Goals and Expectations
Houston Chiropractor Comments: January is the time of the year that people set their fitness goals. Some people have the goal of losing weight. For some it is becoming stronger. Others wish to become more flexible. Still others wish to train for a specific event like a 5K fun run or hiking trails. These goals are all excellent, but for some people the expectation of when they see results should be realistic.

As people get older, it takes longer to get the results that we expect. We remember how much weight we use to lift at the gym. We recall how fast we use to run or how far. Some people have not ever really exercised before, but have read an article or saw an exercise video and think that those results should be easily obtainable.
This time of the year we see too many patients who have various sprain and strain injuries or even muscle tears. Remember that slow and steady wins the race. Lift a little less than you think. Run a little slower than you want. Aim for losing 1-2 pounds a week instead of 4-5. Do your program once correctly instead of having to constantly restart after you hurt yourself or binge eat.
This also leads to having realistic goals on your recovery. Patients tend to think that since their injury came on quickly, they should recover immediately. Unfortunately having your complaint resolve in 1 visit doesn’t happen always. Just because you had a low back injury resolve in 2 weeks 20 years ago doesn’t mean that you will respond the same this time.
After we examine you, we will be able to set realistic goals for improvement and recovery and what your expectation should be for relief should be. Do your therapy correctly the first time and we won’t have to work around any exacerbations or aggravations.
Dr. Ward Beecher practices at Beecher Chiropractic Clinic at 1001 Pineloch, Ste 700 Houston, TX 77062. You can schedule an appointment at www.BeecherChiropractic.com or by calling (281) 286-1300. If you have any questions regarding this blog, please comment below!
Ice or Heat?
Clear Lake Chiropractor Comments: A common question that I get is “When do I use ice and when do I use heat?” Most people have been told to use ice for the first 24, 48, or 72 hours and then to switch to heat from their coach or parent. This works for simple sports injuries, but isn’t always the best for every situation.
First, you need to know WHY you are using the ice or heat to begin with.

Ice is good for when there is swelling or inflammation from an injury or aggravation. The vasoconstriction from the ice will help reduce the fluid in an area and help to prevent swelling of the affected area. Don’t use ice for more than 20 minutes as it can injure areas with poor circulation and cause tissue damage.
Heat brings more blood to an area which helps to relax the muscles, reduce joint stiffness, and ease muscle spasms. This is good for sore and achy muscles. Don’t use heat on an open wound or cut as it can cause more bleeding.
An easy way to remember which one to use is “If you can point to a specific area and it is painful, then use ice. If you can’t find a specific area that is painful, but an area is sore and achy, use heat.”
If you are in doubt, use ice. 😉
Dr. Ward Beecher practices at Beecher Chiropractic Clinic at 1001 Pineloch, Ste 700 Houston, TX 77062. You can schedule an appointment at www.BeecherChiropractic.com or by calling (281) 286-1300. If you have any questions regarding this blog, please comment below!
Natural Muscle Spasm Treatment
Clear Lake City Chiropractor Comments: A common question that I get consistently from patients, old or young, male or female, athletic or a couch potato is what they can do for muscle spasm treatment. For the sake of this article I will call a muscle spasm a forceful, intermittent & involuntary contraction of a muscle. A cramp is a sustained muscle spasm.
A muscle spasm is usually due to a muscle sprain, exercise, a joint irritation, dehydration, metabolic disorders or just overall fatigue. A cramp is due to the same things plus inadequate blood supply, mineral depletion or nerve compression.
Muscle Spasm Treatment
When you feel a muscle spasm or cramp, stop what you are doing. Try and massage and stretch the affected muscle out. If the problem is due to an acute (new) injury or sprain then put ice on it for 20 minutes and then off for 40 minutes. You can repeat this multiple times, but remember that after 20 minutes you will have gotten the maximum therapeutic benefit from the ice. The ice will help reduce the inflammation and irritation of the muscle. If this is a chronic (older) issue then moist heat will be beneficial. Use the heat for the same amount of time as the ice. Make sure that you are properly hydrated by drinking plenty of water. Coffee, tea and sodas are diuretics and tend to lead towards dehydration as does alcohol. If the spasm is due to exercise or an injury then make sure to give the muscles time to heal by minimizing activity. If things get worse, please consult with a physician or chiropractor about sports related rehabilitation or chiropractic rehabilitation.
Certain mineral deficiencies, such as calcium, potassium, magnesium and sodium can also lead to muscle cramps. The U.S. Department of Agriculture has recommendations for every vitamin and mineral in your diet. For potassium, the USDA suggests eating 4,700 milligrams per day. Potassium-rich foods include sweet potatoes, tomatoes, soy, yogurt and tuna. Your calcium intake should equal 1,000 milligrams per day. Good sources of calcium include sardines, soy, leafy green vegetables and dairy. A healthy diet also includes 420 milligrams of magnesium per day. Foods high in magnesium include nuts, squash, bran and lima beans. Other vitamins that can have an effect on your muscle irritability are vitamin D, E, B-1 & B-7. These all can help naturally treat muscle spasms.
Your Clear Lake Houston chiropractic Dr. Ward Beecher practices at Beecher Chiropractic Clinic at 1001 Pineloch, Ste 700 Houston, TX 77062. You can schedule an appointment at BeecherChiropractic.com or by calling (281) 286-1300. If you have any questions regarding this blog, please comment below!
What Do Insurance Companies Say About Chiropractic?
Houston Chiropractic Comments: If chiropractic care helps patients get better faster and costs the patient and/or insurance company less, shouldn’t EVERY low back pain patient FIRST see a chiropractor before any other type of doctor? That is in fact, what should be done, based on the literature.
A few years ago a report was delivered on the impact on population, health and total health care spending. It was found the addition of chiropractic care for the treatment of neck and low back pain “…will likely increase value-for-dollar in US employer-sponsored health benefit plans.” Authored by an MD and an MD/PhD, and commissioned by the Foundation for Chiropractic Progress, the findings are clear; chiropractic care achieves higher satisfaction and superior outcomes for both neck and low back pain in a manner more cost effective than other commonly utilized approaches.
The study reviews the fact that low back and neck pain are extremely common conditions consuming large amounts of health care dollars. In 2002, 26% of surveyed US adults reported having back pain in the prior 3 months, 14% had neck pain and the lifetime prevalence of back pain was estimated at 85%. LBP accounts for 2% of all physician office visits where only routine examinations, hypertension, and diabetes result in more. Annual national spending is estimated at $85 billion in the US with an inflation-adjusted increase of 65% compared to 1997. The numbers have continued to rise thru 2016 as the population ages. Treatment options are diverse ranging from rest to surgery, including many various types of medications. Chiropractic care, including spinal manipulation and mobilization, is reportedly also widely utilized with almost half of all patients with persisting back pain seeking chiropractic treatment.
In review of the scientific literature, it is noted that 1) chiropractic care is at least as effective as other widely used therapies for low back pain; 2) Chiropractic care, when combined with other modalities such as exercise, appears to be more effective than other treatments for patients with neck pain. Other studies reviewed reported patients who had chiropractic coverage included in their insurance benefits found lower costs, reduced imaging studies, less hospitalizations, and surgical procedures compared to those with no chiropractic coverage. They then utilized a method to compare medical physician care, chiropractic physician care, physiotherapy led exercise and, manipulation plus physiotherapy-led exercise for low back pain care. They found adding chiropractic physician care is associated with better outcomes.
When combined with exercise, chiropractic physician care was also found to be very cost-effective when compared to exercise alone. When comparing the cost effectiveness of chiropractic care with or without exercise even at 5 times the cost of the care they utilized in their analysis, it was still found to be “substantially more cost-effective” compared to the other approaches. It will be interesting given these findings if insurance companies and future treatment guidelines start to MANDATE the use of chiropractic FIRST – it would be in everyone’s best interest!
If you, a family member or a friend require care, we sincerely appreciate the trust and confidence shown by choosing our services and look forward in serving you and your family presently and, in the future.
Dr. Ward Beecher practices at Beecher Chiropractic Clinic at 1001 Pineloch, Ste 700 Houston, TX 77062. You can schedule an appointment at BeecherChiropractic.com or by calling (281) 286-1300. If you have any questions regarding this blog, please comment below!
Top 5 Chiropractic Myths
Clear Lake Chiropractor Comments: In the 28 years that I have been a chiropractor, I have been consistently surprised by some of the myths about chiropractic and chiropractors that still persist today. Here are the ones that I hear the most.
- Adjustments hurt: When someone is experiencing back pain the last thing they want to experience is worsened pain in the chiropractor’s office. If your chiropractor is performing an adjustment correctly, it should not be painful. Though there might be some brief discomfort, this has to do with your presenting injury and not the adjustment itself. Generally, patients feel relieved and comfortable after an adjustment. Any soreness noted should be similar to what you feel after too much yard work or working out at the gym.
- Once you start you have to keep going: Everyone is afraid of making commitments, especially financial ones, and no one wants to hear that once they see a chiropractor they will have to go for the rest of their lives. The chiropractor will develop a specific treatment plan after identifying what is causing your pain. This plan includes the number of sessions the chiropractor believes you will need to complete the care and improve your symptoms. Some patients will see a chiropractor for conservative maintenance, in the same way you would eat healthy foods or exercise, the choice to continue going is up to you.
- Chiropractic Care is Dangerous: Chiropractic care is inaccurately believed to be more dangerous than standard medical care. Chiropractic care is less invasive than other medical interventions that increase risk for injury. Surgery and medical side effects are more dangerous than any of the non-invasive methods that chiropractors prescribe, like a neck manipulation or spinal adjustment. The American Chiropractic Association has compiled information about risk of death from spine surgery, neck surgery, and taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and aspirin, all of which have a much higher risk of serious side effects and death.
- Chiropractors aren’t REAL doctors: Most people are aware of the delicate nature of necks and spines, and therefore only want to entrust their care to a doctor that is properly accredited. Generally, chiropractors have four years of pre-medical undergraduate education, learning about various scientific fields. Next, they have to complete 10 trimesters or about 4 years of study at an accredited chiropractic college. During these years, students must complete approximately 4,800 hours of study, combining time in the classroom and laboratory and clinical experience. This breadth of education prepares chiropractors to treat the variety of cases they see.
- Cracking your back yourself is the same thing: This falsehood is particularly frustrating considering the above information about the advanced training each chiropractor has to receive to be able to practice. This training enables chiropractors to have an understanding of the sensitive nature of joints and how they function. People also incorrectly assume that it is the same thing when their massage therapist, coach or physical therapist performs it, it isn’t. Just because you hear a noise when you crack your back at home does not mean you have achieved the same results as a carefully orchestrated spinal adjustment in the chiropractor’s office.
68669_2835 flickr photo by DrDawn1 shared under a Creative Commons (BY-SA) license
Dr. Ward Beecher practices at Beecher Chiropractic Clinic at 1001 Pineloch, Ste 700 Houston, TX 77062. You can schedule an appointment at his Houston chiropractic clinic by calling (281) 286-1300. If you have any questions regarding this blog, please comment below!
The Neck and Headache Connection
The Neck and Headache Connection
Clear Lake Chiropractor Comments: Patients with headaches also commonly complain of neck pain. This relationship is the rule, not the exception and therefore, treatment for headaches must include treatment of the neck to achieve optimum results. The term, “cervicogenic headaches” has been an accepted term because of the intimate connection between the neck and head for many years. There are many anatomical reasons why neck problems result in headaches. Some of these include:
- The first 3 nerves exiting the spine in the upper neck go directly into the head. They penetrate the muscles at the top of the neck near the attachments to the skull and therefore, any excess pressure on these nerves by the muscles or spinal joints will result in irritation and subsequent pain.
- The origin or nucleus of the 5th cranial nerve called the Trigeminal, innervates the sensation to the face and is located in the upper cervical region near the origin of the 2nd cervical spinal nerve, which innervates sensation to the back of the head up to the top. Therefore, problems located in the upper neck will often result in pain radiating up from the base of the skull/upper neck over the top of the skull to the eyes and /or face.
- The 11th cranial nerve that innervates the upper shoulders and muscles in the front of the neck arises from the top 5 to 7 spinal cord levels in the neck. Injury anywhere in the neck can result in spasm and pain in these large muscle groups.
- Other interconnections between the 2nd cervical nerve and trigeminal/5th cranial nerve include communication with the 7th cranial / facial nerve, the 9th cranial / glossopharyngeal nerve, and the 10th cranial / vagus nerve. These connections can affect facial muscle strength/movements, taste, tongue and throat movements, and stomach complaints such as nausea from these three cranial nerve interconnections, respectively.
Headache flickr photo by Peter Hellberg shared under a Creative Commons (BY-SA) license
When patients seek treatment for their headaches, a thorough examination of the neck, upper back, and cranial nerves is routinely performed for the above reasons. It is common to find upper cervical movement and vertebral alignment problems present in patients complaining of headaches. Tender points located between the shoulder blades, along the upper shoulders, on the sides of the neck and particularly, at the base of the skull are commonly found. Pain often radiates from the tender point over the top of the skull when pressure is applied in the upper neck/base of the skull area. Tenderness on the sides of the head, in the temples, over the eyes, and near the jaw joint are also common. Traction or pulling the head to stretch the neck is often quite pain relieving and this is often performed as part of the chiropractic visit and can also be applied at home with the use of a home cervical traction unit. Chiropractic adjustments applied to the fixated or misaligned vertebra in the upper neck often brings very satisfying relief to the headache sufferer. Exercises that promote movement in the neck, as well as strengthening exercises are also helpful in both reducing headache pain and in preventing occurrences, especially with stress or tension headaches.
Dr. Ward Beecher practices at Beecher Chiropractic Clinic at 1001 Pineloch, Ste 700 Houston, TX 77062. You can schedule an appointment with a Clear Lake chiropractor by calling (281) 286-1300. If you have any questions regarding this blog, please comment below!
Chiropractic Alternative to Back Surgery?
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Clear Lake City Chiropractor Comments: A large-scale study from Great Britain has shown results that’ll make you wonder whether back surgery is always necessary (Bhattacharyya M. Does the risks and benefits of spinal manipulation in patients with low back pain as a nonsurgical approach translate into better outcomes in routine clinical care: a prospective observational cohort study. J Bone Joint Surg 2008;90B:Suppl.492.). One hundred two patients were followed while they waited to see a spinal surgeon. The patients had disc herniations confirmed by MRI and had sciatic/leg pain. They had also previously tried 4 weeks of medications (non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs), which had provided no benefit.
While they waited to see the spinal surgeon, they were referred for manipulations provided by experienced chiropractors. The adjustments were given five days per week.
A few patients had some transient increase in pain and there were three treatment failures (out of 102). Overall the results were very encouraging with patients moved off of the surgery wait-list.
But how is this possible? The disks are the hard cartilage separating each vertebra in your lower back. When this ligament sprains it can bulge onto a nearby nerve, causing back pain or pain down your leg. Precise adjustments use the bones as levers to affect the alignment of these vertebrae and the movement of the joints in the lumbar spine. If alignment is improved, then there is better posture and distribution of loads. When the mobility is more symmetrical, this also may prevent unequal loading of the soft tissues. Helping these mechanical aspects to heal can be enough to lessen your pain and help you to regain your quality of life. In some cases, it seems it may even keep you from a potentially unnecessary back operation.
Based on the results of the study, anyone without need of emergency surgery should try chiropractic care before having an elective operation for a disk or sciatica/leg pain disorder. Emergency problems would be symptoms like bowel and bladder dysfunction and numbness over the tailbone or hips. Most patients do not fit into the emergency-surgery camp.
Dr. Ward Beecher practices at Beecher Chiropractic Clinic at 1001 Pineloch, Ste 700 Houston, TX 77062. You can schedule an appointment at BeecherChiropractic.com or by calling (281) 286-1300. If you have any questions regarding this blog, please comment below!
Dr Beecher’s July 27 Weekly Chiropractic Newsletter
Week of Monday, July 27th, 2015
To download a copy of this newsletter, click here.
Mental Attitude: Does Smoking Affect Voting Behavior? Individuals who smoke cigarettes appear to be less likely to vote than nonsmokers. The authors of a new study surveyed 11,626 people and found that 17% of those polled were smokers, and daily smokers were 60% less likely to vote than nonsmokers. Lead author Dr. Karen Albright writes, “On one hand, the result is intuitive. We know from previous research that smokers are an increasingly marginalized population, involved in fewer organizations and activities and with less interpersonal trust than nonsmokers. But what our research suggests is that this marginalization may also extend beyond the interpersonal level to attitudes toward political systems and institutions.” Nicotine & Tobacco Research, May 2015
Health Alert: Dementia May Increase Health Risks Among Hospitalized COPD Patients. Taiwanese researchers examined data on one million individuals collected between 2000 and 2010 and found that patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and dementia have an elevated risk for acute respiratory dysfunction, severe sepsis, and hospital mortality. More specifically, they found that patients with both conditions were 1.38 times more at risk for severe sepsis, 1.39 times more at risk for acute respiratory dysfunction, and 1.69 times more at risk of dying during their hospital stay. Medicine, June 2015
Diet: High-Fiber Diet May Reduce Type 2 Diabetes Risk. Eating a fiber-rich diet may lower one’s risk for a type 2 diabetes diagnosis. The authors of a new study found that those whose diets contain more than 26 grams of fiber each day are 18% less likely to develop type 2 diabetes than those who consume less than 19 grams of fiber per day. When researchers focused on types of fiber, they discovered that people who consume higher amounts of cereal and vegetable fiber are 16-19% less likely to develop type 2 diabetes than those with fiber-poor diets. Interestingly, the researchers found that fruit fiber consumption was not associated with reduced diabetes risk. Study author Dr. Dagfinn Aune concludes, “Taken together, our results indicate that individuals with diets rich in fiber, in particular cereal fiber, may be at lower risk of type 2 diabetes.” Diabetologia, May 2015
Exercise: Avoid Overuse Injuries. Performing the same exercises day after day can lead to an overuse injury. The Mayo Clinic recommends the following to avoid such injuries: engage in a variety of exercises, don’t do too many exercises in one day, warm up before and cool down after a workout, wear appropriate shoes, and use good form and technique. Mayo Clinic, June 2015
Chiropractic: Resolution of Daily Cervicogenic Headaches. A 13-year-old patient with a complaint of daily headaches presented for a trial of chiropractic care. His doctor of chiropractic utilized spinal manipulation to treat cervical and thoracic spinal joint fixations, which a thorough examination had revealed to be the possible underlying cause of the adolescent’s chief complaint. The patient reported his headaches resolved during the course of treatment, which consisted of eight visits over two months. This case documents the potential benefits of chiropractic care in the management of headaches in adolescents. Journal of Pediatric, Maternal & Family Health, April 2015
Wellness/Prevention: Limited Evidence for Mammograms for Women in Their 40s. The International Agency for Research on Cancer says that there is limited evidence to support preventative breast cancer screening for women in their 40s. However, they add that for women aged 50 to 75, the research shows that routine mammograms reduce the risk of dying from breast cancer. The revised guidelines recommend routine screening start at age 50 and be done every two years. The expert panel advises that women in their 40s should discuss the pros and cons of mammography screening with their doctor and then make an informed decision. New England Journal of Medicine, June 2015
Quote: “Courage isn’t having the strength to go on – it is going on when you don’t have strength.” ~ Napoléon Bonaparte
This Weekly Health News Update is compliments of Dr. Ward Beecher and Beecher Chiropractic Clinic. If you have any questions or comments, please contact us at 281-286-1300 or BeecherChiropractic.com .
Dr Beecher’s February 23 Weekly Chiropractic Newsletter
To download Dr. Beecher’s Weekly Newsletter , please click here!
Week of Monday, February 23rd, 2015
Mental Attitude: Early to Bed Leads to Fewer Negative Thoughts. A study that included 100 college students found that those who went to bed later and slept fewer hours experienced more repetitive negative thoughts during the day than those who went to bed earlier and slept longer. Study author Dr. Jacob Nota adds, “Making sure that sleep is obtained during the right time of day may be an inexpensive and easily disseminable intervention for individuals who are bothered by intrusive thoughts.” Cognitive Therapy and Research, December 2014
Health Alert: Internet Addiction is a Worldwide Problem. An analysis of 31 nations found the overall global prevalence of Internet addiction is around 6%. Internet addiction is the inability to inhibit Internet use, which can adversely affect a person’s life, including their health and relationships. Investigators noted that Internet addiction varies among regions around the world from about 1 in 38 people in Northern and Western Europe to about 1 in 10 people in the Middle East. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, December 2014
Diet: Kids Get Too Much Caffeine from Energy Drinks. A new Danish study claims that 20% of children between the ages of ten and fourteen who regularly consume energy drinks ingest too much caffeine based on the caffeine content of the energy drinks alone. Furthermore, when caffeine intake from other sources such as soda and chocolate is included, fifty percent of these children and over 30% of high school-age children consume too much caffeine. Senior researcher Dr. Jeppe Matthiessen claims, “Both the use of and attitudes towards energy drinks give us reason to be concerned that the intake will increase in the coming years and we therefore suggest that more information will be made available about energy drinks aimed at children and adolescents as well as their parents.” National Food Institute, December 2014
Exercise: HIIT Is Good For Hypertension Patients! Patients with high blood pressure who participated in a 16-week high- intensity intermittent training (HIIT) program experienced greater improvements in both their blood pressure and overall quality of life when compared with hypertension patients who participated in a 16-week moderate-intensity continuous exercise routine. HIIT is an exercise strategy consisting of low-to-moderate intensity intervals alternated with high-intensity intervals. The Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness, January 2015
Chiropractic: Helps with Recurrent Ankle Sprains! While many associate chiropractic care with back and neck pain, manipulative therapy provided by doctors of chiropractic can also help patients with recurrent ankle sprains. In a study of 33 patients with recurrent ankle sprain with functional instability (RASFI), those who received rehabilitation in addition to six treatments of manipulative therapy reported improved joint motion as well as significant reductions in pain when compared with those who received rehabilitation alone. Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics, January 2015
Wellness/Prevention: Proper Screening for Hearing Loss. The American Speech-Language Hearing Association suggests that adults undergo a hearing test every 10 years until age 50, after which they should undergo screenings every three years. Individuals who fail a hearing test should see an audiologist for a complete hearing evaluation.
American Speech-Language Hearing Association, December 2014
Quote: “Never let your sense of morals prevent you from doing what is right.” ~ Isaac Asimov
This Weekly Health News Update is compliments of Dr. Ward Beecher and Beecher Chiropractic Clinic. If you have any questions or comments, please contact us at 281-286-1300 or BeecherChiropractic.com .
Dr Beecher’s September 8 Weekly Chiropractic Newsletter
To download Dr. Beecher’s Weekly Newsletter, please click here!
Week of Monday, September 8th, 2014
Mental Attitude: High Blood Pressure in Middle Age May Weaken Brain Later. If you let your blood pressure get too high in midlife, you may pay the price of mental decline when you are older. A study involving nearly 14,000 individuals found that hypertension in those aged 48 to 67 years was tied to a 6.5% drop in mental ability 20 years later.
JAMA Neurology, August 2014
Health Alert: Low Income People with Diabetes More Likely to Lose a Limb. Researchers at the University of California, Los Angeles, have found that the odds of having a limb amputated are up to ten times greater for diabetics who live in low- income neighborhoods. The authors of the study note that the majority of these amputations are preventable if these patients are diagnosed and receive proper medical care sooner. University of California, Los Angeles, August 2014
Diet: Chili Peppers May Reduce Risk of Colorectal Cancer. Capsaicin, the active ingredient found in chili peppers, may help reduce colorectal cancer risk. An animal study showed that capsaicin activated a pain receptor in mice that reduced tumor development in the gut and extended the lives of test subjects by more than 30%. Further research is needed to determine if capsaicin produces similar benefits among humans. The Journal of Clinical Investigation, August 2014
Exercise: Survival More Likely with Exercise-Related Cardiac Events. According to new research, individuals who have a cardiac arrest during or shortly after exercise are three times more likely to survive (45% survival rate) compared with those who have a cardiac arrest that is not related to exercise (15% survival rate). Lead author Dr. Arend Mosterd writes, “More research is needed to determine why, after taking into account favorable factors such as age, location of the event and initiation of CPR, persons who exercise during or shortly before having a cardiac arrest still have a better prognosis than people who have a cardiac arrest that is unrelated to exercise.” European Society of Cardiology, August 2012
Chiropractic: High Satisfaction. Using survey responses from nearly 500 patients from chiropractic clinics throughout Australia, researchers found that nearly all patients (97.5%) were satisfied with their care and would seek chiropractic services again in the future. About seven out of ten (68.7%) sought chiropractic care for a musculoskeletal injury and 21.2% did so for general health purposes. Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics, May 2014
Wellness/Prevention: Older Women May Benefit from Mammograms. The results of a new study indicate that women who are age 75 and older may still benefit from routine mammograms; however, not all experts agree with this finding. Guidelines from organizations such as the United States Preventive Services Task Force claim there isn’t enough evidence on routine mammograms for older women while the American Cancer Society recommends that women continue to have mammograms annually as long as they remain in good health. The study found that breast cancer survival was about 10% better in women over 75 years old whose cancer was detected early during a routine mammogram versus those whose cancer was detected later. Radiology, August 2014
Quote: “To succeed, you need to find something to hold on to, something to motivate you, something to inspire you.”
~ Tony Dorsett
This Weekly Health News Update is compliments of Dr. Ward Beecher and Beecher Chiropractic Clinic. If you have any questions or comments, please contact us at 281-286-1300 or BeecherChiropractic.com .