Why?  The answer appears to be…


In a nutshell, young people who are satisfied with their marriage tend to gain weight soon after saying, “I do.”  Being overweight is a huge risk factor for many health problems such as diabetes and heart disease.

According to Dr. Andrea Meltzer, lead author of the study, “On average, spouses who were more satisfied with their marriage were less likely to consider leaving their marriage, and they gained more weight over time… In contrast, couples who were less satisfied in their relationship tended to gain less weight over time.”

In other words, people who are satisfied with their mate are more likely to gain weight because they are not looking to attract someone else.

Here Is The Real Kicker!

If this study is accurate, it tells us that people view weight loss and maintaining a lower weight as a cosmetic issue and not a health issue.

In other words, many people find it important to lose weight to look good, but do not find it as important to lose weight to be healthy.

Their motivation to be attractive is more important than their desire to be healthy.

It has often been said that if “working out” did not change people’s physical appearance (and help make them more attractive), then almost no one would go to the gym, and gyms would go out of business.  This research appears to reinforce that belief.

So, what are the two things you can do to be happily married WITHOUT the health risks of weight gain?

Eat Right & Exercise!

There is no magic bullet for weight loss and maintaining a healthy AND ATTRACTIVE weight.  It takes effort and commitment.  It is a lifestyle, not a periodic fad.

Make the decision to do whatever it takes to eat healthy and exercise, and then start RIGHT NOW… at this very moment.  If you are eating or drinking something bad while you read this, then do not take another bite or sip.

“Right now” is the answer.  In most cases, procrastination leads to failure.  There is no better time than right now.  In fact, right now is the best time.  Period.

If you don’t know what to eat or how to exercise, there are plenty of experts available to help you.  Chiropractors are extensively trained in exercise, physiology, and nutrition.  You are literally one phone call away from having all the answers you need to start a brand new healthy life!

While we are on the subject of exercise…

New Research Shows That You May

Not Have To Do As Much As You

Thought To Be Healthy…

Here is why, as published by the American Heart Association: “Walking briskly can lower your risk of high blood pressure, high cholesterol and diabetes as much as running can, according to surprising findings reported in the American Heart Association journal Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology.”

The study found that both more running and more walking equated to more health benefits.  According to the American Heart Association:

  • Running significantly reduced risk for first-time hypertension by 4.2 percent and walking reduced risk by 7.2 percent.
  • Running reduced first-time high cholesterol by 4.3 percent and walking by 7 percent.
  • Running reduced first-time diabetes by 12.1 percent compared to 12.3 percent for walking.
  • Running reduced coronary heart disease by 4.5 percent compared to 9.3 percent for walking.

According to Paul T. Williams, Ph.D., the study’s lead author,  “People are always looking for an excuse not to exercise, but now they have a straightforward choice to run or to walk and invest in their future health.”

So, when in doubt, GO FOR A WALK.  You don’t have to do an extravagant exercise program.  The key is to do something, do it consistently, and (here it comes again) DO IT NOW!

What About Weight Lifting?

Whether you are into weight lifting or not, here is some very interesting information.

Humans, have both red and white meat, or in other words, both red and white muscle tissue.

People who do endurance training (marathons and triathlons) tend to have more red muscle tissue, and people who do resistance training (like weight lifting) tend to have more white.

This makes sense because when you lift a heavy weight, the chemicals in the white muscle tissue are used for quick bursts of energy and strength.

When you are doing long, steady exercise, chemicals in the red muscle tissue are used for slower, sustained energy.

There is a lot more to the bio-chemistry than that, but you get the picture.

Observations of diabetic patients report a whitening of their muscle tissue.  For a long time, the accepted belief was that this whitening of skeletal muscle from diabetes was harmful.

However, new research has shown just the opposite.  According to Life Science Institute, “In fact, the white muscle that increases with resistance training, age and diabetes helps keep blood sugar in check, the researchers showed.”

Of course, more research needs to be done. This is why it is so important to keep an open mind and go to doctors who stay on the cutting-edge of information and new research.


And don’t forget, if you ever have any questions or concerns about your health, talk to us. Contact us with your questions at 281-286-1300. We’re here to help and don’t enjoy anything more than participating in providing you natural pain relief.

Inspirational Story Of The Month

(Names And Details May Have Been Changed To Protect Privacy)


Did Birth Paralysis Help Make Him

One Of The Biggest Movie Stars EVER?

Discover how this star turned a “handicap” into his

calling card and went from bum to World Champion!


This is one of the most inspiring rags-to-riches stories EVER. It is someone you know of, but you probably do not know his story about how he went from down-and-out to one of the most popular (and richest) celebrities in history.  We are not going to reveal who he is just yet.  See if you can guess…

Some people are born with a silver spoon in their mouth.  Most are simply born healthy and “normal.”  Others start life behind the eight ball.

This celebrity had a difficult labor, and due to complications at birth, was left with paralysis of the left side of his face, including his lip, chin, and part of his tongue.  This caused part of his face to droop just a little, and it slurred his speech.  This is a big clue. Can you guess who he is yet?

His parents had a rocky relationship, and for the first several years of his life, he was forced to live in several foster homes.  He later lived with his parents again, but had many “issues.”

For example, his slightly drooping face and slurred speech made him an easy target for cruel children.  He was involved in a lot of fights that led to suspensions from school.  He also had very poor grades.  By all appearances, he was the kind of person who would never amount to anything in life.

Anyway, fast-forward to his grown-up years…

Our future star’s adult life started out just as bad as his childhood.  At one point, he was so broke he got evicted from his apartment and lived on the streets for three weeks.

Desperate times called for desperate measures.  Thinking he had no other options, he went on a casting call for a soft-core pornography movie and was chosen for the film.  He made $200 for his first “acting” role.  This was probably 40 years ago, so $200 had more spending power than it has now, but obviously it was not the career or life he wanted.  He said he was at the end of his rope and it was either do this “movie” or rob someone.

He struggled, but always worked hard and pushed forward.  He actually started attending college, but did not graduate. Instead, he moved to New York to become an actor.  He went to casting call after casting call.  No takers.  After all, who would want an actor with slight paralysis of his face and slurred speech?

So he decided to try writing a movie.  Once again, he failed.  Over and over, he failed.  Once again, he was so broke he could not eat.  Out of desperation, he sold his dog for $50 to a man outside a liquor store.  This devastated him.  But within one week, everything changed…

He watched a boxing match between Muhammad Ali and a guy named Chuck Wepner.  After watching that fight, he wrote an entire movie script in just three days.  He pitched the script to a movie studio and they wanted it, but they didn’t want him as the lead role.  He stuck to his guns and took much less money and they made him the lead.

He immediately went back to the liquor store to get his dog back.  The person he bought it from charged him $3,000!  But he didn’t care.

The movie went on to be a blockbuster and won Academy Awards for Best Picture, Best Director, and Best Film Editing.  It was turned into a series that has grossed over $1.25 billion.

If you haven’t guessed already, the actor is Sylvester Stallone and the movie is Rocky.  The moral of the story is to believe in yourself and never give up.  They say necessity is the mother of invention.  Well, Sly wrote a darn good movie when he couldn’t eat and wanted his dog back. J


Did You Know?…

Go Bananas!


Bananas are the world’s 2nd most popular fruit.  In western countries, they account for almost 3% of a grocer’s total sales and they are also the #1 thing grocery shoppers complain about — usually when they are overripe or even freckled.  Actually, spotted bananas are sweeter, with a sugar content of more than 20% (compared with 3% in a green banana).

The banana plant is not a tree. It is actually the world’s largest herb.  Because of their impressive potassium content, bananas are highly recommended by doctors for patients whose potassium levels are low.  One large banana, about 9 inches in length, packs 602 mg of potassium with only 140 calories.  That same large banana even has 2 grams of protein and 4 grams of fiber.  It’s no wonder the banana is considered an important food to boost the health of malnourished children!

Those reducing sodium in their diets can’t go wrong with a banana with its mere 2 mgs of sodium.  For the carbohydrate counters, there are 36 grams of carbs in a large banana.  So, why isn’t the banana the world’s most popular fruit? That title belongs to what the French used to call “the apple of love” and the Germans “the apple of paradise” – the mighty tomato.


Tip Of The Month

Harvard School of Public Health:

What may be able to lower overall mortality risk by 27%,

and mortality risk from heart disease by 35% in older adults?


Want to live longer?  I bet you do.  We all do.  Well, at least most people do!  Some people are continually searching for ONE BIG THING they can do to add years to their life and feel better.  But the truth of the matter is, health and longevity come down to two factors:  genes and environment.  You are born with your genes, and as of right now, there is very little you can do about that.  Scientists are constantly studying ways to manipulate our genes.  Some think this will eventually cure all disease and make life wonderful, while others believe this is a mistake and humans should not meddle with Mother Nature but that’s a whole other subject.

But the other factor, environment, is somewhat under our control.  We can largely control what foods we eat, exercise we do, rest we get, and how we handle stress.  Of course, there is always the debate over where our food comes from and if the source is contaminated.  In general, eating a diet that stays away from processed food is better than one that doesn’t.  Chances are, a spinach salad is healthier for you than a burger, and there are certain types of food you want to make sure you eat.

For example, here’s what was published on the Harvard School Of Public Health website: “Older adults who have higher blood levels of omega-3 fatty acids – found almost exclusively in fatty fish and seafood – may be able to lower their overall mortality risk by as much as 27% and their mortality risk from heart disease by about 35%, according to a new study from Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH) and the University of Washington. Researchers found that older adults who had the highest blood levels of the fatty acids found in fish lived, on average, 2.2 years longer than those with lower levels.”

This study was published online April 1, 2013 in the Annals of Internal Medicine.  The Harvard publication also stated, “Previous studies have found that fish, which is rich in protein and heart-healthy fatty acids, reduces the risk of dying from heart disease.”  In this study, participants with the highest levels of all three types of fatty acids (DHA, EPA and DPA) had a 27% lower risk of total mortality due to all causes.

How much fish should you eat to possibly get the benefits seen in this study?  According to Harvard:  “When the researchers looked at how dietary intake of omega-3 fatty acids related to blood levels, the steepest rise in blood levels occurred when going from very low intake to about 400 mg per day; blood levels rose much more gradually thereafter… The findings suggest that the biggest bang-for-your-buck is going from no intake to modest intake, or about two servings of fatty fish per week.”  This study did not talk about fish oil supplements and their possible use.  It is possible that fish oil supplements can help, especially if it is difficult for you to get the recommended servings of actual fish every week.


Remember, we’re always here to help your body heal

and maintain the pain free body you deserve.



This information is solely advisory, and should not be substituted for medical or chiropractic advice.  Any and all health care concerns, decisions, and actions must be done through the advice and counsel of a healthcare professional who is familiar with your updated medical history. We cannot be held responsible for actions you may take without a thorough exam or appropriate referral. If you have any further concerns or questions, please let us know.

Dr Beecher’s June 10 Weekly Chiropractic Newsletter

To download Dr. Beecher’s Weekly Newsletter, please click here!


Week of Monday, June 10th, 2013

Mental Attitude: Depression and Dementia. Those with late-life depression are 1.85 times more likely to develop all-cause dementia, 1.65 times more likely to develop Alzheimer’s disease, and 2.52 times more likely to develop vascular dementia. The phrase “all-cause dementia” refers to all dementia syndromes, the most common of which is Alzheimer’s disease. Alzheimer’s disease accounts for 60-80% of all dementia cases. Alzheimer’s is associated with memory problems and apathy in early stages, and impaired judgment, confusion, disorientation, behavior changes, and difficulty speaking in later stages. Vascular dementia is the second most common cause of dementia, and is associated with impaired judgment or ability to plan and complete tasks, as

opposed to memory loss that is common in early stages of Alzheimer’s. British Journal of Psychiatry, May 2013


Health Alert: What Concussion? Many United States high school football players think it’s okay to play with a concussion even though they know they are at risk of serious injury. Over 90% of players polled recognized a risk of serious injury if they returned to play too quickly, but only 54% would always or sometimes report their concussion symptoms to their coach. Pediatric Academic Society, May 2013


Diet: Fight Inflammation! Chronic inflammation is a condition that can be triggered by obesity and can ultimately lead to both cardiovascular and metabolic disease. Some foods that are known to combat unhealthy inflammation are citrus fruits, leafy greens, tomatoes, wild salmon, and whole foods high in fiber.

University of Alabama at Birmingham, March 2013


Exercise: ‘Walkable’ Neighborhoods. Preschool children are less likely to be obese if they live in a neighborhood that is safe and within walking distance of parks and retail services.

Pediatric Academic Society, May 2013


Chiropractic: I Like Those Odds! Patients who went to a chiropractor first had were less likely to undergo surgery than those who went to a surgeon first. 42.7% of workers with back injuries who first saw a surgeon had surgery, in contrast to only 1.5% of those who initially saw a chiropractor. Spine, December 2012


Wellness/Prevention: Brain Power Boost. Regularly consuming the healthy fats found in fish, extra virgin olive oil, and nuts may assist in maintaining cognitive functions in older individuals.

British Medical Journal, May 2013


Quote: “Without the benefits of Chiropractic, I don’t think I would be able to remain as fit and active today.”

~ Joe Morgan, Professional Baseball Hall of Fame Member


This Weekly Health News Update is compliments of Dr. Ward Beecher and Beecher Chiropractic Clinic. If you have any questions or comments, please contact us at 281-286-1300 or BeecherChiropractic.com .


Dr Beecher’s May 2013 Monthly Chiropractic Newsletter

To download Dr. Beecher’s Monthly Newsletter, please click here!

“We don’t see things as they are, we see things as we are.”  ~ Anais Nin


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

publishes alarming pain medication facts:

Deaths from prescription painkillers* have reached

epidemic levels in the past decade.

The number of overdose deaths

is now greater than deaths from

heroin and cocaine combined.”

*“Prescription painkillers” refers to opioid or narcotic pain relievers, including drugs such as Vicodin (hydrocodone), OxyContin (oxycodone), Opana (oxymorphone), and methadone.


Also this month:

  • More Sugar Blues – new study finds evidence that sugar, and not other diet and lifestyle factors, may be the primary cause of Type 2 Diabetes.
  • Believe In Karma? Find out how this homeless man “paid it forward” and cashed in BIG TIME!  


Houston – Times have really changed, and with all the great sources of information available today, most people understand that drugs and medications have both pros and cons.

The pro is something that may help you, such as managing pain.  The con can be any number of side effects…

Including DEATH

All drugs and medications have side effects.  Some may be so small they are difficult to measure, but they still exist.

This does NOT mean all drugs and medications are bad. Not even close. But these TWO BIG QUESTIONS should be asked before YOU take ANY drug or medication:

(1) Does the potential positive outweigh the potential negative?  In other words, is the possible benefit greater than the possible side effects or risks?

(2) Is there a different way to get the same or similar results with potentially fewer side effects or less risks?

Let’s take back pain for example…  Chances are, you have or will have back pain. Statistics show that up to 80% of the population will experience back pain at some time in their life.

What do people do when they have back pain?  Most take non-steroidal anti-inflammatory (NSAID) drugs in an attempt to relieve the pain.

NSAIDs are widely accepted for treating pain and are sold over-the-counter.  According to WebMD, “[NSAIDs] are among the most common pain relief medicines in the world. Every day more than 30 million Americans use them to soothe headaches, sprains, arthritis symptoms, and other daily discomforts.”  Common NSAIDs sold over-the-counter include:

  • Aspirin (Bufferin, Bayer, and Excedrin)
  • Ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin, and Nuprin)
  • Ketoprofen (Actron and Orudis)
  • Naproxen (Aleve)

But what most people DO NOT know is: Each year, the side effects of long-term NSAID use cause nearly 103,000 hospitalizations and 16,500 deaths. In fact, more people die each year from NSAIDs-related complications than from AIDS and cervical cancer in the United States.

As you can see, questions #1 & #2 are very important if you have back pain and are thinking about taking NSAIDs.  You must ask yourself, “Is the potential pain relief I might get worth the risk?  Is there another choice that gets similar or better results without the risk?”

According to WebMd: “Among people seeking back pain relief alternatives, most choose Chiropractic treatment.  About 22 million Americans visit Chiropractors annually. Of these, 7.7 million, or 35%, are seeking relief from back pain from various causes, including accidents, sports injuries, and muscle strains. Other complaints include pain in the neck, arms and legs, and headaches.”

WebMd also mentioned the safety and effectiveness of Chiropractic care: “Spinal manipulation and Chiropractic care is generally considered a safe, effective treatment for acute low back pain, the type of sudden injury that results from moving furniture or getting tackled. Acute back pain, which is more common than chronic pain, lasts no more than six weeks and typically gets better on its own.

“Research has also shown Chiropractic to be helpful in treating neck pain and headaches. In addition, osteoarthritis and fibromyalgia may respond to the moderate pressure used both by Chiropractors and practitioners of deep tissue massage.”

It’s amazing how not too long ago Medical Doctors (MDs) shunned Chiropractors as quacks. Now modern MDs understand what Chiropractic care can do and work hand-in-hand with Chiropractic Physicians.

Here is something else you should know about before choosing a back pain treatment, or any treatment for pain…

According to findings published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), more people die every year from prescription painkillers than from heroin or cocaine combined.  Enough prescription painkillers were prescribed in 2010 to medicate every American adult around-the-clock for a month.

According to the CDC’s findings: “Overdose deaths from prescription painkillers have skyrocketed during the past decade. Prescription painkiller overdoses are a public health epidemic.


  • Prescription painkiller overdoses killed nearly 15,000 people in the S. in 2008. This is more than 3 times the 4,000 people killed by these drugs in 1999.
  • In 2010, about 12 million Americans (age 12 or older) reported non-medical use of prescription painkillers in the past year.
  • Nearly half a million emergency room visits in 2009 were due to people misusing or abusing prescription painkillers.
  • Non-medical use of prescription painkillers costs health insurers up to $72.5 billion annually in direct health care costs.”

One of the biggest problems with these prescription painkillers is they are EXTREMELY addicting.  Quite frequently, prescribed painkillers end up in the hands of people who misuse or abuse them.  Many become “hooked” and lose everything-  including their lives.

The painkillers we are referring to are opioid or narcotic pain relievers, including drugs such as Vicodin (hydrocodone), OxyContin (oxycodone), Opana (oxymorphone), and methadone.

Great caution should be used before deciding to take such powerful and addictive medications, and other options (without the same risk level) should be looked into as well.

Many states have reported problems with “pill mills.”  These are medical clinics that dispense large amounts of these painkillers when they are not medically necessary.

Some addicted patients even go to multiple doctors to get several prescriptions filled. This is called “Doctor Shopping.”

When you look at this epidemic and deadly situation, ask yourself the two questions we talked about in this article.  Is there another way that is both effective and safer?

This is why 22 million Americans visit Chiropractors every year, and Chiropractic has become an accepted treatment method for back and neck pain by the medical community.

And don’t forget, if you ever have any questions or concerns about your health, talk to us. Contact us with your questions. We’re here to help and don’t enjoy anything more than participating in providing you natural pain relief.

Inspirational Story Of The Month

(Names And Details May Have Been Changed To Protect Privacy)


How This Homeless Man “Paid It Forward” and Cashed In BIG TIME!


Society seems to prefer rewarding people who do “bad” things.  Reality shows are filled with “stars” who don’t exactly follow the golden rule.  In fact, most people have a very hard time believing something like karma can exist.  Well, if you don’t believe in karma, you might after reading this incredible story.  At the very least, you will know there are still some wonderful people left in the world.

Here’s the story:   Billy Ray Harris was 55 and homeless.  He had a regular spot on the street where he put out a cup for donations.

Sarah Darling walked by Harris and wanted to help.  She reached in her change purse and put a handful of change into his cup.  It wasn’t much, but every bit helps…

Later that day, Harris got on his bike to leave and dumped the change into his hand,  but there was not only change.  There was something else.  Something shiny. A ring.

Harris didn’t think much of it.  It was probably some cheap costume jewelry.  Knock-offs and fakes were all over the streets, but he wasn’t sure, so he took it to be appraised.

That’s when things changed, and changed fast.  The appraiser took a look at the ring and immediately offered him $4,000.00 cash.  Harris was broke and tempted, but his grandfather didn’t raise a crook.

So he kept the ring and went back to his regular spot on the street and waited.  It wasn’t long before Sarah appeared and Harris presented her with the ring.

Sarah said it was a tremendous loss when she thought the ring was gone. She told Harris she was eternally grateful to him.  She didn’t think in a million years she would ever see that ring again.

But that’s just the beginning of the story.  What happened next is nothing short of incredible…

The story of Harris giving the ring back went viral, and he became an internet sensation.  Supporters started donating money to help Harris find a house to live in.  In no time, $175,000.00 had been raised!

It has been said that whatever you give comes back ten-fold.  Well, Harris turned down $4,000 to do the right thing and it turned into $175,000.

But it gets even better…  Harris was able to get back in touch with his family that he hadn’t seen in 16 years.  His younger sister saw the story about him and was able to find out where he was.  After they spoke on the phone for over 90 minutes, Harris’ sister told him he could live with her.  He always had a place with her.

Since then, Harris has been in touch with his three other siblings and the nieces and nephews he didn’t know he had.

Harris is now working for a Jazz band and living with a member of the band while he acquires the proper identification to open a bank account.

Here is a final “twist” to the story…  Sarah Darling’s husband, Bill, is the person who launched the donation page for Harris, and they have become friends.  Bill often has dinner with Harris and is helping him with his identification paperwork and getting his life straightened out.

Harris is planning a family reunion in Texas in July.

So does karma exist?  That’s for you to decide. But one thing is clear. There are still wonderful people left in the world.


We love helping our patients and their friends and relatives through their tough times and getting them feeling better!  We are here to help you stay feeling better and looking younger!  Don’t be a stranger.  You really can afford Chiropractic care! Don’t wait until you can no longer move!

Did You Know?…

You Can Enrich Your Life With Music, For A Second Or Third Time…


Mid-lifers often feel the need for “something new” in their lives. At age 55+, some buy a sports car, some move to another city, and some marry a person a few decades younger than them. But, putting music back into your life could be a more satisfying and less costly pursuit.

It doesn’t matter whether you had piano lessons at age nine or learned to play the guitar at age 20, revisiting music can bring remarkable benefits to you. If you’re like many others who tried it, going back to music now can be just the thing to make your sagging spirits joyful again.

You’ll need a teacher. You can find one at a music school, a community center, or a music store. You can try web-based programs, but an actual teacher may be a better fit for you. He or she will help you develop modern skills and pleasantly correct your mistakes.

Don’t attack the music. Slow down, not as in old age, but to ease the pace and help you focus. It’s good practice for your mind and a way to savor the sounds of the music. The scheduled and unscheduled practice time is not only good for your brain, as it reduces memory loss, but it’s good for keeping your fingers nimble and for reducing stress.

Don’t forget that the main reason to stay close to music, at any age, is to have fun!


Tip Of The Month

THIS is one of the best things you can do to improve your health.


A new study sheds light on one of the best things you can do to improve your health, and possibly avoid some of the leading causes of death in the United States (and the rest of the developed world).  Global diabetes has more than doubled in the last 30 years.  25.8 million children and adults in the United States – 8.3% of the population – have diabetes.  7 million people have diabetes and do not know it because they are undiagnosed.  79 MILLION PEOPLE HAVE PRE-DIABETES!

In 2007, diabetes was listed as the underlying cause on 71,382 death certificates, and was listed as a contributing factor on an additional 160,022 death certificates.  This means that diabetes contributed to a total of 231,404 deaths.

According to a report from the American Diabetes Association, the U.S. cost of diabetes grew to $245 billion in 2012.  Now, a new study published in PLOS ONE reveals strong evidence that sugar (not other diet and lifestyle factors) is the primary cause of Type 2 diabetes. The study’s researchers from the University of California at San Francisco studied data on sugar intake and diabetes from 175 countries.  The researchers found, “that every 150 kcal/person/day increase in sugar availability (about one can of soda/day) was associated with increased diabetes prevalence by 1.1%.”

The researchers went on to state: “The impact of sugar on diabetes was independent of sedentary behavior and alcohol use, and the effect was modified but not confounded by obesity or being overweight. Duration and degree of sugar exposure correlated significantly with diabetes prevalence in a dose-dependent manner, while declines in sugar exposure correlated with significant subsequent declines in Diabetes rates independently of other socioeconomic, dietary and obesity prevalence changes.” 

            In other words, if the results of this study are accurate, sugar is directly related to developing Type 2 diabetes and cutting back on sugar is directly responsible for improving Type 2 diabetes.  Limiting the amount of sugar you eat might drastically change your health and your life.


Remember, we’re always here to help your body heal

and maintain the pain free body you deserve.



This information is solely advisory, and should not be substituted for medical or chiropractic advice. 

Dr Beecher’s April 1 Weekly Chiropractic Newsletter

To download Dr. Beecher’s Weekly Newsletter, please click here!

Week of Monday, April 1st, 2013

Mental Attitude: Decreasing Depression Symptoms in Adolescents. Teenage students who received mindfulness training (a form of meditation therapy focused on exercising ‘attentiveness’) in school were almost half as likely to report depression related symptoms than their peers who received no such training. At a six month follow-up, these results held up. Mindfullness, March 2013


Health Alert: Type 2 Diabetes Costs! Diabetes cost the United States $245 billion in 2012. The new figure represents a 41% rise in just five years. The $245 billion includes $176 in direct medical costs (such as hospital and emergency care, visits to the doctor, and medications), and $69 billion resulting from indirect costs (such as absenteeism, reduced productivity, diabetes-related job loss, and productivity loss due to premature deaths). 26 million adults and children have type 2 diabetes, and another 79 million have pre-diabetes. Medical expenditure for people with diabetes is about 2.3 times higher than for people who don’t have the disease.

American Diabetes Association, March 2013


Diet: Phytonutrients? “Phyto” nutrients are substances of plant origin that appears to provide added natural protection against cardiovascular disease, cancers, and degeneration. They have anti-oxidant properties, which help with immunity, inflammation, growth, repair, and overall health. Fruits, vegetables, legumes, whole grains, and nuts are rich in phytonutrients. Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity, 2009


Exercise: Short Bouts. Short bouts of moderately intense exercise seem to boost self-control, possibly due to increased blood and oxygen flow to pre-frontal area of brain. This is particularly important for children and teens, because well-developed higher brain functions are important for academic achievement.

British Journal of Sports Medicine, March 2013


Chiropractic: Standard Medical Care and Chiropractic. Compared to those who received standard medical care (SMC) alone, military personnel (ages 18-35) with back pain who received chiropractic care in addition to SMC showed significantly more improvement in both decreased pain and increased physical function. Note: This particular study did not include a group of patients who only received chiropractic manipulative therapy. Spine, October 2012


Wellness/Prevention: Omega-3s Reduce Cancer Risk. According to researchers at the University of Guelph in Ontario, Canada, a lifelong diet containing omega-3 fatty acids may reduce cancer risk by as much as 30%. The Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry, February 2013


Quote“The best doctor gives the least medicines.” ~ Benjamin Franklin


This Weekly Health News Update is compliments of Dr. Ward Beecher and Beecher Chiropractic Clinic. If you have any questions or comments, please contact us at 281-286-1300 or BeecherChiropractic.com .