Headaches from Forward Head Posture

Clear Lake Area Chiropractor Comments:  John Q. Public has been trained to believe that headache is a problem in the head and headache treatment and relief comes in a bottle.

While it’s true that pain medications can bring relief for a pounding headache, they rarely get at the actual cause of the problem. You have to also consider the long-term problems that can occur when you take these types of pills for years or even decades. Some long-term complications include stomach bleeding, liver and kidney problems. Plus there is the problem of not actually correcting anything and instead masking the symptoms. Pain pills are not one of the five food groups.

For many patients, the problem is not one in the head, but may have a spinal cause. Let me explain how this works…. Normally, the neck is balanced over the shoulders in an upright manner. Some people, however, they develop forward head posture where the head protrudes out away from the shoulder girdle-it looks like the bad posture your mother told to avoid. It is the slouching or turtle problem- your neck should now come out of the front of your chest. This type of posture is often seen in computer operators and others who bend over to do their work. Whiplash injuries can also create this forward head posture by disrupting the natural curve of the neck.

Over time the muscles at the back of the neck become tight and start to tug and pull at the base of the skull. This can cause head pain. Sometimes it’s a dull ache with a burning type of pain full of tension. In other patients, the headache may be more throbbing and to one side. The important thing is to address the actual cause of the problem. This is where chiropractic care is key. By correcting the forward head posture, the head is more balanced over the shoulders. Many patients will report less tension in their shoulder and upper back muscles which were really working over time.

At Beecher Chiropractic Clinic, I try to get at the cause of headaches. Usually it’s not a lack of pills in the diet, and in most patients simply correcting their posture can bring relief. Only a comprehensive examination of the full spine will determine if the cause of your headaches is spinal, and whether chiropractic will be the best option for you to regain your health.

Dr. Ward Beecher practices at Beecher Chiropractic Clinic at 1001 Pineloch, Ste 700 Houston, TX 77062. You can schedule an appointment at BeecherChiropractic.com or by calling (281) 286-1300. If you have any questions regarding this blog, please comment below!

Stress and Headaches

How does stress affect your wellbeing? And how is stress related to getting headaches? There are many paths to this and I will discuss the most common ways stress can make you more headache prone.

Stress can affect our sleep. Americans just do not get enough sound, restful and restorative sleep. Studies suggest that few of us get the necessary eight hours each night. Tossing and turning, and simply not recovering from the previous day, adds tension to your morning. Sleep deprivation itself can lead to headaches. Sometimes we compensate for this by taking in a lot of caffeine each day, which can then create a vicious cycle, making us jittery and affecting our ability to fall asleep later that night.

How we react to it stress also affects us. Some of us literally “take it out’ on our bodies, channeling the stress into our neck and shoulders. This can cause tension-type headaches where the back muscles of your neck are tight and ropey. “Knots” in the muscles can develop, sending shooting pains into your head, as if it’s trapped in a vise, being squeezed by the muscle tension.

Stress can affect us by disrupting our normal healthy routine. Instead of eating right and exercising, we resort to eating junk foods and avoiding the gym. Over-eating and not maintaining a healthy weight can add to the stress on our body, the spine, and our heart.

A lot of us think we handle stress well and just need a two-week vacation to get back on track. But really, two weeks off does little to change your life for the other fifty weeks during the year. The key is to learn how to handle and deal with stressors on a “day to day” basis. Sometimes, it’s a spinal injury that is not corrected that adds to a stressful feeling. Sometimes, it’s conflict at work or at home, that is simply not getting resolved. Are we ourselves taking time out to smell the roses?

Each day, try to do something positive for yourself, and resist the temptation to worry about the future and fret about the past. Take each day as it comes and try to have positive thoughts. These practices can help improve your outlook and perspective. There’s a lot to be said for the person who wears “rose-colored glasses,” or the person who can just let the water “run off of the duck’s back.”

Try a different attitude in approaching the stressful things in your life. Sometimes just getting things into perspective and not stressing the small stuff are important to leading a more stress-free life, and enjoying the hidden pleasures that life brings to us each and every day.

Dr. Ward Beecher practices at Beecher Chiropractic Clinic at 1001 Pineloch, Ste 700 Houston, TX 77062. You can schedule an appointment at BeecherChiropractic.com or by calling (281) 286-1300. If you have any questions regarding this blog, please comment below!

The Neck and Headache Connection

Houston Chiropractor’s Comments: In the 20 years that I have been a chiropractor, I have noticed that patients with headaches commonly complain of neck pain. The term “cervicogenic headaches” has become an accepted term due the close connection between the head and neck for many years. There are many anatomical reasons why neck problems result in headaches. One of these reasons is that the top 3 nerves exiting the spine penetrate the muscles that connect the head to the neck, any excess pressure on these nerves by the muscles or spinal joints will result in irritation and subsequent pain. Another reason is that some of the cranial nerves affect sensation and motor function around the head, neck and face.

When patients come to our office seeking treatment for their headaches, a thorough examination of the neck, upper back and cranial nerves is routinely performed. It is common to find a decrease in the neck’s range of motion and bone alignment. Muscle tenderness is also common and contributes to the headaches and neck pain.

It is best to have your cervical spine examined by a chiropractic spine specialist to determine the cause of your pain. Specific treatment, stretches or exercises may be recommended to prevent the pain from becoming a chronic problem.
Dr. Ward Beecher practices at Beecher Chiropractic Clinic at 1001 Pineloch, Ste 700 Houston, TX 77062. You can schedule an appointment at BeecherChiropractic.com or by calling (281) 286-1300. If you have any questions regarding this blog, please comment below!