¿Es el cuidado quiropractico seguro durante el embarazo?

Pregnancy and ChiropracticDoctor en Clearlake City Comenta: Recientemente me han llegado un gran numero de pacientes preguntandome si los ajustes quiropracticos son seguros para ellas mientras estan embarazadas. Despues de darles mis felicitaciones por tan buenas noticias,les inform que no hay ningun tipo de contraindicaciones que limiten el cuidado quiropractico durante el embarazo.

Los quiropracticos han sido entrenados para poder atender mujeres embarazadas .Como practica de cuidado rutinario de un quiropractico se incluye el bienestar de las mujeres embarazadas o intentando  concebir .

Algunas personas se preguntan porque mujeres en estado de embarazo deben ser ajustadas por un quiropractico,y la manera mas simple de responder esto es que es para sentirse mejor. La mejor respuesta a esta pregunta es que su cuerpo esta cambiando rapidamente,el peso esta aumentando y se esta moviendo hacia distintas areas del cuerpo. Debido a lo que se menciono anteriormente el cuerpo empieza  a sufrir de algo que es nuevo, empieza la incomodidad y la tension en las articulaciones. A medida que el embarazo progresa las articulaciones se aflojan como parte del proceso de preparacion para el parto.

Cuando mantenemos las articulaciones en movimiento minimizamos la incomodidad muscular y tipicamente la madre puede seguir con su rutina diaria sin necesidad de necesitar estar en cama bajo reposo absoluto que a la larga produce un proceso de parto si dificultades.

¿Que es cuidado quiropractico?  El cuidado quiropractico incluye el diagnosticar desajustes de la columna y corregirlo con el uso de las manos o distintos instumentos para manipular y/o ajustar la columna(espina dorsal) articulaciones y musculos.Cuando se ajustan mujeres embarazadas la pression por parte del quiropractico es mas suave y gentil muy distinta de las manipulaciones que se le hacen a otros adultos.

Existen otros tratamientos en caso de que el bebe no este en la posicion indicada para el momento del parto,tal como la Tecnica Webster,pero eso lo explicare en otra publicacion.

Dr. Ward Beecher ejerce en Beecher Chiropractic Clinic localizada en 1001 Pineloch, Ste 700 Houston, TX 77062. Haga su cita ya con el mejor quiropractico en Houston llamando al (281) 286-1300. Si tiene alguna pregunta escribala en el area  de comentarios.

Inyecciones Epidurales de Esteroides (ESI’S) y Manipulacion Espinal

Spine XrayQuiropractico de Houston comenta: La mayoria del tiempo cuando los pacientes vienen a nuestra oficina, su dolor desaparece despues de una manipulacion quiropractica a la columna (ajustes) y la terapia. Algunas paceintes han tenido su columna muy irritada e inflamada y se nosh ace necesario co-manejar el problema con un medico general que pueda darles inyecciones epidurales de esteroides (ESI’S por sus siglas en ingles). En ocasiones nos refieren pacientes medicos de manejo de dolor para que nosotros podamos hacerles manipulaciones quiropracticas y eso es despues de sus inyecciones y temenos un gran historial con escelente resultados

Las inyecciones epidurales de esteroides con un tratamiento comun para el dolor de espalda y piernas desde 1950.  La mayoria de los doctores estan de acuerdo en que los resultados de estos tratamientos son temporales,usualmente duran entre una semana a un año. En algunas ocasiones las inyeccioones logran un buen resultado por si solas,pero por lo general se obtiene mejor resultado si se combina con manipulaciones quiropracticas a la columna seguidos por ejercicios de estiramiento.

Comunmente se me hace la pregunta si los ajustes son seguros despues de las inyecciones no solamente es seguro pero de gran beneficio.

A medida que la inflamacion e irritacion disminuye como resultado de las inyecciones epidurales de esteroides sera de mucho beneficio remover la irritacion que causo el dolor inicial. Con los ajustes quiropracticos,y luego los ejercicios y estiramientos,el paciente puede incrementar la flexibilidad de las articulaciones y la fuerza en la columna. Esto es de gran ayuda ya que previene que el dolor reocurra. Algunas veces se necesita hasta 3 inyecciones,las que tipicamente ocurren cada dos semanas para asi obtener el mayor beneficio. Su proveedor medico le hara saber cuantas inyecciones necesitara. Asegurese de ser visto y tratado por un medico quiropractico despues de sus inyecciones para asi sacarle el mayor beneficio a sus inyecciones.

Dr. Ward Beecher ejerce en Beecher Chiropractic Clinic localizada en 1001 Pineloch, Ste 700 Houston, TX 77062. Haga su cita ya con el mejor quiropractico en Houston llamando al (281) 286-1300. Si tiene alguna pregunta escribala en el area  de comentarios.


Workers Compensation
Photo by RawPixel / CC0

Quiropractico en Clear Lake City comenta: Recientemente recibi una invitacion como co-presidente en una conferencia en Dallas,Texas en la que enseñe a todos tipos de doctores (medicos,osteopaticos,y quiropracticos) en como empezar a trabajar de doctores designados en el  Departamento de seguros de Texas en la Division de Compensacion para Empleados. La leccion estaba patrocinada por la Academia Americana de Medicos evaluadores de discapacidades (AADEP por sus siglas en ingles) http://www.aadep.org/  y el Consejo de Quiropracticos Ortopedas de Texas (TCCO por sus siglas en ingles) http://www.texascouncilofchiropracticorthopedist.org .

El seminario de entrenamiento para medicos designados fue elaborado con el proposito de proveer a los doctores y otros proveedores del cuidado de la salud con metodos para determinar la maxima mejora medica,(MMI por sus siglas en ingles) y calcular el nivel de discapacidad utilizando las guias creadas por la AMA Cuarta edicion, y para seguir el curriculum central aprobado por el Departamento de Seguros de Texas,division de compensacion laboral que les permite a los doctores buscar autorizacion completa para llevar a cabo nuevas funciones como DD bajo la HB7 y para proveeddores del cuidado de la salud que estan usando ROM, examenes sensoriales y motores para esos doctores que desean comseguir el MMIy los requirimientos de discapacidades basadps en las nuevas reglas de la division qye introduce el uso de ODG y MDA y tambien para introducir asuntos envueltos para determinar casualidades.

La legislature del 2005 hizo cambios significantes en el systema de compensacion para trabajadores en Texas con la HB7. La TDI Division de Compensacion Laboral tiene nuevas reglas que requieren que los doctores designados hayan completado un nuevo entrenamiento para conserver su titulo y quedarse en la lista de doctores designados. Adicionalmente ,el rol de los doctores designados fue expandido en el HB7 en el que se  require que el doctor deremine y resuelva asuntos en relacion a la maxima mejoria medica (MMI),la clasificacion de discapacidades,regreso al trabajo y tratamiento.

A pesar de que habia una cantidad substancial de material para cubrir en dos dias,la leccion fue muy buena. El poder estar empapado de la informacion dada en la Guia de la AMA para Evaluacion de las Discapacidades Permanentes 4ta edicion, toma tiempo y esfuerzo. Como siempre el seminario fue muy bien recibido con preguntas y discusiones muy interesantes. A todos los doctores que desean estar en la lista con TDI-DWC,estudien la guia de la AMA e inscribanse en el curso y asi tendran un buen entendimiento de como ayudar a los empleados lastimados en Texas.

Dr. Ward Beecher ejerce en Beecher Chiropractic Clinic localizada en 1001 Pineloch, Ste 700 Houston, TX 77062. Haga su cita ya con el mejor quiropractico en Houston llamando al (281) 286-1300. Si tiene alguna pregunta escribala en el area  de comentarios.

Common Dance Injuries

Common Dance Injuries
Photo by Pixabay / CC0

Houston Chiropractor Comments: Being in the Clear Lake area of Houston, TX, we are blessed to have several excellent dance studios for our children to learn a variety of dance forms. Over the last 30 years I have treated several hundred kids and young adults with a variety of injuries from different sports. The most common dance injuries that I have seen and had excellent results with are as a result of overuse and over training.

The most common injury that we treat is hip pain. The pain typically comes from hip flexor tendonitis or iliotibial band syndrome (ITB). This responds very well to soft tissue therapy and educating the dancers and their parents on how to proactively treat the problem.

The second most common injury that we see is injuries to the lumbar spine and sacroiliac joint. These are treated with spinal manipulation and physical modalities (electrical stimulation, traction, ultrasound, and ice/heat). Afterwards the patient is given stabilization exercises to help prevent a reoccurrence of the problem.

The third most common complaint that we work on is injuries to the knee and ankle. The knee is typically a patellofemoral (around the kneecap) pain due to a muscle imbalance or a tendonitis. This responds well by making sure that all of the muscles on the front of the thigh (quadriceps) are equally stretched out. Typically one of the muscles will become dominant and tend to get tighter. This can lead also to patella (knee cap) tracking issues. The ankle is typically due to a joint dysfunction. This can cause muscles to be used incorrectly. This responds very well to joint mobilization and physical modalities to the related tendons.

Now that you know the common injuries and how they can be treated, we will discuss how to hopefully prevent the injury to begin with. First of all you need to warm-up before training and practice. Second you need to make sure that you get enough rest and don’t over train. Third you need to wear the proper shoes. Fourth you need to eat well and stay hydrated and finally you need to do cross training exercises to build up the endurance and strength in all parts of your body.

Dr. Ward Beecher practices at Beecher Chiropractic Clinic at 1001 Pineloch, Ste 700 Houston, TX 77062. You can schedule an appointment at www.BeecherChiropractic.com or by calling (281) 286-1300. If you have any questions regarding this blog, please comment below!

Is Yoga Always Safe?

Woman Exercising On A Yoga Mat
Photo by Burst / CC0

Houston Chiropractor Comments: After patients become pain free, they usually ask “What can I do to stay well?” Just like the dentist will tell you to “brush and floss” to prevent dental problems, doctors of chiropractic will tell you to “stretch and exercise”. While there are several different ways to do this, yoga is a very popular method.

There are 11 main types of yoga. Some are very strenuous, some relaxing and some are more meditative. The most common form is hatha yoga. This is a good place for beginners.

As you go thru the different physical postures of yoga, you need to be aware of any physical limitations that you have. Different yoga postures put strains on different areas. Even gentle, low-impact yoga carries risks, as with any exercise routine. The most common injuries are overuse complaints such as tendonitis or sprain / strain injuries. As with any type of exercise, people should gradually increase the amount and duration that they do. People with a history of carpal tunnel complaints should be careful with upward and downward dog poses to minimize the wrist strain. Patients with osteoarthritis should watch how much pressure they put on specific arthritic joints. People with a history of osteoporosis should watch their bending and twisting.

Some people are too flexible or hypermobile. These patients need to concentrate on strengthening the muscles around the joint instead of increasing the flexibility. They should concentrate on holding the postures longer or doing a form of power yoga.

The key to doing yoga safely is to concentrate on how you feel more than how your pose looks. If your downward dog is hurting your shoulders and not stretching out your hamstrings and calves, you need to change your posture. A good yoga instructor will help you to make modifications that don’t cause pain. If your instructor will not help you to make modifications to be pain free then you should find a different instructor.

Dr. Ward Beecher practices at Beecher Chiropractic Clinic at 1001 Pineloch, Ste 700 Houston, TX 77062. You can schedule an appointment at www.BeecherChiropractic.com or by calling (281) 286-1300. If you have any questions regarding this blog, please comment below!

What are the Dangers of Over treating?

Houston Chiropractor Comments: Treatment of illnesses and injuries is like Goldilocks and the 3 bears, it can be too much, too little or just right. As doctors we try and get people well and alleviate their symptoms with the correct treatment. Thru the years we learn what generally works and what doesn’t. If patients are not responding the way that we think they should we try a different therapy or modify their home care instructions.

Chiropractic TreatmentsAs someone who has been a doctor of chiropractic for 30 years, I have seen different types of therapy, exercises and spinal adjustments be recommended thru the various schools and post graduate education courses. Starting in the early 1990’s with the Mercy Guideline’s, chiropractors have used a variety of different guidelines to help come up with an appropriate treatment plan. Some of these guidelines were good, such as the Official Disability Guidelines (ODG) and some were not as good, such as the Council on Chiropractic Practice’s Clinical Practice Guidelines (CPG). The good guidelines review all of the available research and help us understand when to use different therapies appropriately. This helps to prevent using a therapy because it is convenient, but not appropriate. When I began my practice 30 years ago, it was common to tell patients to take a week off of work and use bed rest. Now this is discouraged. Patients in the past had passive therapies done to them such as ice/heat or electrical stimulation for 8 or more weeks. Now we know that after about 2 weeks the benefits from those therapies are limited and that the patient should begin active therapies such as exercises and stretches. Cases of bulging discs of the cervical or lumbar spine that would take 3-4 months when I first began practicing now consistently resolve in 2 months or less.

Doctor’s should try and get patients well as quickly as possible and then give them the correct tools (stretching and exercises) to stay well. When patients are over treated or treated with inappropriate therapies they run the risk of becoming injured, disabled or developing a dependence on their physician. Patients do not need to depend on a doctor to stay well. A good doctor who is treating the patient with the appropriate care or therapy wants to get the patient well and then give them the correct home care instructions so that they don’t need care forever.

Dr. Ward Beecher practices at Beecher Chiropractic Clinic at 1001 Pineloch, Ste 700 Houston, TX 77062. You can schedule an appointment at www.BeecherChiropractic.com or by calling (281) 286-1300. If you have any questions regarding this blog, please comment below!  

Benefits of a 2nd Opinion

Clear Lake Chiropractor Comments: As a practicing chiropractor for almost 30 years, I have learned a lot about treating patients. I have also learned that I don’t know everything. No doctor does. That is why we continue to read. We continue going to continuing education seminars. We continue to talk to our peers.

When I first started seeing patients while I was in chiropractic school I always asked the staff doctors how they knew the correct diagnosis or why a treatment worked differently on various patients. After I graduated I was blessed to work in a great practice where I could see patients with a variety of complaints that required different treatments. The doctors were able to see things with the patients that I couldn’t. When I started my own chiropractic practice I was able to discuss cases with other doctors or refer the patient for a test or examination to get a different perspective on how to get the patient well.

Now that I am one of the “older” doctors in the area, I get asked the questions. I get to have students come to the office to watch and learn. I get medical and chiropractic doctors sending patients to our office to see if I can figure out a different treatment protocol. I get to do independent medical examinations to determine what treatment is needed or what the impairment is. I get asked to review files to determine what the appropriate care is. I get to give back and help educate the next generation of doctors.

It is always beneficial to get a 2nd opinion when a patient isn’t responding as quickly as they should based on prior case experience. Having a “second set of eyes” examine the patient or review the file helps make sure that nothing is missed or overlooked. It is imperative that doctors realize that they don’t know everything and that we do miss and overlook things. If a patient is not responding in the appropriate time frame, get a 2nd opinion from another doctor. Our patients deserve it.

Dr. Ward Beecher practices at Beecher Chiropractic Clinic at 1001 Pineloch, Ste 700 Houston, TX 77062. You can schedule an appointment at BeecherChiropractic.com or by calling (281) 286-1300. If you have any questions regarding this blog, please comment below!

Danger of OTC Drugs

Do you know the dangers of over-the-counter drugs? Over-the-counter drugs send nearly 200,000 people to the hospital each year. Chiropractic care is a safe alternative to using OTC or opioid drugs for pain relief. Call us today to schedule your chiropractic visit.


dangers of over the counter drugs



Benefits of a Good Night Sleep

numerous benefits to getting good nights sleepClear Lake Chiropractor Comments: People ask why I always suggest proper stretching, a good mattress and the correct pillow to help live a healthy life. There are several reasons why. Mainly, they all help you get a good night sleep. This is different than just getting more sleep. The benefits of a good night sleep are numerous.

The first benefit of getting a good night sleep is that it helps to decrease the inflammatory proteins in your body. This helps minimize your risk of a heart attack while helping to reduce your general “achiness”. Another benefit is that it helps you live longer. There is a big difference between getting 6-8 hours of quality sleep instead of 8+ hours of poor quality rest. Studies have shown that you will live longer with the proper amount of quality rest.

An additional benefit is that it can help lessen irritability. This occurs by helping to control depression and anxiety. This helps lead to emotional stability. It also helps lead to easier weight loss. A proper rest will also improve your memory. This helps with learning new things and utilizing all of your acquired skills.

A final benefit of a good night sleep is that it helps minimize accidents. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reported in 2009 that being tired accounted for the highest number of fatal single-car run-off-the-road crashes due to the driver’s performance, even more than alcohol.

Dr. Ward Beecher practices at Beecher Chiropractic Clinic at 1001 Pineloch, Ste 700 Houston, TX 77062. You can schedule an appointment at BeecherChiropractic.com or by calling (281) 286-1300. If you have any questions regarding this blog, please comment below!